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Unit 7 How much are these socksI.单选. (每小题1分,共20分) 1. How much _ these jackets ? A.areB.isC.amD.be2. The boy _ his mother to buy him a ball.A. has B. wants C. sells D. affords 3. Do you like the pants?Yes. _.A. Ill take it B. I like it C. Ill take them D. I dont like them 4. _ do you want? Some oranges. A. How B. What C. What color D. How much5. The backpack is 25 yuan each. I buy two for _ yuan.A. twenty B. thirty C. fifty D. sixty6. The store sells sweaters _ a very good price. We can buy one _ 40 yuan. A. in; at B. on; for C. at; on D. at; for7. I dont want long pants. I need _ pants. A. red B. black C. short D. big 8. The black socks _ two dollars. A. have B. are C. need D. sound9. I know you have a new sweater. Can I have a look?_.A. Its thirty yuan B. Its good C. Here you are D. Thank you10. Where do you _ the backpack? _ that store. Its on sale.A. sell; From B. sell; To C. buy; For D. buy; From11. Come and see the blue sweaters. I dont like them. I like _ red ones.A. this B. those C. they D. that 12. How much _ the broccoli?_ two yuan.A. is; Its B. are; Theyre C. is; Theyre D. are; Its13. Come to the clothes store and see for _.OK. Thank _.A. you; you B. you; yourself C. yourself; you D. yourself; your14. Your pants are beautiful. _? Thirty-one dollars. A. How much are they B. How many are they C. How are they D. Where are they 15. Please give me some bread. OK._.A.Here you areB.Give youC.Yes,thanksD.You are here16.The red socks _ two dollars. Ais Bare ChasDhave17. I like red but my brother _.A. likes red, tooB. doesntC. doesD. doesnt like18. What color is it? _A. Its a green car B. Its a greenC. Its greenD. Its green car19. They have T-shirts _ green and black for only $13_ the shop.A. at; atB. in; inC. with; withD. at; in20. What can I do for you? _.ANo,not BDon't help me CYes,help me DYes,pleaseII. 完形填空(每小题1分,共10分)     Linda is a clerk. She wants to 36 a new car (新车). She has an old (旧的) one. Her old 37 is black. Linda doesnt like that 38 . She likes red and she wants to buy a 39 car. A new red car is on sale. Linda wants to buy it, but she cant 40 it now. She only 41 $1,000. So shell 42 pay (付款) $1,000. And she needs to pay 43 a month (月) for 48 months. Linda pays 44 for the new car, but thats 45 . Linda can afford $400 each month for the new car. She likes the new car very much.36. A. help B. sell C. buy D. thank 37. A. friend B. store C. room D. car38. A. number B. color C. example D. price 39. A. black B. small C. short D. red40. A. want B. like C. afford D. see 41. A. needs B. has C. eats D. spells42. A. first B. last C. only D. also 43. A. $48B. $400 C. $1,000 D. $20,20044. A. some B. many C. lots of D. a lot 45. A. fun B. difficult C. OK D. relaxingIII. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共20分)     A)  Lucy is a nice girl. She is twenty-six. She opens (开) a clothes store. Its name is Lovely Clothes Store. The store is for girls, not for boys. The store has clothes in many colors. Do you want to have a look at the store?  Clothes Colors PriceT-shirts blue, green and white ¥25Skirts red, green, yellow and black ¥45 ¥65Sweaters yellow, blue and red ¥35 ¥55Pants orange, white and green ¥54 ¥84 ¥104 46. The clothes in Lovely Clothes Shop are for _. A. fathers B. girls C. stars D. boys 47. The T-shirt is _ yuan each. A. 25 B. 35 C. 54 D. 6548. Serena can buy _ skirt(s) for 130 yuan at the store. A. one B. two C. three D. four49. The store has _ in yellow and red.A. T-shirts and sweaters B. sweaters and pants C. sweaters and skirts D. T-shirts and pants50. What can we know from the passage?A. The store sells T-shirts for three colors. B. A girl can find red shoes in Lucys store.C. Lovely Clothes Store also sells food. D. We can buy two pairs (条) of pants for 104 yuan in Lucys store B) 阅读短文,判断正(T) 误(F)(每小题2分,共10分)        This morning my parents and I are in a big store. Lots of things are on sale. There are all kinds of (各种各样的) skirts in many colors. I like the white skirt. Its only ¥49. My mother wants a hat. The hats are in white, blue, black and yellow for only¥18 each. She likes the blue one. My father doesnt like clothes. He wants a computer. A computer is on sale in the store. Its only¥3999. Its very cheap. He decides (决定) to buy it. Finally (最后) we take the white skirt, the blue hat and the computer. They are ¥4066.6. The store is very small. 7. The girl likes the white skirt in the store.8. The girls m


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