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题型一Cloze 1Mr.Smith and Mrs.Smith had a son many years after they got married.The Smiths lived a happy life.When their 1 was four years old, an accident happened.One night Mr.Smith was so tired after work that he 2 his wife to meet their son and take him home.Mrs.Smith was very 3 in the kitchen, and she forgot about it.Later the boy lost his 4 in the street and didn't know how to get home.When Mrs.Smith found this, she went to 5 him, but she couldn't find him.Then she went to the 6 station to ask for help.She was very 7 and didn't know how to face her husband.After 8 the bad news, Mr.Smith hurried to the police station, too.9 Mrs. Smith's surprise, Mr.Smith didn't blame(责备) her.Instead, he said, “I love you, dear!”Several weeks 10 ,_with the help of the police, they finally found their lost son.From then on, they became closer than before.When something bad happens, people always spend lots of time blaming others.Try to remember: give others more support, and you will find the world is more wonderful.(B)1.AdaughterBsonCsister Dbrother(A)2.Aasked BinvitedCchose Dmade(B)3.Acrazy BbusyCfree Dhappy(C)4.Atoy BbookCway Dname(B)5.Alaugh at Blook forCcheer up Dget over(D)6.Atrain BrailwayCbus Dpolice (C)7.Asurprised BexcitedCupset Drelaxed(B)8.Apassing BhearingCsearching Dlooking(A)9.ATo BInCWith DFor(D)10.Aago BbeforeCafter DlaterCloze 2Once, there was a huge tree in the middle of a dry land. The tree gave millions of travelers a place to rest. Being located near four towns and many villages, the tree was a good meeting point 1 travelers.One day, two travelers 2 the tree after walking for a long time. They wanted to go to one of the towns nearby. It was a hot and sunny day, and the travelers were very 3 to take a rest under the tree. Tired, they lay under the tree. They slept for a while, enjoying the cool shade(树荫) and the soft breeze(微风)After a while, one of the travelers got hungry. They had 4 food with them. The hungry traveler 5 at the tree, to see if there was any fruit. Finding none, he began to curse(诅咒) the tree. “Oh, this is just a useless tree and it has 6 to feed us, not even some fruit or even nuts! It is of no use!”The other traveler comforted him and asked him to stay 7 . However, the hungry man continued cursing the tree.The tree could not tolerate(忍受) the cursing words of the traveler. It said in a sad yet strong voice, “You are so rude. I 8 you a cool and comfortable place to rest. If I were not here, you would have died now! I saved your life from the hot 9 ,_but then you humiliated(羞辱) me!”The traveler realized his 10 and apologized to the tree.(A)1.Afor BatCwith Don(B)2.Agot BreachedCarrived Dleft(C)3.Asad BannoyedChappy Dconfident(D)4.Asome BanyCmuch Dno(A)5.Alooked up Blooked downClooked for Dlooked through(D)6.Aeverything BanythingCsomething Dnothing(A)7.Acalm BhealthyCwarm Dwealthy(B)8.Amatched BofferedCguided Dcovered(A)9.Asun BlandCwater Dwind(C)10.Aillness BdreamCmistake Djourney


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