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2022年六年级下册英语导学答案(深港版) (I)

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2022年六年级下册英语导学答案(深港版) (I)

2022年六年级下册英语导学答案(深港版) (I)part aline up hug people shake hands talk to answer the phone excuse me 记录留言 等候part bshake hands with them and say, “my name is its nice to meet you”wave and say ,”hi ,Im” say “hello” first ,then take a messageline up aunt molly her train arrives at 10:00am tomorrow同步检测CBBAABCABAABBACBCABBCABACABBCA exciting hello youngPolite run CADBDACDBACBAACBBAABBDACCBABCCBCFEBAGood whens whats grandma ideaUNIT2Part aGet up quickly put out the fire walk down the stairs get out of the building 拨打119 火灾警报 乘坐电梯 带上你的东西Part bThere was a fire in tims building he saw smoke he took nothing with him 119 heard called safe noisy quickly fires同步检测ACBBAAABCACCBBCBCCACCBAACCABBA fire alarm stairsOf out AABCACCBBCCABCABBAABBCCDACD walk downFire alarm keep off leave,take put out BCCABBFCEA ticketsFilm red quickly run UNIT3Part A Expensive beautiful thick old smaller thinner bigger More beautifulPart bThey are shopping she likes the pink one its 12 yuan He wants to buy a watch too enough either too enough同步检测AACCCBACBCBAACBBABCCBABCBBCACA zoo T-shirt near so have DCACDBBBDCBCABBABABABCBACDBnice,thin need/want,cheao beautiful,expensive buy,dictionaryyoung,candke ABCCBBDAEC up go matter well hospitalUNIT4期中检测CCABBCABACBCBACCACABCBBAAACBAC present flowers Twenty/20 everyday new CABADCDCADCCCABAAAABABBADCAC young,with Came,caught shook hands was,closed bought,watch CAABBDCEBA week for herself themselves ourselves UNIT5Part aShark eagle turtle cheetah more amazing,most amazing harder,hardest more exciting,most exciting more slowly,most slowlyPart bBees and ants they can run 76km an hour or even faster whalesParrot faster the most slowly better longer,the longest同步检测ABCBABCBCABACBACBCACCCCBACBCCA biggest for lowStop fewer BCBDACDCDBBCBBCABBABBBDCBBA pretty amazing the hardest faster,other which animal how long AABCBCAFBE pet cleverest repeat interesting forUNIT6Part aDo martial go hiking read newspaper meet a friend wutong mountain the metro station 理发 读杂志Part bHe was at the library he was doing martial arts they were calling each other he had to finish his homework was were reading Was playing will,go同步检测CBCBABCACBCAABCCBAACBACABBCABB 7:30 doing martial arts shopping 11:45 reading some magazines ACBDCCADCCCBACBAABBABBCCAAC newspapers,libraryWas,grm were,playing meet,metro hiking,once ABCCACDBEAHappened lost find went backUNIT7Part aSleep in bed watch TV wake koko up read newspaper think aboutWake up 看电视 在公园里Part bHe was at home she heard it on the radio he was swimming at the swimming pool inbeijing playing watching,came interested,interesting 同步检测CBCBABCABCBCBAACACABDJNTACACAB called card fatherDoing birds CAADCBBCDDABCBAAABBAABCACBA listening,rang longer ,than won,first on foot in bed CABCACBDEF did where drove saw stoodUNIT8期末检测BBACCBACCBBBCAACACABCBAABABCCB kind failed tryingHarder better DCABCACBDCADCDBABBAABBCDABDReading,when clever,strong late for are,year cooking,allAABCBABDFC zoo idea zmazing harder photos附送:2022年六年级下册英语导学答案(深港版)part aline up hug people shake hands talk to answer the phone excuse me 记录留言 等候part bshake hands with them and say, “my name is its nice to meet you”wave and say ,”hi ,Im” say “hello” first ,then take a messageline up aunt molly her train arrives at 10:00am tomorrow同步检测CBBAABCABAABBACBCABBCABACABBCA exciting hello youngPolite run CADBDACDBACBAACBBAABBDACCBABCCBCFEBAGood whens whats grandma ideaUNIT2Part aGet up quickly put out the fire walk down the stairs get out of the building 拨打119 火灾警报 乘坐电梯 带上你的东西Part bThere was a fire in tims building he saw smoke he took nothing with him 119 heard called safe noisy quickly fires同步检测ACBBAAABCACCBBCBCCACCBAACCABBA fire alarm stairsOf out AABCACCBBCCABCABBAABBCCDACD walk downFire alarm keep off leave,take put out BCCABBFCEA ticketsFilm red quickly run UNIT3Part A Expensive beautiful thick old smaller thinner bigger More beautifulPart bThey are shopping she likes the pink one its 12 yuan He wants to buy a watch too enough either too enough同步检测AACCCBACBCBAACBBABCCBABCBBCACA zoo T-shirt near so have DCACDBBBDCBCABBABABABCBACDBnice,thin need/want,cheao beautiful,expensive buy,dictionaryyoung,candke ABCCBBDAEC up go matter well hospitalUNIT4期中检测CCABBCABACBCBACCACABCBBAAACBAC present flowers Twenty/20 everyday new CABADCDCADCCCABAAAABABBADCAC young,with Came,caught shook hands was,closed bought,watch CAABBDCEBA week for herself themselves ourselves UNIT5Part aShark eagle turtle cheetah more amazin


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