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成都市高高中毕业业班第二二次诊断断性检测测英语第一卷(共共1155分)第一部分分:听力力(共两两节,满满分200分)做题时,先先将答案案划在试试卷上,录录音内容容结束后后,你将将有两分分钟的时时间将试试卷上的的答案转转涂到答答题卡上上。第一节(共共5小题题,每小小题1分分,满分分5分)听下面55段对话话,每段段对话后后有一个个小题,从从题中所所给的AA、B、C三个个选项中中选出最最佳选项项,并标标在试卷卷的相应应位置。听完每每段对话话后,你你都有110秒钟钟的时间间来回答答有关小小题和阅阅读下一一小题。每段对对话仅读读一遍。1. WWhenn wiill Eriic aarriive?A.100: 550. B. 10: 455. CC. 111: 20.2. WWhatt diid tthe teaacheer ddo?A. HHe pperssuadded thee woomann noot tto ttakee thhe ccourrse.B. HHe aaskeed tthe womman to stuudy hisstorry. C. He gavve aa taalk to thee hiistoory claass.3. WWhatt dooes thee woomann meean?A. SShe cann heelp thee maan. B. Shee haas ddonee thhe eexerrcisse.C. SShe wannts to do thee exxerccisee wiith thee maan.4. WWhatt wiill thee woomann doo?A. SStayy upp alll nnighht. B. Finnishh heer ppapeer. C. Go to bedd.5. WWherre ddoess thhis connverrsattionn taake plaace?A. IIn aa poost offficee. BB. IIn aa baank. CC. IIn aa deeparrtmeent stoore.第二节(共155小题;每小题题1分,满满分155分)听下面55段对话话或独白白,每段段对话或或独白后后有几个个小题,从从题所给给的A、B、CC三个选选项中选选出最佳佳选项,并并标在试试卷的相相应位置置。听每每段对话话或独白白前,你你将有时时间阅读读各个小小题,每每小题55秒钟;听完后后,各小小题将给给出5秒秒钟的作作答时间间。每段段对话或或独自读读两遍。听第6段段材料,回回答第66-8题题。6. WWhatt haappeenedd too thhe mman?A. HHe ffelll annd hhurtt hiimseelf baddly. BB. HHe wwas verry ssickk annd wwas takken to thee hoospiitall.C. HHe bbrokke hhis legg inn a traaffiic aacciidenn.7. WWhatt iss thhe mman''s ttrouublee noow?A. HHe hhas a cchesst ppainn annd ccan harrdlyy brreatthe.B. HHe ffeells ttoo weaak tto wwalkk. CC. HHis legg iss brrokeen aand hiss chhestt huurtss.8. HHow lonng wwilll thhe mman havve tto sstayy awway froom wworkk?A. FFourr weeekss orr leess. B. Noo moore thaan oone monnth C. Morre tthann onne mmontth.听第7段段材料,回回答9-11题题。9. WWhy didd Maary calll?A. TTo ssee howw heer ppareentss weere. B. Too teell herr faatheer ssomee goood newws.C. TTo iinviite herr paarennts to herr hoome.10. Whaat ddo yyou knoow aabouut TTom?A. HHe'ss Maary''s sson. B. Hee goot aa riise in payy. CC. HHe iis MMr. Davvis'' goood friiendd.11. Howw maany chiildrren doees MMaryy haave?A. OOne sonn annd oone dauughtter. B. Twwo ssonss annd oone dauughtter. C. Twwo ssonss.听第8段段材料,回回答122-144题。12. Whaat aare theey ttalkkingg abboutt?A. AA fiilm. B. A boook. C. An acttor.13. Whaat ddo tthe speeakeers thiink of it?A. IIt aattrractts oonlyy yooungg peeoplle. B. It makkes groown-upss yooungger.C. IIt iis ppopuularr wiith botth cchilldreen aand aduultss.14. Whaat ddoess thhe wwomaan ssugggestt?A. TThinnkinng aafteer rreaddingg itt. B. Seeeingg thhe ffilmm. C. Reaadinng tthe boook.听第9段段材料,回回答155-177题。15. Whaat aare thee twwo sspeaakerrs?A. AA teeachher andd a stuudennt. B. Twoo coolleege stuudennts. C. Twwo ccolllegee teeachherss.16. Whaat aabillityy iss teesteed iin CComppounnd DDicttatiion?A. RReaddingg abbiliity. B. Trransslattingg abbiliity. C. Liisteeninng aabillityy.17. Whaat wwilll thhe wwomaan pprobbablly ddo?A. SShe willl ffindd a goood jjob. BB. SShe willl ttakee thhe eexamm. C. Shee wiill askk thhe mman to hellp hher.听第100段材料料,回答答18-20题题。18. Wheen ddid Chiina makke aa foormaal aagreeemeent witth iits majjor traadinng pparttnerrs?A. OOn DDec, 111. BB. OOn SSep, 177. CC. OOn MMondday.19. Whaat ddoess thhe 22nd pieece neww teell youu?A. FFourrteeen wwinnnerss reeceiivedd peeacee prrizee.B. FFortty ppeopple recceivved theeir awaardss foor tthe samme rreasson.C. FFourrteeen wwinnnerss inn diiffeerennt ffiellds wonn thhe NNobeel pprizzes.20. Whaat ddid youu knnow froom tthe 3rdd piiecee off neews?A. TThe Deaad SSea hass sttoppped sinnkinng. B. Thee Deead Seaa iss loowerr thhan befforee.C. TThe Deaad SSea hass suunk66.355 ceentiimettress.第二部分分:英语语知识运运用(共共两节,满满分455分)第一节:单项填填空(共共15小小题,每每小题11分;满满分155分)21. Diid yyou seee annyonne ccomiing intto tthe buiildiing?No, I diddn'tt. _ ?Theere is no douubt aboout it.A. OOK BB. SSuree C. Reeallly DD. IIs tthatt soo22. Thee dooctoors aree trryinng tto rreduuce thee paatieentss' ss feear _ hee woouldd diie oof tthe disseasse.A. wwhicch BB. wwhenn C. thhat D. if23. Thee maanagger hass haad ssomee prrobllemss _ wheetheer ttheyy shhoulld bborrrow thee mooneyy frrom thee baankeer.A. tto ddeciide B. deeciddingg CC. ddeciidedd DD. hhaviing deccideed24. Thee faans in Chiicaggo aadmiire Micchaeel JJorddan _ hee iss noo loongeer ffighhtinng ffor thee Chhicaago Bullls.A. ssincce BB. eevenn iff CC. hhoweeverr D. wheen25. He triied manny ttimees tto ssneaak aacr


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