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LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA ON EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS Adopted at the 28th Session of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People's Congress on June 29, 2007Effective from January 1, 2008CHAPTER 1 GENERAL PROVISIONS  Article 1This Law has been formulated in order to improve the employment contract system, to specify the rights and obligations of the parties to employment contracts, to protect the lawful rights and interests of Employees and to build and develop harmonious and stable employment relationships. Article 2This Law governs the establishment of employment relationships between, and the conclusion, performance, amendment, termination and ending of employment contracts by, organizations such as enterprises, individual economic organizations and private non-enterprise units in the Peoples Republic of China (“Employers”) on the one hand and Employees in the Peoples Republic of China on the other hand. The conclusion, performance, amendment, termination and ending of employment contracts by state authorities, institutions or social organizations on the one hand and Employees with whom they establish employment relationships on the other hand, shall be handled pursuant to this Law.Article 3The conclusion of employment contracts shall comply with the principles of lawfulness, fairness, equality, free will, negotiated consensus and good faith. A lawfully concluded employment contract is binding, and both the Employer and the Employee shall perform their respective obligations stipulated therein. Article 4Employers shall establish and improve internal rules and regulations, so as to ensure that Employees enjoy their labor rights and perform their labor obligations. When an Employer formulates, revises or decides on rules and regulations, or material matters, that have a direct bearing on the immediate interests of its Employees, such as those concerning compensation, work hours, rest, leave, work safety and hygiene, insurance, benefits, employee training, work discipline or work quota management, the same shall be discussed by the employee representative congress or all the employees. The employee representative congress or all the employees, as the case may be, shall put forward a proposal and comments, whereupon the matter shall be determined through consultations with the Trade union or employee representatives conducted on a basis of equality. If, during the implementation of an Employers rule or regulation or decision on a crucial matter, the Trade union or an employee is of the opinion that the same is inappropriate, it or he is entitled to communicate such opinion to the Employer, and the rule, regulation or decision shall be improved by making amendments after consultations. Rules and regulations, and decisions on material matters, that have a direct bearing on the immediate interests of Employees shall be made public or be communicated to the Employees by the Employer. Article 5The labor administration authorities of Peoples Governments at the county level and above, together with the Trade union and enterprise representatives, shall establish a comprehensive tri-partite mechanism for the coordination of employment relationships, in order to jointly study and resolve major issues concerning employment relationships. Article 6A Trade union shall assist and guide Employees in the conclusion of employment contracts with their Employer and the performance thereof in accordance with the law, and establish a collective bargaining mechanism with the Employer in order to safeguard the lawful rights and interests of Employees. CHAPTER 2 CONCLUSION OF EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTSArticle 7An Employers employment relationship with a Employee is established on the date it starts using the Employee. An Employer shall keep a register of employees, for reference purposes. Article 8When an Employer hires a Employee, it shall truthfully inform him as to the content of the work, the working conditions, the place of work, occupational hazards, production safety conditions, labor compensation and other matters which the Employee requests to be informed about. The Employer has the right to learn from the Employee basic information which directly relates to the employment contract, and the Employee shall truthfully provide the same. Article 9When hiring a Employee, an Employer may not retain the Employees resident ID card or other papers, nor may it require him to provide security or collect property from him under some other guise. Article 10To establish an employment relationship, a written employment contract shall be concluded. In the event that no written employment contract was concluded at the time of establishment of an employment relationship, a written employment contract shall be concluded within one month after the date on which the Employer starts using the Employee.Where an Employer and a Employee conclude an employment con


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