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山东省部分市2023-2024学年高二下学期期中英语统考试题汇编完形填空山东省烟台市2023-2024学年高二下学期期中英语试题阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Sarah sat in her office, carefully reviewing the financial (财务) records of her small company. She suddenly discovered a hidden41in the invoice(费用清单) from one of hersuppliers. The supplier had mistakenly42her for a substantial order of goods, whichwould result in a significant financial gain for Sarah if left unnoticed.Sarah found herself faced with a difficult43The extra funds could provide a much-needed boost to her44business. However, deep down, she knew she would think45of herself if keeping it a secret or pretending not to know it. She couldnt live with a(an)46 self and she had to make the right decision even if it47 the loss of a chance for her depressing company to grow.Thinking of this, Sarah picked up the phone and called the supplier, politely48 himof the mistake and offering to pay the49 amount. The.supplier, 50 by her frankness, agreed to renew the invoice. Word of Sarahs51 spread rapidly and she earned 52 of the business community. Soon her business began to take off.The incident served as a constant53 to Sarah of the importance of moral conduct in face of setbacks. It facilitated her belief in the power of honesty to build54 relationships in a competitive business environment. Honesty is not only a virtue but a(an)55of a just and trustworthy society.41.A.fileB.errorC.treasureD.diary42.A.underchargedB.underestimatedC.overpaidD.overtook43.A.contestB.processC.taskD.choice44.A.illegalB.influentialC.strugglingD.outstanding45.A.merelyB.favorablyC.seriouslyD.poorly46.A.shamelessB.ungratefulC.impoliteD.unbeatable47.A.guaranteedB.meantC.delayedD.prevented48.A.informingB.warningC. convincingD.suspecting49.A.guessedB.donatedC.owedD. assessed50.A.amusedB. concernedC.annoyedD. surprised51.A.wisdomB.integrityC.justiceD.ambition52.A.admirationB.promotionC.forgivenessD.fortune53.A.sourceB.complaintC.reminderD.challenge54.A.complexB. indirectC.lastingD.temporary55.A.alternativeB. corner stoneC. turning pointD.consequence山东省泰安市2023-2024学年高二下学期期中考试英语试题阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Cheng Yuzhu is a teacher at a kindergarten in Dalian.20 years ago, one child 41 her life track. At that time, the childs parents were not 42 of his situation, but she figured out he was autistic (自闭的) based on his daily 43 .With 44 from the childs parents and the principal of the kindergarten, Cheng began 45 early intervention rehabilitation (康复干预) training for the child. Three years later, he graduated from the kindergarten 46 . As she 47 the child successfully fit into mainstream education, she decided to 48 herself in special education.Cheng's 49 skills and devotion to the children have 50 her the trust of parents.Her 51 for helping children with special needs began when she was a child. Growing up in a rural area of Jilin province, she was 52 by her father, who often did good deeds and helped others. When a neighbor's child was bullied(欺凌) by others, she stood up for the child.Cheng always takes her daughter to 53 n public welfare activities. “The 54 of helping others that I inherited from my father should be 55 to my daughter,” she said.41. A. disturbed B. changed C. blocked D. interrupted42. A. fond B. afraid C. aware D. ignorant43. A. habit B. routine C. activity D. behavior44. A. advice B. right C. permission D. reminding45. A. conducting B. organizing C. learning D. founding46. A. smoothly B. completely C. quickly D. gradually47. A. doubted B. expected C. predicted D. witnessed48. A. find B. engage C. assist D. distinguish49. A. basic B. social C. exceptional D. necessary50. A. owed B. cost C. earned D. promised51. A. hobby B. passion C. reward D. curiosity52. A. arranged B. demanded C. persuaded D. motivated53. A. insist B. depart C. include D. participate54. A. virtue B. honor C. benefit D. pleasure55. A. passed on B. handed up C. handed over D. passed over山东省聊城市2023-2024学年高二下学期期中英语试题阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Praying for BeaI suddenly woke up in the middle of the night with Bea on my mind. I could not seem to 41 her name or her face from my thoughts so I decided to pray for her. I had no idea why but I knew that I should pray.Bea had been my sons 42 writing teacher three years earlier. We were just acquaintances (相识). I didnt understand why I had such a strong 43 to pray for her.The next morning, I had my usual Bible study group to 44 . It was at the church where my son had attended kindergarten.When I arrived early and entered the meeting room, a friend called out to me to see this woman who had to decide whether or not to 45 a heart transplant. She needed it badly, but her husband had just 46 and she


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