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2022年高考英语一轮精选练 Unit 2 Cloning(含解析)新人教版选修8

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2022年高考英语一轮精选练 Unit 2 Cloning(含解析)新人教版选修8

2022年高考英语一轮精选练 Unit 2 Cloning(含解析)新人教版选修8一、阅读理解。(2018·昆明高三复习适应性检测)Bike Share Toronto is the citys official bike share program,designed to give locals and visitors a fun, affordable and convenient alternative to walking, taxis, buses and the subway. There are 200 Bike Share Toronto stations and 2,000 bikes across the city, making Bike Share the most accessible way to get around and explore.How it works·Bee an Annual Member or buy a Day Pass to access the system.·Find an available bike nearby,and get a ride code or use your member key to unlock it.·Take as many short rides as you want while your pass or membership is active.·Return your bike to any station,and wait for the green light on the dock(停靠点) to make sure its locked.Choose a plan·For visitorsDay Pass:$7. Unlimited 30­minute rides in a 24­hour period.3­Day Pass:$15. Unlimited 30­minute rides in a 72­hour period.·For localsMonthly Pass:$25. Unlimited 30­minute rides for a month.Annual Membership:$90. Unlimited 30­minute rides for a whole year. The Annual Membership is the best deal for locals of Toronto and other frequent riders.The first 30 minutes of each ride is included with the membership or pass price. Avoid extra fees by dropping off your bike every 30 minutes at any other station. If you keep a bike out for longer than 30 minutes at a time,you will be charged an extra $1.50 for the first 30 minutes over,$4 for the next 30 minutes,and $7 for each additional 30 minutes after that.Contact us ·Customer Service:(855)898­2378·Repair Service:(855)898­2388·Corporation Partners:(855)898­2398·Employment Opportunities:(855)898­2498【解题导语】本篇文章是一篇说明文,介绍了加拿大城市多伦多实行共享单车的一些情况:单车怎么运行、怎么收费和联系方式。1How much will the extra fee be if you travel for two hours by bike?A$5.50.B$9.50.C$12.50. D$15.50.C解析:细节理解题。根据Choose a plan部分中的“If you keep a bike out for longer than 30 minutes at a time,you will be charged an extra $1.50 for the first 30 minutes over,$4 for the next 30 minutes,and $7 for each additional 30 minutes after that.”可以列出算式1.504712.50(美元)。2For more information about working at Bike Share Toronto,contact it at _ A(855)898­2378 B(855)898­2388C(855)898­2398 D(855)898­2498D解析:细节理解题。根据文章最后一部分提供的四个电话联系方式:Customer Service(顾客服务电话),Repair Service(修车服务电话),Corporation Partners(公司合作服务电话),Employment Opportunities(就业服务电话)可知,与题干的关键词working对应的只有Employment Opportunities,故选D项。3Which of the following statement is TRUE?AA member can get a code or a key to the bike.BBike Share Toronto is a non­profit organization.CShared bikes have taken the place of other vehicles.DThe green light on the dock shows the bike is unlocked.A解析:推理判断题。根据How it works部分中的“Find an available bike. unlock it.”可知,A选项是正确的。二、单句语法填空1His efforts to raise money for his program were _ vain because no one showed any intention to take a cent out of their pockets.答案:in2The new clothes in that shop are so beautiful that Anna cannot resist_ (take) a close look at them, although she cannot afford them at present.答案:taking3The students are forbidden, unless they have special passes, _ (stay) out after 11 pm.答案:to stay4This is only an _ (assume) that they wont spend too much on the decoration of the house.答案:assumption5Liu Lei insisted that he merely did what everybody would have done and strongly objected to_ (call) a hero.答案:being called6Not having prepared well, you are bound _ (suffer) great losses in the mercial trade.答案:to suffer7The project _ (undertake) by the young engineer on his own turned out to be very successful.答案:undertaken8Why bother _ (go) abroad to study, when there are so many good universities at home?答案:going/to go9I wasnt blaming anyone; I _ (mere) said errors like this could be avoided.答案:merely10(2018·四川自贡一诊)Greatly _ (strike) by the beauty of the language, I thought how even today Shakespeares writing remains powerful and true.答案:struck三、完形填空。【说明文、议论文】(2018·甘肃省兰州市高考诊断考试)When your child is supposed to be doing homework, are they chatting with their friends on Facebook or playing games? Many studies have shown that multitasking doesn't _1_, _2_ you child is probably proudly claiming they can do ten things _3_! Many people believe that they can _4_ two or more tasks at the same time, but Dr. Edward Hallowell says this is _5_. The reality is that multitasking _6_ poor job performance.New hand­help _7_ such as smartphones, iPads, games and social networking sites make it very easy to multitask and _8_ attention leading to difficulty focusing on the task _9_, such as listening in the classroom or doing homework. “_10_, the brain actually _11_ kids for multitasking even though your child's performance on every task gets worse and worse. Kids don't know that they are doing _12_ because they feel b


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