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Environmental protectionAlong with the economical development, living standard's enhancement, the environment question becomes a focal point which gradually attracts people ' s attention. In china, this problem is rather different because of our heavy population and rapid development.Therefore, our government put the environmental protection up as a basic state policy. And then, I would like to talk about the environmental protection of our country.Knowing the current situation of china's environmental protection can help us a lot. In my opinion, the protection of environment is a step-by-step progress, we need patient and care. There are four points about the situation. Firstly, the quality of environment has been improved gradually recent years because of the governmentgradually improving input in this part. Secondly, the citizens sense of environmental protection is not enough. There are so many entertainment and eating programs which produce a lot of pollution which is hard to deal with and make things worse. And the living condition is becoming dirtier. Thirdly , the money put in the environmental protection is not enough. The money spent on the facility of protecting environment is lack, and some villages do not have the expenses to deal with the waste water or garbage. As we know, we need some more inputs to guarantee our solutions make effects.The last one, there lacks of the atmosphere of protecting the environment.The protection of environment needs the work of many aspects together, and it calls the cooperation of many departments of the government. We need this atmosphere to appeal people work together and make a difference.Then are the ways and suggestions of protecting the environment. The first one is to make a synchronization of the build and protect of environment. Protect the animals, plants, forests and water together instead of merely deal with the damaged ones. This can make our environment sustainable and provide continuous recourses. Secondly, improve people's enthusiasm of protecting the environment. As I have mentioned, people s sense of environmental protection and their attendance are the most important parts. We can do more advertisements and let people know more about this, and we can teach people more about why and how to protect it as well, attracting more people join us. Thirdly, make the laws of this part more complete. If we want to make a difference in the protection of environment, we need the support of laws, and they can be our guarantee. And a complete law can make the situation better. At last, we should know the importance of environmental protection and keep it clear. It is in relationship with the development of our economic, the progress of the society and the health of people. With the responsibility of our society, we should do it well and make our environment more clean and comfortable.In conclusion, the protection of the environment refers to the production patterns, consumption patterns and even peope sense of values. And in short, is to deal with the relation of people and nature.


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