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新人教版高中英语必修二Unit 3Computers精品试题附答案I 话题扩展训练 本单元话题: Information technology; history and basic knowledge of computers; robots.1. Appreciate and try to recite the following beautiful passageIs Internet shopping as much fun as traditional shopping? Some people say yes. To start with, we can buy what we like at any time because the online shops are open 24 hours a day. Second, we neednt go out because most goods are available on the Internet so that it can save us a great deal of time as well as energy. And third, Internet shopping gives us a sense of fashion. However, others think Internet shopping has its disadvantages. Firstly, sitting in the wheelchair without moving around does our health great harm. Secondly, we miss the chance to communicate with other, which is quite necessary in our modern society. As far as Im concerned, on the one hand, we should make full use of the computer. On the other hand, we shouldnt rely on it too much.话题预测:信息技术、电脑、网络是高考的命题点,高考对这类题材的考查主要体现在:1)单项填空中该话题的设置背景;2)完形填空、阅读理解及书面表达中均可直接把这类题材设置成阅读和写作材料。2. Translate the following expressions concerning the topic.1)显示屏_ 2) ) 芯片_ 3) 网络_ 4) 分析机_5 )通用机_ 6) 功能_ 7) 科技革命_ 8) 便利_9) 人工智能 _10) 电子邮件_ 11) 一方面,另一方面_12) protect from_13) online friend_14) download_15) Take into account of._3. Sentence patterns1) The Internet, an information superhighway, can bring many conveniences into the school, home and office. 2) However, everything good has its drawbacks, the same can be said about the Internet./However, just like everything has its good and bad sides, Internet also has its own disadvantages.3) Internet shopping offers a number of benefits for shoppers. It is sure to become more and more popular in the years ahead.4)How to protect child web fans from unsuitable material online while encouraging them to use the Internet has long been discussed.II Further reading1. who is the speaker ? Do you like this title? Why? _2.Whats the main idea of the passage ?_3. How did computer change in its size, intelligence, speed, function? How about peoples opinion?_4. Fill in the blanks according to passage.I began as a _ _ in 1642 in France. In 1822 I was built as an _ _. Then in 1936, Alan Turing wrote a book and built a _ _. As the years have_ _, I have been made _ _ _ but I got _ _ _, _ _ _. In the 1960s they gave me a family_ _ _ _. Now people call it. the Internet. I was _ _ _ _ in the 1970s.So I became PC. Since my birth I have truly been built to serve the human race.5. Sentence patterns(1)There were times when my size was totally changed. ( 英译汉)_(2)I love being used to connect people who arent close enough to speak to each other. _(英译汉)(3)My memory became too large to believe it. (替换句子)_补练:Complete the following sentences.(2008全国I,32)The weather _ (如此冷) that I didnt like to leave my room.(2007上海,33) Pop music is such an important part of society_ it has even influence our language.III Words and phrasesCommon1.含义:1)adj._2)n._2.短语:1)与(某人)有(很多/一些/几乎没有/没有)共同之处_ 2)共同_ 3)和一样_3.辨析 common 、normal、.ordinary 、usualadvantage1.含义:1)_2)_(后接of/over)2.短语: 1)(充分)利用,趁机做某事_ 2)比别人优越_ 3)占优势,胜过某人_ 4)对有利_way1.in a/one way_ 2. in this way_3. in any way_ 4. in no way_5.all the way_ 6.by the way_7. by way of_ 8.on ones way_arise1.含义:1)_(from) 2)_2.辨析arise 与rise_deal with1.含义:1)_ 2)_3) _ 4)_2.辨析deal with 与do with_after all1.含义1)_(句首) 2)_(句尾)2.拓展:above all_;at all_;in all_;first of all_make up1.含义:1)_ 2)_3) _ 4)_5) _2.make的相关短语_IV Function: Making decisions and Ronsoning Choose the be


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