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n更多企业学院: 中小企业管理全能版183套讲座+89700份资料总经理、高层管理49套讲座+16388份资料中层管理学院46套讲座+6020份资料 国学智慧、易经46套讲座人力资源学院56套讲座+27123份资料各阶段员工培训学院77套讲座+ 324份资料员工管理企业学院67套讲座+ 8720份资料工厂生产管理学院52套讲座+ 13920份资料财务管理学院53套讲座+ 17945份资料 销售经理学院56套讲座+ 14350份资料销售人员培训学院72套讲座+ 4879份资料n更多企业学院: 中小企业管理全能版183套讲座+89700份资料总经理、高层管理49套讲座+16388份资料中层管理学院46套讲座+6020份资料 国学智慧、易经46套讲座人力资源学院56套讲座+27123份资料各阶段员工培训学院77套讲座+ 324份资料员工管理企业学院67套讲座+ 8720份资料工厂生产管理学院52套讲座+ 13920份资料财务管理学院53套讲座+ 17945份资料 销售经理学院56套讲座+ 14350份资料销售人员培训学院72套讲座+ 4879份资料云南师范大学统一考试大学英语(1)期末考试卷(体育艺术)学院 年级 专业 班级 姓名 学号 考试方式: 闭卷 考试时量:120分钟 试卷编号: A卷题号一二三四五六总分评卷人Part Listening Comprehension ( 20%)Section ADirections: Listen to the statements twice and choose the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the statements you have heard.1. A. He is from Italy. B. They come from Italy.C. She goes to Italy. 2. A. They dont drink juice. B. They always drink juice. C. They seldom drink juice. 3. A. She is studying now. B. She studied yesterday. C. She studies everyday. 4. A. Maybe they didnt go there. B. They are going to there. C. They went there. 5. A. She ran to the supermarketB. She walked to the supermarket.C. She drove to the supermarket. 6. A. I always eat it. B. I seldom eat it. C. I dont eat it. 7. A. Its not the time to go to school. B. Its time to go to school. C. It was the time to go to school. 8. A. Id like to have a cup of tea. B. Id like to have something to eat. C. Id like to have a cup of coffee. 9. A. Sam gets it. B. Tom gets it. C. Tom sends it. 10. A. He wants to play football. B. He is holding a football. C. We cant find his football. 11. A. Some of them went. B. None of them went. C. Not all of them went. 12. A. Its nine oclock now. B. The students are in the language lab now. C. The students are going to go to the language lab. 13. A. Her answers were correct. B. Her questions were correct. C. She corrected the answers. 14. A. The cup is plastic. B. The handle is plastic. C. The box is plastic. 15. A. He went to class by taxi. B. She may go to class. C. He called a taxi.Section BDirections: In this section, you will hear 2 short passages read twice. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. After you hear a question, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D.Passage 116. A. It will be advertised and will be sold. B. It will be advertised but will not be sold.C. It will be made beautiful. D. The real estate agent will buy it. 17. A. He bought the house himself. B. He rebuilt the house. C. He advertised the house. D. He pulled down the house. Passage 218. A. Italy. B. Spain. C. Japan. D. All of the above. 19. A. Dull. B. Noisy. C. Interesting D. Quiet. 20. A. Eat a special food. B. Throw things away. C. Climb a mountain. D. Eat noodles.Part Reading Comprehension (30%)Directions: In this section, there are three passages followed by some questions. Choose the best one from the four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Then you should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer sheet with a single line through the center.Passage 1 Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage Why do people smoke? One reason is that people become addicted to cigarettes. To be addicted means that your body comes to need them. The addictive substance in cigarettes is nicotine. When people smoke, the nicotine goes right into the blood and makes people feel relaxed. A smokers body gets used to the nicotine and if he stops smoking, he feels nervous. Another reason is that people simply enjoy smoking. Having a cigarette for many people means taking a rest. Some people, for example, enjoy a cigarette after dinner. Many people enjoy smoking because it gives you something to do with your hands. Many people also like the taste of tar in cigarettes. However, its the tar that causes cancer. While governments and health experts have tried to get people to give up smoking entirely, cigarette manufacturers have tried to keep catching them by producing cigarettes with less tar. Many people have welcomed the cigarettes since they find it hard


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