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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上江苏省盐城市2019学年八年级下学期期末考试英语试卷【含答案及解析】姓名_ 班级_ 分数_题号一二三四五六七八总分得分一、单项填空1. The wildlife park is very large. Follow your _, or youll get lost easily. A. waiter B. doctor C. guide D. farmer 2. _ interesting the book is! I want to buy one, too. A. How B. What C. How an D. What an 3. Its brave _ him to take part in the competition . A. to B. of C. for D. with 4. The Special Olympics World Games include many events similar to _ in the Olympics. A. this B. that C. these D. those 5. I am not good at singing, so I cant sing so _ as the other students. A. more beautifully B. beautifully C. more beautiful D. beautiful 6. Its exciting to see the huge glass ball _ through the darkness on New Years Eve. A. fell B. falls C. falling D. to fall 7. A lot of people will help you, so you _worry about the money. A. cant B. neednt C. mustnt D. couldnt 8. Linda _ half of the report already. And she will finish the rest this afternoon. A. did B. will do C. has done D. was doing 9. _do you visit your grandparents in the countryside? Once a week. A. How far B. How soon C. How long D. How often 10. There_ a lot of rubbish there in the past. But now it has turned into a clean place. A. used to be B. used to have C. was used to being D. was used to having 11. Mum, can you give me some advice on how to behave myself at the table? Well, I do have some advice. , please keep quiet while eating. A. In all B. Of all C. At all D. Above all 12. Volunteers often _ the leaflets to people in the streets. A. hand out B. put out C. run out D. come out 13. Yancheng is a greener city now because more and more trees _ every spring. A. were planted B. are planted C. will be planted D. plant 14. _.If you keep practicing speaking English every day, youll be better at it. A. No pain, no gain B. Many hands make light work C. Every dog has its day D. A friend in need is a friend indeed 15. Thank you for supporting the volunteer project! _. A. All right B. It doesnt matter C. Never mind D. My pleasure 二、完形填空16. A teenager lived with his father. He loved playing football and was a member of the school football team. He was always on the bench ( 替补席 ), but his _ came to watch every match and encouraged him. The son _ missed a practice, but he was far from a good player and was a bench warmer almost all through high school. One day, the young man got a _ and he became silent after reading it. Then he said to the coach, “My father died this morning. Is it all right if I miss the _ today?” The coach gently said, “Go back home, young man. And you dont need to come back to the game on Saturday.” There would be an important match on Saturday. Saturday arrived, and the game was not going well. In the second half, when the team was two points behind, the young man _ ran to the coach. The coach and his players were _ to see him back. “Coach, please let me play. I must play today.” the young man insisted ( 坚持 ), and finally the coach _ . Before long, no one could believe their eyes. This little unknown was doing so well that _ could stop him. He ran, he passed, and he kicked like a star. His team won. When the game was over, the coach said to the young man, “Kid, I cant believe it. You were fantastic! Tell me how you did it.” With tears in his eyes, the young man said, “Well, you know my dad died, but do you know my dad was _ ? Dad came to all my games, but today was the _ time he could see me play. I could feel his eyes on me, and I wanted to show him I can do it! ” 1. A. mother B. father C. brother D. sister 2. A. never B. often C. sometimes D. seldom 3. A. picture B. book C. newspaper D. message 4. A. trip B. exam C. practice D. show 5. A. quietly B. Patiently C. happily D. excitedly 6. A. afraid B. angry C. surprised D. nervous 7. A. refused B. agreed C. replied D. cried 8. A. anybody B. everybody C. somebody D. nobody 9. A. deaf B. blind C. homeless D. poor 10. A. first B. second C. third D. fourth 三、阅读理解17. Do you need useful and interesting books? Here weve got plenty for you. Successful Fishermen Fishing is a healthy hobby. You can enjoy fresh air when you go fishing in the countryside. This book will teach you how to choose fishing places and how to make good fishing rod


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