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原班级 姓名 考室号 座位号 装订线内不要答题uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu装uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu订uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu线uuuuuuuuuuuuuuu新晃二中第三次月考八年级英语试卷I. 单项选择(每小题2分,共20分): ( )1. , or youll be late for class. A. Hurry B. Hurry up C. Hurrying ( ) 2.If you read a lot, your life will be full pleasure. A. of B. with C. by ( ) 3. Last year I went to Qingdao and it. A. fell in love B. loved with C. fell in love with ( ) 4.- Have you worked out the problem ? - Yes, Ive worked it out. A. yet, yet B. yet, already C. already, yet ( ) 5. What do you want to say? A. other B. another C. else ( ) 6. Shanghai is bigger than in China. A. any other cities B. any other city C. other city ( ) 7. Five million, five hundred and fifteen thousand, one hundred And fifty-one is A. 5,551,155 B. 5,515,151 C. 5,515,511 ( ) 8. Kobe is one of NBA players with teenagers. A. popular B. more popular C. the most popular ( ) 9. Though he the book three times, he hopes to read it again. A. reads B. has read C. read ( ) 10.Diaoyu Island belongs China. A. to B. in C. onII. 完型填空(每小题2分,共20 分)Once upon a time, there was a swan(天鹅). She lived in a lake. A womanwith her two daughters lived in a small house 11 the lake. They lived ahard life. Sometimes they 12 money to buy food.The swan was 13 to see that. She 14 to help them. Every day shecame to the womans house and left a golden feather(羽毛) without 15 anything.The woman sold the feather 16 bought food. She was happy because her lifewas 17 than before.But the woman became greedy(贪婪的). One day when the swan 18 ,the woman caught her and took all her golden feathers. Suddenly the goldenfeathers 19 common (普通的) feathers.The swan said,“I come to help you, but you want to kill 20 . I will nevercome back. Never be greedy.” With these words, the swan disappeared(消失).( ) 11. A. under B. in C. near( ) 12. A. havent B. dont have C. didnt have( ) 13. A. unhappy B. friendly C. unfriendly( ) 14. A. continued B. decided C. hurried( ) 15. A. seeing B. saying C. bringing( ) 16. A. but B. so C. and( ) 17. A. better B. good C. best( ) 18. A. jumped B. came C. cried( ) 19. A. changed into B. picked up C. again and again( ) 20. A. him B. I C. meIII. 阅读理解(每小题2分,共计20分)。(A)阅读下面的短文,符合的写(A), 不符合的写(B)。 Once upon a time, a peacock and a tortoise were good friends. One day, a bird catcher caught the peacock. The tortoise asked the bird catcher to let the peacock go, but he refused. The tortoise then said, “ If I give you a pearl(珍珠), Can you let my friend go? The bird catcher agreed. The tortoise jumped into the river and came up with a big pearl. The bird catcher was so happy that he let the peacock go. A few days later, the bird catcher came back to the tortoise. He said that he would catch the peacock again if he couldnt get another big pearl. The tortoise knew the peacock was in a safe place. “well.” said the tortoise, “Return the pearl to me and Ill give you two.” The bird catcher gave the pearl to the tortoise. The tortoise swam away and never returned. The bird catcher could only stand by the river and feel sorry for being greedy(贪婪的).( ) 21. The bird catcher didnt let the peacock go at first.( ) 22. The tortoise got the big pearl in the river.( ) 23. The bird catcher caught the peacock twice.( ) 24. The bird catcher got two pearls from the tortoise. ( ) 25. The story tells us that being greedy is bad. ( B ) 阅读下面的短文,然后回答短文后面的问题。 Baby kangaroos(袋鼠)are called joeys. While adult kangaroos can be as tall as people, newborn joeys are as small as beans (豆) and weigh just a gram(克) or two. A newborn joey is hairless and its eyes closed. As soon as a joey is born, it climbs into its mothers pouch(育儿袋). It stays and drinks milk there for months. During this time its eyes are open and it grows hair. Soon it looks less like a bean and more like a small kangaroo. At about four months old, a joey begins peeking out(微露出) of its mothers pouch. It stays in the pouch to drink its mothers milk, but it also starts to learn about the outside world. Sometimes when its mother eats grass, a joey will taste the grass, too. By the time it is eight months old, it is able to leave the pouch and stand on its own. Over the


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