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语法专项训练第1套1. Successful parenting begins by communicating to children that they belong, and are loved forjust because they exist. A. no more reason than Bnot more reason than C. no other reason than D. no other than reason2.“You are very selfish. It's high time youthat you are not the most important person in the world," Jennifer said to her boss angrily. A. have realized B. will realize C. rea1 D. realized3. There has not been a great response to the sale, _? A. does there B. hasn't it C. hasn't there D. has there4. Robots differ from automatic machinesafter completion of one specific task, they can be reprogrammed by a computer to do another one. A. since that B. so that C. at that D. in that5. If you are a successful language learner, youindependently, actively, and purposefully. A. had probably been learning Bhave probably been learning C. were probably learning D. have probably been learned6. A rocket carries oxygen with it, makes it possible for the rocket to travel in space. A. which B. it C. that D. what7. The total weight of all the ants in the world is far greater thanof all human beings. A. one B. this C. that D. which8. Butwith players, executives, and young people, I've learned that those who rise to the heights in any field aren't necessarily the ones with the greatest natural talent. A. worked B. working C. having worked D. had worked9.policy makers struggle to define and implement appropriate legislation, development of the most destructive kind has continued over vast areas. A. As long as B. As C. Even D. While10. If something happens to the brain's development during pregnancy, it is more likelyaffected in a male. A. being B. would be C. to be D. be11. Reading is to the mindfood is to the body. A. that B. which C. as D. what12. A person needs to know who he or she is before being able to know whatmakes him or her happy. A. is it that B. it is that C. is it which D. it is who13. William Faulkner,American novelist, was awarded the Nobel prize for literature in 1949. A. an B. C. the D. one14.the cheap cost of labor, people would much rather pay someone to repair their homes. A. Given that B. To give C. Given D. To be given15. Do you know Jimmy? He is. A. too much the family man B. too much of a family man C. a family man enough D. enough of a family man第2套1. In an urban society in which highly structured, fast-paced and stressful work looms largely in life, experiences of a different nature, ,can lead to self-renewal and a more "balanced" way of life. A. was it television watching or bird-watching B whether it television watching or bird-watching C. were it television watching or bird-watching D. be it television watching or bird-watching2. We burned all the important documentsthat they should fall into the enemy's hands. A. for fear B. lest C. so D. since3. Just for today, I will feel happy I am at work, alive and well, and not in a hospital surgery. A. waiting B. awaiting C. waited for D. awaiting for4. Around a thousand years ago, one group emergedwas uniquely well adopted to cope with the Arctic environment. A. that B. what C. it D. there5. Doctor Smith, together with his wife and two sons,to arrive on the evening flight. A. will be B. are going C. are D. is6. _,many problems of space flight could not be solved now. A. If electronic computers would not have been invented BHad electronic computers not invented C. Had electronic computers not been invented D. If electronic computers were not invented7. You seem to be dissatisfied with your present post. I don't think you judged your ability objectively when you applied for it, you? A. do B. don't C. did D. didn't8. If tap water were as dangerous as some people think, would be getting sick.A. a lot more of us Ba lot of more us C. more a lot of us D. a lot of us more9. He said the theater soon after its three-year redevelopment program. A. will reopen B. was reopening C. had been reopening D. reopened10. Thermal expansion of solid isdetected by our naked eyes. A. small so as not be Bso small as not be C. so small as not to be D. such small as not to be11. Corn originated in the New World and thus was not known in Europe until Columbus found it in Cuba. A. been cultivated B. having cultivated C. cultivating D. being cultivated12. can be judged from her eyes, she


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