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苏教版译林六年级英语(上册)期中练习卷学校: 班级: 姓名: 等第: 听力部分 一、听录音,判断所听内容是否与录音相同,用T、F表示。1. 2 3 4 5( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )二、 听录音,选出你所听到的图片。1.( ) A. B. C. 2.( ) A. B. C. 3.( ) A. B. C. 4.( ) A. B. C. 5.( ) A. B. C. 三、听录音,选出你所听到的单词或短语。( )1. A. laughed at B. pointed at C. shouted at( )2. A. Swedish B. Spanish C. Scottish ( )3. A. fit B. feet C. foot ( )4. A. liked B. lived C. loved( )5. A. sunny and windyB. windy and rainy C. sunny and cloudy四、根据所听短文判断正(T)误(F)。( )1. Long long ago, there were three a little pigs and a wolf.( )2. The wolf wanted to make friends with the pigs.( )3. The pigs needed to make new houses, a grass house, a stick(枯枝做的) house and a brick(砖瓦做的)house.( )4. The wolf pushed down all the houses.( )5. The wolf walked into the third house at last. 笔试部分一、选择( )1. The boy is clever he tells the truth(事实).A. with B. because C. but D. or( )2. Long long ago, there a house on the hill. A. had B. was C.is D. were( )3. The king a special hobby . He new clothes.A. has, likes wears B. had, liked wearing C. had, liked wear D. had , likes wear( )4. The old lady is nice . A. to , I B. for , me C. to , us D. to, hers( ) 5. It was in the morning. But it in the afternoon.A. sunny, rainy B. sunny, rained C .rainy, sunny D. rained, sunny( ) 6. Who the bread?Tom did.A. takes B. take C. took D. taked( ) 7. The kite flew high and we hold it.A. cant, onto B. couldnt, onto C. can, on D. could, on( ) 8. The children very happy in the garden last night.A. looks B. were C. are D. was( ) 9. What ? He his model plane.A. happens, losts B. is happening, is losting C. happened, losted D. happened, lost.( ) 10. Last weekend, I a card from my good friend Mark.A. get B. have C. got二、连词成句1. a lot of people, there were, in the street _2. She, yesterday, some dumplings, brought _3. give you the fish, I wanted to, because _4. for, the holiday, where did you go _5. this afternoon, Liu Tao and Wang Bing, watched a film_三、读单词,选出划线部分读音不同的一项( ) 1. A. sign B. bike C. public( ) 2. A. hobby B. over C. pocket ( ) 3. A. front B. month C. orange ( ) 4. A. grass B. cage C. skate( ) 5. A. bear B. dear C. hear 四、搭配( ) 1. Was there a lion in the forest many years ago? A. No, he didnt.( ) 2. Did Sam wear a paper T-shirt? B. I lost my book.( ) 3. You look sad. What happened? C. It rained hard.( ) 4. How was the weather last Sunday? D. Yes, there was.( ) 5. What did Tim do? E. He visited his grandparents.五、完形填空Today is Childrens Day. I _1_ early. My parents _2_ go to work. We went to the park. There _3_ a party in it. We had a lot of fun there. Then we _4_ an interesting film. We all liked it. After dinner, my parents _5_ me a watch as a present. I was happy today!( ) 1. A. got up B. got on C. got to( ) 2. A. werent B. arent C. didnt ( ) 3. A. was B. is C. are ( ) 4.A. watch B. watches C. watched( ) 5. A. gave B. gives C. giving 六、根据提示完成句子 1. A: _ is your birthday, Miss Li? B: Its _ the 9th of September.A: What _ do you do on your last birthday?B: I _ a party with my friends. We _ all very happy. 2. 十分钟以前,李先生在办公室里。Mr Li _in the _ ten minutes _.3. 上个周末,我去了长城。 I_ to the _Wall last weekend.七、选择合适的词语填空A. Long long ago B. windy and rainy C. make clothes D. lived in E. shouted at1. The lion _the old man, “You picked a flower. Now give me your child.”2. _ , there was a temple on the mountain.3. My mother is a tailor. She can _.4. It was _ outside, so we couldnt go out and do morning exercise.5. An old man and a little boy _the house.八、阅读理解A. 阅读故事,选择正确的答案 The ant and the grasshopper(蚱蜢)It was summer. It was very hard. The ant worked hard. He carried(搬运)food home. He was tired. The grasshopper laughed at him, “Youre so foolish. The weather is so hot. Why dont you h


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