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牛津版英语六年级第二学期知识点梳理Unit 10知识点梳理: I. 词性转换1. leaf (pl.)leaves 2. build (v.)building (n.) *builder (n.)3. wood (n.)wooden (a.)4. furniture ( uncountable noun) *a piece of furniture5. die (v.)dead (a.)6. lose (v.)- *loss (n.) * lost (a. )7. plastic (n.)plastic (a.)8. wool (n.) woollen (a.)9. glass (n.) a pair of glasses 10. hard (a.) hard (ad.) 11. feel (v.)* feeling (n.)II. 词组1. cut down trees to make houses砍下树木来造房子2. stop doing sth. 停止做某事3. use sth. to do sth. = use sth for doing 用来做4. provide sth. for sb./ sth =provide sb. with sth. 给某人提供某物5. be made of 由制成6. *be made from 由制成7. *be made up of 由组成8. make a display board 制作一块展览板 9. read some information about forests阅读一些关于森林的信息10. a large area of trees一大片的树木11. provide shelter and food for.为提供居所和食物12. make nests in trees 在树上筑巢13. cook food with wood 用木头做饭14. get wood from forests从森林得到木头15. use wood to make paper用木材制纸 16. get plastic from oil从石油中获取塑料17. use plastic to make cups用塑料制作杯子18. get wool from sheep从羊身上获得羊毛19. get cotton from plants从植物获得棉花 20. use wool and cotton to make clothes用羊毛和棉花做衣服21. get oil, metal and clay from the ground从土地获取石油22. use metal to make spoons用金属制作勺子23. use clay to make plates用粘土制作盘子24. get glass from sand从沙石中获取玻璃25. use glass to make bottles用玻璃制作瓶子26. be important to对重要III. 句型1. We get from.2. We can use to make 3. - What is it made of?-Its made of .4. How does it fell? - Its hard and rough/ soft/ smooth. IV. 语言点/句型1. provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物 e.g. This restaurant can provide food for 300 people. 这个饭店可以提供300人食物。 此词组还有另外表达方法: provide sb. with sth. e.g. Trees provide us with wood. 树提供给我们木头。2. find out 查明,弄清。 区分look for, find 和 find out(1) find 与find out 的区别: find强调一种客观结果,意为“找到” e.g. I cant find my glasses. 我找不到我的眼睛 find out 指主观有意识的动作,意为“查明真相” e.g. I want to find out who has taken away my glasses. (2) find out 与look for 的区别: find out (找出、查明)的通常是抽象的事因、复杂的真相等。 look for(寻找)的通常是具体事务 e.g. I am looking for my glasses.3. use sth. to do sth. 用.做. e.g. We use wood to make paper and furniture. 我们用木材造纸和家具 We use pans to cook food. 我们用锅做饭。 use sth. to do sth. = use sth for doing sth. 用来做 e.g. People use bamboo for building. 人们用竹子做建筑材料4. -What can we use glass to make? -We can use glass to make bottles. - What can we use to make? - We can use _ to make _. 5. 1)be made of 意为“由制成”。指能看出原材料。 e.g. Whats the skirt made of? 这条裙子是由什么制成的? The chair is made of wood. 这把椅子是由木头制成的。 2)be made from 意为“由制成”。 指看不出原材料。 e.g. Paper is made of wood. 纸是由木头制成的。 此外,be made in 意为“在.地方制造”,后接表示人的名词或代词 e.g. This cake is made by my mother. 这蛋糕是我妈妈做的。 3) be made into 意为“(某物)被制成” e.g. Metal can be made into all kinds of things. 金属可以制成各种各样的物品。6. 形容词的构成: 名词加上词缀变成形容词。本文中有的表示材料的名词加上特定的后 缀变为形容词。 1)名词+en,表示由制成。 如wool 变成woollen, wood 变成wooden, gold 变成golden。 2)名词+ful, 如,beauty变成beautiful, care 变成careful, help 变成helpful。 3)名词+less, 表示”无,没有”。 如use 变成useless, care 变成careless。 4)名词+y, 如:sun 变成sunny, fun 变成funny, cloud 变为cloudy等。7How does it feel?Its hard/rough/soft/smooth What is it made of? Its made of_ What is it? Its a wooden/woollen/cotton/metal/clay/plastic/glass_


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