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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上英语单项选择易错题集锦( )1. Do you have art room ? A. a B. an C. the ( )2. Is this the teachers office ? No, . A. it isnt B. it not C. it is( )3. . Wheres the gym? A. Thank you. B. Excuse me. C. Good idea.( )4. Please be quiet in the . A. library B. gym C. room( )5. Here my homework. A. are B. / C. is( )6. How many are there in your class? A. student B. students C. book( )7.My classroom is the first floor . A. on B. in C. under ( )8. Welcome China. A. to B. for C. too( )9. Do you have a music room? . A. Yes , I am B. Yes, we do C. Yes, it is( )10.This our classroom. A. am B. are C. is ( )11. Its 8:00.Its time English class .A. for B. to C. in ( )12. Its 12:00. Its time for . A. go to bed B. breakfast C. lunch( )13. What time is it? Its .Its time to go home . A. At 5oclock B. 5:00 oclock C. 5 oclock( ) 14. Its snowy. We can _. A. swim B. wear shorts C. make a snowman ( ) 15. Can I _ your kite? A. open B.fly C. put( ) 16. Whats the weather like _ Beijing. A. on B. at C. in ( ) 17. - are you? -I am in New York. A. Where B.How C. When( ) 18. What are ? A. it B . these C. this( ) 19. -Are they bananas? -Yes, _ . A. it is B. they arent C. they are ( ) 20. The green beans _so long. A. is B. am C. are( ) 21. I like_ .A. potato B. potatoes C. a potato ( ) 22.-How much are the sunglasses?- _10 yuan. A. Its BThey are C. There are( ) 23.-How many _ are there? A.dress B.gloves C.scarf ( ) 24. Look! These _my green skirts. A.is B.are C.have ( ) 25. - Its hot today.So I _my_. A. put,dress . B.put on,jacket C.put on,T-shirt( ) 26. They are her _. A.hat B.sock C.shorts ( ) 27. _that dress. Its pretty A. Look B. Look for C. Look at ( ) 28. _ do you like this shirt? A. What B. How C. Where( ) 29. This shirt is nice, but its_ small.B. to B. too C. two ( ) 30. Put_your shoes. A. in B. on C. off( ) 31. -These shoes are _ . A.my brother B.my brothes. C.my brothers. ( ) 32. Whose book is this ?- Its_. A.my B.me C.mine( ) 33. -_ is your sweater? - Its blue. A.What colour B.What time C.Where ( ) 34. -Can you help_ ? A.I B.my C.me ( ) 35. -Is that your_ ?-Yes,it is. A.shoes B.dresses C.jacket. ( ) 36. Ill take_. A. it B. they C. their ( ) 37. Its_shirt. A. Tom B. Toms C. Toms ( )38. We have_art room in our school. A. a B. an C. The( )39. -Whose shirt is this ? -Its_. A. mine B. me C. My( )40. -_is the dress? -Its sixty yuan. A. How B. How many C.How much( )41.-Can I go outside now?-_. A. No, you cant. B. No. it isnt. C. No, you dont.( )42. Its_in Beijing in summer. A. warm and windy B. hot and sunny C. cold and snowy( )43.The shirt is very_. I cant take it. A.cheap B.expensive C. Nice( )44. I dont like carrots. Ilike_and_. A. tomato , potato B. tomato, potatoes C. tomatoes, potatoes( )45.-How do you_this dress?-Sorry, its_small. A. like, too B. like, to C. think, too( ) 46.- _coat is this? -Its _. A. Whose , mine B. Who , mine C. Whose , my( ) 47. The art room is the first floor. A. on B. in C. near( ) 48. - Whose coat is this ? - _ A. Its mine. B. Its your mother. C. Yes, it is. ( ) 49. - Can I try_ on? - Sure. A. them B. they


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