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The Oxford 3000dThe Oxford 3000The keywords of the Oxford 3000 have been carefully selected by a group of language experts and experienced teachers as the words which should receive priority in vocabulary study because of their importance and usefulness. The selection is based on three criteria.The words which occur most frequentlyin English are included, based on the information in the British National Corpus and the Oxford Corpus Collection. (Acorpus is an electronically held collection of written or spoken texts, often consisting of hundreds of millions of words.) However, being frequent in the corpus alone is not enough for a word to qualify as a keyword: it may be that the word is used very frequently, but only in a narrowly defined area, such as newspapers or scientific articles. In order to avoid including these restricted words, we include as keywords only those words which are frequent across a rangeof different types of text. In other words, keywords are both frequent and used in a variety of contexts. In addition, the list includes some very important words which happen not to be used frequently, even though they are very familiarto most users of English. These include, for example, words for parts of the body, words used in travel, and words which are useful for explaining what you mean when you do not know the exact word for something. These words were identified by consulting a panel of over seventy experts in the fields of teaching and language study.The words of the Oxford 3000 are shown in the main section of the dictionary in larger print, and with a key symbolimmediately following. On the CD-ROM the keywords are shown in red. The most useful parts of the entries (particular parts of speech, meanings, phrasal verbs and idioms) are marked with a small key symbol. The entries for keywords often have extra information in the form of more examples of use, special notes explaining synonyms or related words, or helpful illustrations. This means that the keywords make an excellent starting point for expanding your vocabulary. With most keywords, there is far more to learn about them than the first meaning in the entry: often these words have many meanings, have a large family of wordsdderived from them, or are used in a variety of patterns. All of this means that each one of the keywords repays close study.The list covers British and American English. It is arranged to emphasize the connections between words, so that words which are very closely related (including adverbs ending in -ly and opposites starting withun-)are grouped together. Some basic phrases are also included. Proper names (names of people, places, etc. beginning with a capital letter)and numbers are not included in the main list.Aseparate list of words which are important for language study, but less important in everyday life, follows the main list. Knowing these words will help you to understand more of the informa- tion given in the entries, especially regarding the words grammar and register (whether it is for- mal, informal, etc.).In order to make the definitions in this dictionary easy to understand, we have written them using the keywords of the Oxford 3000. All words used in normal definition text are keywords, or are on the list of language study terms. Numbers and proper names are also used in definitions. When it has been necessary to use aspecialist term which is not in the Oxford 3000,the word is shown in small capitals, and in blue on the CD-ROM. If you do not know the meaning of this word, look it up in the dictionary: it will help you to understand the definition that you are interested in, and will probably be a useful word to learn because it will be related to the original word you looked up.The Oxford 3000dadvertisement (also ad, advert) n. advice n. advise v. affair n. affect v. affection n. afford v. afraid adj. after prep., conj., adv. afternoon n. afterwards (especiallyBrE)(NAmE usually afterward) adv. again adv. against prep. age n. aged adj. agency n. agent n. aggressive adj. ago adv. agree v. agreement n. ahead adv. aid n., v. aim n., v. air n. aircraft n. airport n. alarm n., v. alarming adj. alarmed adj. alcohol n. alcoholic adj.,n. alive adj. all det.,pron.,adv. allow v. all right adj.,adv., exclamation ally n., v. allied adj. almost adv. alone adj., adv. along prep., adv. alongside prep., adv. aloud adv. alphabet n. alphabetical adj. alphabetically adv. already adv. also adv. alter v. alternative n., adj. alternatively adv. although conj. altogether adv. always adv. a.m. (NAmE also A.M.) abbr. amaze v. amazing adj. amazed adj. ambition n. ambulance n. among (alsoamongst) prep. amount n., v. amuse v. amusing adj. amused adj.a,an indefinitearticle abandon v. abandoned adj. ability n. able adj. unable adj. about adv., prep. above prep., adv. abroad adv. absence n. absent adj. absolute adj. absolutely adv. absorb v. abuse n., v. academic adj. accent n. accept v. acceptable adj. unacceptable adj


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