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牛津高中英语短语汇编(M1-M10)2010高一(16)唐轶博2010/11/27 / 牛津高中英语短语汇编2010.11.27目录IndexM1(M1) Unit 1 School life4(M1) Unit 2 Growing pains4(M1) Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good5M2(M2)Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained5(M2) Unit 2 Wish you were here4(M2) Unit 3 Amazing people6M3(M3) unit1 The world of our senses6(M3) unit2 Language7(M3) unit3 Back to the past8M4(M4) unit1 Advertising8(M4) unit2 Sporting events8(M4) unit3 Tomorrows world7M5(M5) unit1 Getting along with others9(M5) Unit 2 The environment9(M5) Unit 3 Science versus nature10M6(M6) Unit 1 Laughter is good for you10(M6) Unit 2 What is happiness to you11(M6) Unit 3 Understanding each other12(M6) Unit 4 Helping people around the world12M7(M7) unit1 Living with technology13(M7)Unit 2 Fit for life13(M7)Unit 3 The world online14(M7) Unit 4 Public transport14M8(M8) Unit 1 The written word14(M8) Unit 2 The universal language15(M8) Unit 3 The world of colors and light15(M8) Unit 4 Films and film events15M9(M9) Unit 1 Other countries, other culture16(M9) Unit 2 Witnessing time16(M9) Unit 3 The meaning of color17(M9) Unit 4 Behind beliefs17M10(M10) Unit 1 Building the future18(M10) Unit 2 People on the move18(M10) Unit 3 Protecting ourselves19(M10) Unit 4 Law and order19M11(M11) Unit1 Careers and skills20(M11) Unit 2 Getting a job20(M11) Unit 3 The secret of success21(M1) Unit 1 School life1. at ease with 2. know of sb / sth 3. tell the differences between A and B 4. on (the) average 5. used to do sth 6. be happy with sth/ sb7. for free 8. such as 9. encourage sb to do sth 10. introduce A to B 11. pass sth on (to) sb 12. be available for 13. far (away) from 14. make sure that 15. graduate from university 16. upon/ on doing 17. surf the internet 18. donate sth to sb19. forget to do sth 20. inform sb of sth 21. prepare for 22. be responsible for 23. be made up of 24. consist of 25. come up with 26. tell sb about sth 27. sound like28. word by word 29. drop some subjects 30. play on the school fields31. e-mail sb 32. talk to sb about sth 33. prepare to do sth34. thank sb for 35. invite sb to be/do 36. make a speech about37. run a radio club 38. approve the idea 39. require sb to do sth(M1) Unit 2 Growing pains1. turn up 2. a waste of time 3. try to do sth 4. force sb to do sth 5. spend time (in) doing sth 6. be supposed to do sth 7. in charge 8. shout at 9. give sb a chance to do sth 10. deserve to do sth 11. instead of 12. be hard on sb 13. now that 14. be rude to sb 15. feel like doing sth16. be different from sth 17. in the form of 18. pay attention to 19. think of 20. searchfor 21. a little bit 22. be proud of 23. stay up 24. mix upwith 25. ask for sth 26. stop doing sth 27. mean to do sth 28. keep in mind 29. tidy up 30. be angry with 31. clean up 32. a bit of 33. at all 34. invite sb to do sth 35be busy with sth 36. used to do sth 37. be used to do sth 38. be .used to doing sth 39. refuse to do sth 40. as though 41. insist on 42. prevent sb from doing sth 43. forbid sb from doing sth 44. argue about sth with sb 45. allow sb to do sth 46. do with 47. go out 48. notany more 49. after all 50. at present 51. like crazy 52. choosefrom 53. cant wait to do sth 54. go unpunished 55. should have done sth 56. be nervous about sth 57. all the time 58. get sth done 59. at the moment 60. miss doing sth 61. advise sb to do sth 62. make a bit of difference 63. be fit for 64. ask to do sth, 65. happen to sb(M1) Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good1. feel good 2. put on weight 3. discuss the questions below4. be dying to do sth 5. in no time 6. make sb look slimmer7. get enough sleep 8. stay healthy 9. work out 10. do exercise 11. cause sb to do sth 12. worry about 13. hear from sb 14. used


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