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成都理工大学毕业论文The Influence of the Plain English Movement on Business English Writing简明英语运动对商务英语写作的影响ByYang PinghaoSupervised byProf. Luo RuntianMay 20th, 2011College of Foreign Languages and CulturesChengdu University of TechnologyvThe Influence of the Plain English Movement on Business English WritingStudent: Yang Pinghao Class: 2007110102Supervisor: Prof. Luo RuntianAbstractAbout three decades ago the Plain English Movement began, and so far it has developed on a spectacular scale around the globe. It was then against gobbledygook and fighting for the benefit of ordinary people; now it is, almost the same but more positively, against the waste of time and money and fighting for effective and comfortable communication.Plain English has certainly entered the world of business. For a field that is so in need of efficiency, it has helped a lot. Written communication in business is like a cornerstone. People conduct the majority of their transactions via it for its permanency and accuracy. With the globalization of economy, business English, or efficient business English becomes more and more essential. So the old style of business English, long-winded and obscure, starts to appear helpless or even cause more trouble. Thats why plain English is now widely accepted and practiced.Due to the influence of plain English, business people begin to make their writings shorter by employing simpler words and removing needless jargons. In this way, they express themselves more clearly and help the readers understand them more easily. A number of examples are presented in this paper to show how plain English actually helps to simplify business writing. But the purpose of plain English is not merely to simplify, totally denying traditional business English, but to state all the information in a more concise and clearer way for quicker and better understanding.The author hopes this study will help people get a better understanding of both plain English and business writing, and be better at writing business works.Key words: plain English; business writing; influence; effective communication简明英语运动对商务英语写作的影响摘 要大约三十年前简明英语运动兴起,至今已在全球蓬勃发展。当初简明英语运动反对官样文章,保障普通老百姓的利益;现在它仍然行使着这职责,并且有了更加积极的一面:反对浪费时间和金钱,保障有效沟通。简明英语自然也进入了商业领域,对于如此讲求效率的商业世界多有裨益。书面通信是商业的基石,因其持久性和准确性,人们大多数的生意都是通过书面通信进行的。随着经济全球化的不断发展,商务英语,特别是高效率的商务英语扮演着越来越重要的角色。以往的商务英语冗长、晦涩,早已显出其无用甚至反作用,而简明英语现今却被广泛接受与使用。由于简明英语的影响,商务工作者已开始使用简易的单词、去掉不必要的陈旧术语,以使写作更加简明。这样,他们将自己的意思表达得更清楚,也使读者更容易明白。本文通过大量例证探讨了简明英语是如何影响商务英语,使其简明化的。但简明英语的目的并不是为了简化而简化,甚至全然否定了传统商务英语,其目的实质为将所有信息更加简明扼要、清楚明了地呈现给读者,使读者更快更轻松地理解。作者希望这一研究可以使读者对简明英语与商务英语都有一定的了解,并且通过这些了解对现代商务英语写作有更好的掌握。关键词:简明英语;商务写作;影响;有效沟通ContentsAbstracti摘 要iiIntroduction11.Plain English and the Plain English Movement11.1Plain English11.1.1The Definition of Plain English21.1.2Basic Principles of Plain English31.2The Plain English Movement41.2.1The Plain English Movement in Britain41.2.2The Plain English Movement in the US52.Business English Writing62.1The Definition of Business English62.2Practical Business English Writings62.3 Features of Business English Writing73.The Influence of Plain English on Business English Writing83.1Why Do People Use Plain English83.2Obvious Changes in Business English Writing93.2.1Omission of Unnecessary and Repeated words93.2.2 Use of Simple Words and Everyday Expressions103.2.3 Avoiding the Out-of-date Commercial Jargons113.3 Other Inspirations of Plain English12Conclusion13Acknowledgements15Endnotes16References17iiThe Influence of the Plain English Movement on Business English Writing简明英语运动对商务英语写作的影响IntroductionThe same with legal English, business English has long been considered typical written language filled with technical terms and awkward formulaic expressions. It cant be denied, however, that changes have taken place with the development of times, and of course the most important, with the development of plain English.Plain English has become a trend in every way of our daily life, and a must in our work and communication, especially the written form. We have a good reason to study it and make clear how it would help us for more effective communication. It has affected modern business English a lot so that the latter has become much easier to understand, thus making our work more efficient.In the first part well get an idea of Plain English and the Plain English Movement. The second part is a brief introduction of business English. In the third part the author will use a lot of examples to state how plain English has influenced business writing nowadays.1.Plain English and the Plain English MovementIn order to discuss the influence of plain English on business English writing, wed better first acquaint ourselves with some basic knowledge of plain English and the Plain English Movement.


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