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包法利夫人读后感英文版导读 :包法利夫人 后感英文版Farmstead trail, the everlasting town, LuAngI see you to blossom ceremony skirtToward the "love" empty leave a solitary clear of figureI this for your desperate movedOr blame the way the Paris watercolor illusionWent to a wipe clean reluctantly defiled lifeMadame bovary not a coke, nor a pot of relaxed summer green tea, it is more like ice cappuccino - or sweet, or light,always can touches your heart strings - special is, that seek Paris type love woman, and that eat people of the world, that kind of wave may not and the - happiness.the fate of Emma hull, perhaps just because, you too not understand, happiness due shape.A girl who grew up in the Abbey, meet a live parents designed by life of married men - she lives in the first man, then naively Cupid by god's will come.Marry a doctor, how much happiness. She then.thee, follow a car carriage, wobbled, drive to the holy place of her dreams - church.That year, he was 30, she, cardamom age. Perhaps "life as a tomb," a young heart of hearts, but packed in a quiet castle, the end is not satisfied. She began to doubt, the meaning oflife, exactly, "life beauty where"? The manor, Picasso thrall prismis hovering dance, wear blue tailcoat gentleman, wear pearl of young women, she invented, originally life can be so bright affectionate. Back home, but face a wood's husband, a little-used small garden, so she wept.As meteor, lai presents, they talk about books, music, talk about world various. She amazed at their ideas consensus, his intellect is vast, his mind close.Fog glittered dazzling white light, that moment, she looked at him is far of figure, tears.When career was resentment and regret fill, she beginning complains regretted oneself how love to a wood, and are not abandon not love.Then there is LuAng. She met ROM - a sagging soul, always possible for a little Martian lit. Then fell into a man's trick. She beginning to travel two cities and enthusiastic.When she filled with hope to waste all altogether goes to the ends of the earth with his letter, when cut off her hope, love, or a happy life.He drove his carriage, from her door apart, and then told her, he is now an unknown island. She looked at him, the curtain of night after, black, illuminating the only her silvery tears.She invented, originally, the world didn't she imagined wonderful.That year, she probably 25. She was disappointed, gave birth to a bad illness that he die, and there the smile.One day, but in the street met lai - this is a gift of god, or other malicious joke? They went to Paris - that her dream city - they are there, together intoxicated with drunken light fan with trees and flowers everywhere. She become more beautiful, radiant, abnormal enchanting.Trail, the road, they stroll, Mercedes, enjoy the sunshine. She was more fall for small RongMao, blue skirt, color bright ze carpet, perhaps gold plating keys.So money less and less, she began to do STH without authorization signed the ious, hope repose in the unearned, to date, again and again for love! The ultimate ruin.On nov.11 high evening, she came out from the surveyor's home, crumpled, all the way to insults at the "desecrating" her love of man. Be also that night, sheexpressed her most the said: my poor, but not betray yourself. However, when all of hope all return zero hour, when thecourt summons attained dignity, still have what use? As instant old.Arsenic, not delicious, but she ate, Life, not pain, but she think like this, Oneself, not just live your life, but she did so.Zaozhiruci, Emma, you why again to searching for the unreal happy? Why I always remember his childhood wonderful dreams, and grand contrast with reality? He took with confidential die, even around a bunch of good man, she still alone.Time's garden abrupt way back, she sat in front of thorns long boarded, naively looking at the sky, LuAng streets; Their doorstep, Worship of the compound fight, Under the apple tree, her hair fragrance, around her laughter ringing clean.She wore moonlight like whiter satin robe, black hair to spread, the facial expression be serene. Night is very docile. Gameover.BaoFaLi laoye tragedy, perhaps only by a neglect comedy is caused. He does not love her? In fact, "his happiness, only limited to Emma skirt side width".Experience once unlucky be deployed to marriage, a fieldand money transactions of marriage, how much he cherished the god blessed him with gifts.Is because it was too happy to see her eyes, after sorrow.He wanted to, he gave her of substantial career, they had a beautiful daughter, she has the most beautiful dress the town, she what reason is there still unhappy? And myself, has near-far well-known medical skills, have a beautiful wife, a lovely manor, a


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