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Module 2 Australia and New Zealand 同步测试

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Module 2 Australia and New Zealand 同步测试

Module 2 Australia and New Zealand 同步测试第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21What did she want to know , Tom ? She wondered we could complete the experimentAwhen was it Bit was when that Cit was when Dwhen it was that 22Your desk is crowded with too many unnecessary things . You have to some of them .Aremain Bresist Cremove Drenew 23This story , is very fascinating ; there are many interesting characters in it .Aon the whole Bon earth Cin no time Dout of the question 24I a book on fashion at the moment , and it in the book that Europeans started to wear top hats in the early 1800s .Aread ; is said Bam reading ; is saying Cwas reading ; was saying Dam reading ; says 25 there are many kinds of different understanding of our body language , some gestures seem to be universal .AWhile BWhen CIf DAs 26How did it that you made such a silly mistake ? I myself havent figured it out yet .Abring about Bcome about Ccome acrossDcome on 27Which of those electronic dictionaries do you like most ? . They are both expensive and of little use .ANone BBoth CNeither DAll 28After the Shenzhou VI capsule touched down , tow astronauts succeeded in traveling around the earth , thus again China is global space power .Aproved Bto prove Cto have proved Dproving 29When winter comes , spring be far behind ?Amust Bshould Cwill Dcan 30A NASA experimental jet , the X-43A, flew at a world-record speed11,260 kilometers an hour on November 17. This speed is as sound .Aas ten times fast Bten times so fast Cten times as fast Dten times faster 31Sorry , Ann. Im afraid that I cant go to the magic show by David Copper Field with you . . Who knows when he will be back here next time ?AIt doesnt matter .BDo as you like .CWhat a shame !DTake it easy .32British government often says that providing children with to the information super highway is of great importance .Aprevention Bprotection Callowance Daccess 33We were shocked to hear the news that two Chinese engineers were shot to death in Pakistan . Worse still, third one died in hospital afterwards .A/; aBthe ; the Cthe ; a D/ ; the 34The book has been well received , but actual sales , it hasnt been very successful .Athanks to Bin terms of Caccording to Dregardless of 35How about going to the park this afternoon ? ? Its a few months since I enjoyed myself in the park .AWhy BWhat CWhat for DWhy not 第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项Each of us fails from time to time . If we are wise, we accept these failures as a 36 part of the learning process . But all too often as parents and teachers we 37 this same right to our children .When I see a child 38 from this kind of pressure , I think of Donnie .Donnie was my youngest third-grader . His 39 of failure kept him from classroom games that other children enjoyed . He 40 answered questionshe was afraid he might be wrong . I tried my best to build his 41 .But nothing changed until midterm , when Mary Anne , a student teacher , was assigned to our classroom . She was young and pretty , and she loved children . My pupils , Donnie included , all 42 her very much .One morning , we were working on math problems at the chalkboard . Donnie had 43 the problems with pains-taking tidiness . Pleased with his progress , I 44 the children with Mary Anne and went for art materials . When I returned , Donnie was in 45 . Hed missed the third problem .My student teacher looked at me in despair . Suddenly her face 46 . From the desk we shared , she got a container filled with pencils .“Look , Donnie,” she said, kneeling beside him and gently 47 the tear-stained (弄脏的) face from his arms . “Ive got something to 48 you.” She removed the pencils , one at a time , and placed them on his desk .“See these 49 , Donnie,” she continued . “They belong to Mrs . Lindstrom and me . See how the erasers are 50 ? Thats because we make mistakes too . But we erase the mistakes and try again . Thats what you 51 learn to do , too.”She kissed him and stood up . “Here”, she said , Ill leave one of these pencils on 52 desk so youll remember that everybody makes mistakes, 53 teachers.” Donnie looked up with love in his eyes and a smile .The 54 became Donnies prized possession . That, together with Mary Annes frequent encouragement, gradually 55 him that its all right to make mistakesas long as you erase them and try again .36AsmallBbasic Cnecessary Dlarge37Agive Bdisallow Coffer Dpermit 38Acome B


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