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2022年考博英语-黑龙江大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)1. 写作题Directions: Nowadays, traffic problem remains one of the most serious situations in urban areas. Write an essay of 180-200 words to discuss this topic. Your essay must include the instructions as follows:1. Present situations2. Possible reasons3. What should be done to solve this problem【答案】略2. 单选题Ive heard the saying, “The best gift parents can ever give to their children is to love each other.”Ive had the pleasure of witnessing the truth of this statement for over 40 years. From as far back as I can remember my Mom and Dad were a team, a great partnership. They were more than just a partnership. It was as if they were one person.Sure, they argued, but there was never any doubt in our minds that any disagreements would be worked through and resolved. Mom and Dad began their married life poor, but they worked hard and, over the years, built a very successful business. They each had their strengths and weaknesses, but the way they worked together, you never saw the weaknesses, just the strengths.Dad was the outgoing, more public person with whom people met and fell in love with right away. Everyone knew Dad! Then, when they got to meet Mom, they felt the exact same way about her as well. Mom, although not at all shy, was more comfortable being the person behind the scenes. More detail oriented, she ran the books and, according to Dad, was the one who really made the business work.The biggest lesson about love and marriage that my mom and dad taught us kids was how to talk about your spouse. Have you ever heard husbands and wives, when speaking to others, make unkind remarks about their spouses? Its one of those things people just seem to do. Sure, theyre “only kidding” or maybe they are not. But words matter. And words teach, whether positively or negatively.You would never hear such a thing from my mom and dad. Dad always speaks of Mom in the most complimentary, glowing terms. As does she of him. This lesson made such an impression on me. I still remember when I was age 12 and we were getting carpet installed in our home. The crew boss was one of those stereotypical beer guzzling, hard-living guys, who would have probably belonged to Ralph Kramdens Raccoon Lodge from the old Honeymooners TV show. For lunch, my folks bought pizza for the crew. Dad went to talk with the boss about the job. I was around the comer listening.The boss said, “This is an expensive job. Women will really spend your money, wont they?” Dad responded, “Well, Ill tell you, when they were right there with you before you had any money, its a pleasure to do anything for them you possibly can.”This wasnt the answer the carpet installer expected to hear. He was looking for negative banter about wives which, to him, was natural. He tried again: “But, gee, theyll really play off that and spend all they can, wont they?” Dad replied, as I knew he would, “Hey, when theyre the reason youre successful, you want them to do the things they enjoy. Theres no greater pleasure.”The crew boss tried one more time. And theyll take that as far as they can, huh? Dad responded. “Shes the best thing that ever happened to me. Id do anything to make her happy.”I was trying not to laugh. I knew he wanted Dad to give in just a little bit and say, “Yeah,I guess thats true. But it wouldnt happen.not in a million years! ”Finally, the installer gave up and went back to work, probably shaking his head in bewilderment. Witnessing my dad in that moment taught me more about loving and respecting your wife than anything he could ever have told me about the subject.Mom and Dad are now retired and enjoying their life together, just hanging out, reading, and visiting their children and grandchildren. They recently celebrated their 43rd wedding anniversary. They still hold hands, and they are more in love than ever. Throughout the years, whenever Mom would remind me that I should be looking to get married, Id say, “Ma, I have plenty of time.” Shed jokingly reply that I dont have “that” much time. My Dad would then look at me in that wisdom-filled, city streets bred way of his and say, “Hey, you take all the time you need. If you marry someone just half the woman your mother is, youll have a great life.” I should only be so lucky.1.What are the authors mothers characteristics?2.How did the authors parents teach him the most important thing about marriage?3.Why did the authors family buy pizza for the crew?4. Which of the following is least likely to be accepted by this crew boss?5.What kind of impact did the conversation between his father and the installer have on the author?问题1选项A.She is more public and determined.B.She is more patient and comfortable.C.She is more agreeable and pays more attention to details.D.She is in charge of accounting and running the business.问题2选项A.They each had their strengths and w


本文(2022年考博英语-黑龙江大学考试内容及全真模拟冲刺卷(附带答案与详解)第44期)为本站会员(壹****1)主动上传,金锄头文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即阅读金锄头文库的“版权提示”【网址:https://www.jinchutou.com/h-59.html】,按提示上传提交保证函及证明材料,经审查核实后我们立即给予删除!


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