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2022年考博英语-西南科技大学考试题库(难点、易错点剖析)附答案有详解1. 单选题The meeting was( )over by the mayor to discuss the tax raise in the city.问题1选项A.propelledB.pickedC.postponedD.presided【答案】D【解析】考查动词辨析。A选项propel“推进,驱使”,B选项pick“挑选,采摘”,pick over“择优,分档挑选”;C选项postpone“延迟,缓办”;D选项preside“主持”,preside over“主持,负责”。句意:会议由市长主持,讨论城市税收增加问题。由选项意思和固定搭配可知,D选项符合句意。2. 翻译题Translate the following text into English. 在今天的中国,平均每天有24万人成为互联网的新用户,平均每400个中国人就拥有一个网站。按照目前的发展速度,再过两年,中国的互联网使用者将超过5亿,互联网的普及率将从目前的25.5%提高到38.5%。对于一个发展中国家而言,互联网能够如此快速普及是一大奇迹。中国人民从互联网受益匪浅。在中国,互联网正广泛应用于电子政务、电子商务、公共教育、新闻传播等各个领域。电子商务在中国快速发展,中国电子商务交易总额在过去5年保持45%以上的年均增长速度,2008年超过4600亿美元。【答案】In China today, on average, 240,000 people per day become new users of the Internet and every 400 Chinese possess one website. At the current rate of development, China will have more than 500 million Internet users and the Internet penetration rate will rise from the current 25.5% to 38.5% in two years. For a developing country, the rapid popularization of the Internet is a miracle. Chinese people have benefited a lot from the Internet. In China, the Internet is being widely used in various fields such as e-government, e-business, public education, journalism and communication and so on. In China, E-commerce is developing rapidly .The total value of e-commerce transactions in China has maintained an average annual growth rate of more than 45% over the past five years, exceeding $460 billion in 2008.3. 单选题The bar in the club is for the( )use of its members.问题1选项A.extensiveB.exclusiveC.inclusiveD.comprehensive【答案】A【解析】考查形容词辨析。A选项extensive“广泛的,大量的”;B选项exclusive“独有的,专一的”;C选项inclusive“包含的,包括的”;D选项comprehensive“综合的,广泛的”。句意:俱乐部内的酒吧仅对会员开放。由选项意思和句意可知,A选项符合句意。4. 单选题Laboratory tests gave conclusive( )that the meat presents no risk to human health.问题1选项A.possibilityB.newsC.proofD.fact【答案】C【解析】考查名词辨析。A选项possibility“可能性,可能的事”;B选项news“新闻,信息”;C选项proof“证明,证据”;D选项fact“事实,实际”,句意:实验室测试提供了确凿的证据,证明这种肉类对人体健康没有危险。由选项意思和句意可知,C选项符合句意。5. 单选题The essential weakness of the old and traditional education was not just that it emphasized the necessity for provision of definite subject-matter and activities. These things are necessities for anything that can rightly be called education. The weakness and evil was that the imagination of educators did not go beyond provision of a fixed and rigid environment of subject-matter, one drawn moreover from sources altogether too remote from the experiences of the pupil. What is needed in the new education is more attention, not less, to subject-matter and to progress in technique. But when I say more I do not mean more in quantity of the same old kind. I mean an imaginative vision which sees that no prescribed and ready-made scheme can possibly determine the exact subject-matter that will best promote the educative growth of every individual young person; that even new individual sets a new problem; that he calls for at least a somewhat different emphasis in subject-matter presented. There is nothing more blindly stupid than the convention which supposes that the matter actually contained in textbooks of arithmetic, history, geography, etc., is just what will further the educational development of all children.But withdrawal from the hard and fast and narrow contents of the old curriculum is only the negative side of the matter. If we do not go far in the positive direction of providing a body of subject-matter much richer, more varied and flexible, and also in truth more definite, judged in terms of the experience of those being educated, than traditional education supplied, we shall tend to leave an educational vacuum in which anything may happen. Complete isolation is impossible in nature. The young live in some environment whether we intend it or not, and this environment is constantly interacting with what children and youth bring to it, and the result is the shaping of their interests, minds and charactereither educatively or mis-educatively. If the professed educator gives up his responsibility for judging and selecting the kind of environment that his best understanding leads him to think will be contributive to growth, then the young are left at the mercy of all the unorganized and casual forces of the modern social environment that inevitably play upon them as long as they live. In the educative environment the knowledge, judgment and experience of the teacher is a greater, not a smaller factor, than it is in the traditional school. The difference is that the teacher operates not as a judge set on high and marked by arbitrary authority but as a friendly co-partner and guide in a common enterprise.1. In the authors view, the basic fault of old education consists in( ).2. The author agitates reforms in the( ).3. It seems that new educationalists favor( ).4. There will be the risk of forming an educational blank if( ).


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