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1. Research shows we make up our minds about people throughunspoken communication within seven seconds of meeting them.(Line 1 ) make up ones mind about: form ones opinion aboutmake up ones mind: decide一些大一学生打定主意,要在读完本科后 攻读硕士学位。 1) Some freshmen make up their minds topursue a masters degree afterundergraduate studies. 2. Consciously or unconsciously, we show our true feelingswith our eyes, faces, bodies and attitudes, causing a chainof reactions, ranging from comfort to fear. (Line 2 ) consciously: ad. in a way one is aware of itunconsciously: ad. in a way one is not aware of itC conscious: a. realizing something; fully awake; knowingwhat is happening aroundunconscious: a. not conscious; not aware3. Think about some of your most unforgettable meetings: an introduction to your future spouse, a job interview, an encounter with a stranger. (Line 5) introduction: n. the introducing of one person to another. When the learning experience exchange meeting began, thechairperson made an introduction of several efficientstudents. 学习经验交流会一开始,主持人介绍了几位学 习效率高的同学。 When the learning experience exchangemeeting began, the chairperson introducedseveral efficient students to us. rewrite with “ introduce sb. to sb. else” interview: n. 1) a meeting and discussion with sb. seekinga job, etc.2) a discussion in which a television or radioreporter asks a person questions that he orshe thinks listeners would like to hear theanswers tov. question a person in an interview2) In a recent telephone interview, most freshmen interviewed told the interviewerthat they were homesick. 在最近的一次电话采访中,绝大多数被访的 大一新生告诉采访记者他们想家。 1) Before being interviewed by potential employers, job applicants need some interview coaching.在接受未来的用人单位面试之前,求职者需接受一些面试辅导 。vt. meet or have to deal with (sth. bad, esp. a danger or difficulty) 1) His encounter with the new boss was very positive.他与新上司的邂逅具有非常积极的意义。2) After the exposure of the scandal, he was unwilling toencounter journalists. 丑闻曝光后,他不愿与记者遭遇。4. Focus on the first seven seconds. (Line 6)focus on: pay attention to; have as its main points of intereste.g. 那个电视栏目聚焦热门话题。 The TV program focuses on hot issues. e.g. 他咳嗽时,所有乘客都盯着他。When he coughed, all the passengers fixed their eyes on him.C They instruct you to greet them with “power handshakes”and tell you to fix your eyes on the other person. (Line 23)fix ones eyes on: keeps ones eyes on 5. Many how-to books advise you to stride into a room and impress others with your qualities. (Line 22) impress sb. with sth.: feel admiration and respect fore.g. From childhood, she impressed every teacher with herdown-to-earth attitude toward learning. 从童年开始,她就以踏踏实实的学习态度给每一位老师留 下印象。 rewrite with “make an impression on” From childhood, she made an impression on every teacher with her down-to-earth attitude toward learning. 6. The trick is to be consistently you, at your best. (Line 26)a series of 一系列,一连串 range fromto: occur fromto 从······到 ······(范围内变化) 2. Ive helped them make persuasive presentations, answer unfriendly questions, communicate more effectively. (Line 10)此处作者连续用了三个不定式形成平行结构作“them”的宾补, 强调他为别人做的事。& make a presentation: give a speech on sth. 展示,陈述2. Ive helped them make persuasive presentations, answer unfriendly questions, communicate more effectively. (Line 10)此处作者连续用了三个不定式形成平行结构作“them”的宾补, 强调他为别人做的事。& make a presentation: give a speech on sth. 展示,陈述3. You were committed to what you were talking about and so absorbed in the moment, you lost all self- consciousness. (Line 19) be committed to sth./ doing sth.: spend ones time orenergy on sth., give attention to 投身于,致力于1) 他对语言教学事业十分投入。He is very committed to the cause of language teaching.2) 她的一生都用来帮助那些无家可归的人。 She has committed her whole life to helping those homeless people. be absorbed (in): give all ones attention (to) 专心于用句型 so+ adj./adv. + (that) 完成下列句子。The artist was so absorbed in her workthat she didnt hear her visitor enterthe room.1) 艺术家聚精会神于自己的工作,以至于没有听到来访者进了房间。4. If you follow all this advice, youll drive everyone crazy including yourself. (Line 24) drive sb. crazy: make sb. upset or severely annoyed. 使受不了,使发疯1)外面的噪音大得让我受不了。The noise outside was so loud thatit drove me crazy. 5. If I did agree, I certainly wouldnt look at my feet or at the ceiling. Id keep my eye on the lion. (Line 41) 此句为if引导的与现在事实相反的虚拟语气。主句用_,从句用_。If he started it now, he would not finish it in time. If I were you, I would refuse the money from my parents. should/would/might/could + 动词原型 动词过去时1) 就算他现在开始,也不可能按时完成这项工作了。2) 如果我是你,我就不会要父母的钱。 6. You already have within you the power to make a good impression, because nobody can be you as well as you can. (Line 56)“asasone can” : 尽可能······。此为表示比较的 一种方法。There is nothing we can do but wait as calmly as we can. 此句中,因为宾语“the power to make” 过长,作者把 “within you” 前移以保持句子平衡。1) 我们除了尽可能平静地等待什么也做不了。


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