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wordAmericaØ The Founding of Colonies殖民地的建立First Inhabitants:American IndiansDiscovery of the New World:1492 Christopher Columbus the discoverer of America(Italian)Spanish Queen s support1501-2 Amerigo Vespucci the new land was name after him as America.reached the mouth of Amazon RiverAmericathe New WorldEuropethe Old World13 colonies:New England Colonies: Mid Atlantic Colonies: Southern Colonies:Massachusetts 2nd colony,1620 New York MarylandNew Hampshire Pennsylvania Virginia 1st colony,1607Rhode Island Delaware North CarolinaConnecticut South Carolina Georgia the last colony,1733New England Region6个: Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Hampshire, Maine and Vermont建立原因:Virginia, 1607Virginia panyFor foreign expansion as a way of easing religious dispute and economic distress in England105 men (no women)Jamestown in honor of the kingMassachusetts In 1620102 Puritans (“Pilgrim Fathers), in Mayflower, from Plymouth in England to AmericaFirst in Plymouth (todays Massachusetts); and then BostonSeek religious freedomMayflower pact <五月花号公约>:self-governmentHardships when arrivedthe help of the IndiansThanksgiving Day to thank the Indians and the God for protectionThe next three coloniesRhode Island, Connecticut, New HampshireReasons: 1. religious disputes and struggles in Massachusetts intensified2. more immigrantsMaine and VermontReason: Proximity (邻近)Non-English ColoniesNew York, New Jersey were first colonized by the Dutch.Delaware was founded by the Swedish.Pennsylvania: Quakers /the Society of Friends (another group of English Protestant)William Penn, the founderGranted coloniesMaryland granted by Charles I to his friend Lord Baltimore as a refuge for English Catholics.South Carolina and North Carolina given by Charles II to his eight close supporters.The last colony GeorgiaA haven (港口,避难所) for English prisoners of debt who could not discharge their debts.Ø The Early Immigrants最初的殖民与殖民生活White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASPs)Reasons to immigrate: 1. religious disputes persecute Catholics and Protestants2. to bee rich in the New World (Protestant work ethic)3. poor men as indentured servants契约劳工4. convictsAmerican culture:A blending of European cultures, but not a mere transplantation.New values:1. new ideas and reforms 2. adaptations: less formal and more practical; less conservative and more outspoken3. industrious4. elasticity (弹性,灵活性),tolerance, promise5. religion as a private affair6. liberty and democracyØ Boston Tea Party 波士顿倾茶事件Relation between England and ColoniesEconomic: supply England with raw materials while importing goods manufactured in England.England Rival; seven years war (1756-1763) FranceProtection Make use of Indians to attack each otherEnglish colonies in America attack Indians波士顿倾茶事件Cause: England allow the East India pany to undersell tea without paying import tax in the colonies. Place&Time:December 16, 1773, Boston harbor英国惩罚措施Intolerable Acts:ask to pay tea loss;to deprive self-ruleResult: This policy aroused the colonial opposition and they declared“no taxation without representation.Ø Two Continental Congresses 两次大陆会议1st Continental CongressSept. 5, 1774 in PhiladelphiaDelegates from 12 colonies except GeorgiaDocument: Declaration of Rights and Grievances 权利和不满宣言Rejected by the British ParliamentColonial militiamen were organized.The first armed clash 莱克星顿的枪声导火索April 19, 1775; Gunshots at the village Lexington, near Boston2nd Continental CongressMay 10, 1775 in Philadelphia, Independence HallOrganize and equip an American armyAppointing George Washington as mander-in-chiefAsk for help from other countries, esp. FrancePublic support: 1776, Thomas Paine published mon Sense and The American Crisis Ø Declaration of Independence独立宣言During the 2nd Continental CongressA mittee,(posed of Thomas Jefferson,Benjamin Franklin,John Adam and other members)To draw up the Declaration of Independence.It was drafted by Thomas Jefferson on July 4th, 1776 (Independence Day / the National Day of the US)was a milestone in American history. It is remarkable in that it approaches the problem of American independence from the angle of human rights.“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness; that to secure these rights, governments are instituted amo


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