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高考英语重点句型一、否定词比较级最高级,意为“没有比更”【句型梳理】(1)“否定词比较级”结构中常用的否定词有no、not、never、nothing、nobody等。(2)含否定词表最高级意义的其他表达:否定词so/as形容词/副词原级as 否定词形容词/副词比较级thanhave neversuch形容词原级名词 can/couldnever/not .形容词/副词enough (too形容词/副词)【美句】As far as I'm concerned, there is nothing better than being praised by my teacher before my classmates.就我而言,没有什么比在同学面前被老师表扬更好的了。二、主语can't/couldn't have sb. doing sth.“不允许某人做某事”【句型梳理】have sb./sth. doing sth. 让某人做某事/让某事发生(动作持续)(肯定句)have sb. do sth. 让某人做某事have sth. done 让别人做某事;完成某事;遭遇不幸的事have sth. to do 有事情要做(不定式作定语)【美句】I was wondering if you could suggest a good way to have my written English improved in a short period of time.我想知道你是否能建议一个好的方法以使我的英语写作水平在短期内得到提升。三、主语had just done sth. when .“刚做完某事这时”【句型梳理】(1)when 可作并列连词,相当于and then或and just at that time。(2)其他结构相似的句式还有:主语was/were doing . when .正在做这时主语 was/were about to do . when .主语 was/were on the point of doing . when . 正要做这时【美句】(2016·北京卷)Jack was working in the lab when the power cut occurred.杰克正在实验室工作这时停电了。四、主语find宾语过去分词短语(宾语补足语)“发现”【句型梳理】(1)find的复合宾语结构:find宾语介词短语形容词(2)finditadj./n.to do(it是形式宾语,不定式是真正的宾语)【美句】 After I arrived in America, I found myself living in a completely foreign culture.我来到美国之后,发现自己生活在完全陌生的异国文化中。【句型应用】In my opinion, good health lies in regular exercise and positive attitude. Meanwhile, you ought to keep the balance between study and relaxation. In addition, even if your time is limited, do take exercise regularly to build up your strength, which will be of great benefit to your health. If you are ill, make sure you consult your doctor before taking medicine by yourself.在我看来,良好的健康在于有规律的锻炼和积极的态度。同时,你应该保持学习和放松之间的平衡。此外,即使你的时间有限,也要经常锻炼以增强体力,这对你的健康大有裨益。如果你生病了,一定要先咨询医生,然后再自己吃药。I can often spot him reading novels, which can account for his unbelievable writing skills. Those scenes described in his compositions are always so vivid that we are all amazed. However, his parents don't permit him to read novels for fear that they will affect his studies.我经常看到他读小说,这可以解释他令人难以置信的写作技巧。他作品中描述的场景总是那么生动,让我们都感到惊讶。然而,他的父母不允许他读小说,因为他们担心这会影响他的学习。Brought up to value reading, I find myself interested in reading, which is the most rewarding entertainment activity in my spare time. As for me, only through reading wildly can the soul be strengthened, ambition inspired and dreams achieved. However, I never take a chance to read novels during classes.我从小就养成了读书的习惯,我发现自己对阅读很感兴趣,这是我业余时间最有意义的娱乐活动。对我来说,只有通过广泛阅读,灵魂才能得到强化,雄心壮志才能得到激发,梦想才能实现。然而,我从来不在课堂上读小说。I was appreciating the surrounding scenery when a scene in the distance impressed me and gave me a mixed feeling. Some tourists were having a picnic while throwing rubbish everywhere. As far as I'm concerned, measures should be taken to raise people's awareness of environmental protection.我正在欣赏周围的风景,远处的一个场景给我留下了深刻的印象,让我有一种复杂的感觉。一些游客正在野餐,却把垃圾扔得到处都是。在我看来,应该采取措施提高人们的环保意识。There is still a puzzle whether there exists life on Mars. That is because there is almost no oxygen but harmful gases on Mars. However, unlike the biologist, the physicist claims that scientists have made a great breakthrough, thus greatly multiplying chances of escaping the pull of the earth and experiencing the future life on Mars.火星上是否存在生命仍然是一个谜。这是因为火星上几乎没有氧气,只有有害气体。然而,与生物学家不同,物理学家声称科学家已经取得了重大突破,从而大大增加了逃离地球引力并体验火星未来生活的机会。As far as I'm concerned, nothing is more precious than keeping fit. To lose weight, you ought to cut down on smoking and get actively involved in exercise, and then before long you will surely feel more healthy and energetic. In addition, you can not have yourself eating too much or getting away with drinking alcohol.在我看来,没有什么比保持健康更珍贵的了。为了减肥,你应该减少吸烟,积极参加锻炼,然后不久你就会感到更健康、更有活力。此外,你不能吃得太多或酗酒。五、主句the way定语从句【句型梳理】(1) way表“方式;方法”,在定语从句中作先行词时,定语从句中缺少方式状语其后用in which/that引导定语从句,也可省略关系词,此时关系词在从句中作状语。(2)way后接定语从句时,如关系词在从句中作主语或宾语则用关系代词that/which,关系代词在从句中作宾语时可省略。(3)the way to do sth./of doing sth.做某事的方法/方式 have a long way to go有很长一段路要走【美句】 The best way to strengthen willpower is to make it into a habit.增强意志力的最好的办法是让它成为一种习惯。六、先行词most of which 定语从句【句型梳理】(1)one/two/several/most/each/all .of which/whom .(2)then.of which/whom . (该结构一般可与“whosen.”互换)(3)以上两个句式中只能用关系词which(指物)、whom(指人);不可用who或that。【美句】She's written two novels, both of which sell well.她写了两本小说,都很畅销。七、not . without .意为“没有就不能”。这是一种双重否定句式,表示肯定意义【句型梳理】(1) 常见的双重否定结构还有:no/never . without .没有/除不(2)用否定形式表示肯定意义的结构有:cannot . too . 无论怎样也不为过 nothing . not/no/impossible . 没不【美句】I realize that being careful is of great importance and that we can't be careful enough, especially in exams.我意识到细心非常重要,尤其在考试时,我们怎样细心都不为过。八、It is/was obvious that引导的主语从句,意为“很明显”【句型梳理】It be adj. .的常用句式(1)It be形容词(obvious、true、possible、natural、important .)that从句(2)It be形容词(difficult、impossible、kind、nice .)(for/of sb.)to do sth.(3)在“It is strange/natural/important/nec


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