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Reading after Harry Potter and The Philosopher 哈利波特与魔法石读后感

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Reading after Harry Potter and The Philosopher 哈利波特与魔法石读后感

【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流Reading after Harry Potter and The Philosopher 哈利波特与魔法石读后感.精品文档.Reading after Harry Potter and The Philosopher's StoneI fell in love with Harry Potter when I was a ten-year-old girl,who was interested in all the mystical things.Harry Potter led me to a new world which was full of magic and love,thats why I was eager to become 11 at that time so that I would know whether I was a witch.Then certainly,Im not. Reading Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone again in English made me feel more and learn more.The character that most impressed me was courage. I admire little Harrys courage to face the future.When he first got on the train to Hogwarts,he really did not know what was going to happen,and he knew little about the magic world,but he was not afraid at all.Instead,he felt a great leap of excitement.He didnt know what he was going to-but it had to be better than he was leaving behind.Though Harry alway suffers a lot,he always has trust in the future. Courage is important.Every line,every word of this book reminds us of the value of courage.I remember Ron encouraged Neville not to afraid of Malfoy.He said ,You've got to stand up to him,Neville!He's used to walking all over people,but that's no reason to lie down in front of him and make it easier. Harry,Ron and Hermione were just first-year students in Hogwarts ,but in order to protect the Philosopher's Stone,they fought with their professor and finally they succeed.Courage makes people strong. Albus Dumbledore once said to Harry that ,To ones as young as you,I'm sure it seems incredible,but to Nicolas and Perenelle,it really is like going to bed after a very very long day.After all,to the well-organized mind,death is but the next great adventure.Professor Dumbledore taught me how to face death bravely. Apart from courage,the book told me the importance of love.Voldemort is a very powerful wizard,but he was not able to kill Harry and he could not even touch Harry.Professor Dumbledore once explained this to Harry,If there is one thing Voldemort cannot understand,it is love.He didn't realize that love as powerful as your mother's for you leaves its own mark.Not a scar,no visible sign.to have been loved so deeply,even though the person who loved us is gone,will give us some protection forever.It is in your very skin.Quirrell,full of hatred,greed,and ambition,sharing his soul with Voldemort,could not touch you for this reason.It was agony to touch a person marked by something so good.The book made me realize that there is nothing that is more powerful than love.Love makes us strong. What make Harry a great boy are many valuable characters,one of which is modesty.Because of his legendary experience,he is very celebrated and he has a lot of adorer,but Harry is never arrogant.On the contrary,he is very modest and hard-working.He never thinks himself a famous person. In a way,Harry is just an ordinary boy.He laugh;he cry;he wants friends;he needs love.He is just like everyone among us,so sometimes reading his story is just like talking to myself.Meanwhile,he leads me to an amazing new world,which is full of adventures,magic and love.


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