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江西师范大学硕士研究生入学考试初试科目考试大纲科目代码、名称:716 综合英语适用专业:050201英语语言文学、050211外国语言学及应用语言学一、考试形式与试卷结构(一)试卷满分 及 考试时间本试卷满分为 150 分,考试时间为180分钟。(二)答题方式答题方式为闭卷、笔试。试卷由试题和答题纸组成;答案必须写在答题纸相应的位置上。(三)试卷内容结构(考试的内容比例及题型)各部分内容所占分值为:第一部分Vocabulary. 20分第二部分Cloze. 20分第三部分 Reading Comprehension. 40分第四部分 Translation. 40分第五部分 Writing. 30分(四)试卷题型结构词汇选择题:20小题,每小题1分,共20分完型填空题:20小题,每小题1分,共20分阅读理解题:4或5篇短文,20小题,每小题2分,共40分翻译:中译英-1篇短文,20分 英译中-1篇短文,20分作文:30分二、样卷江西师范大学2011年硕士研究生入学考试试题( A 卷)专业: 英语语言文学 外国语言学及应用语言学 科目: 综合英语 注:考生答题时,请写在考点下发的答题纸上,写在本试题纸或其他答题纸上的一律无效。(本试题共 12 页).Vocabulary (20×1points)There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked a, b, c, and d. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. There is no _for the united States to sign the treaty since there is every reason to believe that no other nation intends to honor its provisions.a. arrangement b. continuation c. incentive d. procedure2.Although the conditions in which she chooses to live suggest that she is miserly, her contributions to the worthwhile charities show that she is _. a. stingy b. frugal c. intolerant d. generous3. There are many dialects of English with radically different pronunciations of the same word, but the spelling of these words is _. a. inconstant b. uniform c. contemplated d. abbreviated4. There is no necessary intrinsic connection between a word and the thing it refers to; the relationship is purely _. a. conventional b. consistent c. strategic d. illustrative5. Naturally _from birth, Arnold practiced hard to _his talents. a. adeptperfect b. handicappedovercome c. ineptdevelop d. giftedlimit6. The teachers pride was hurt when he discovered that half his class had _the exam. a. enjoyed b. reassessed c. flunked d. redeemed7. The reporters _probings finally brought results in the case. a. scattered b. severe c. obsessive d. relentless8. Every new theory not only must _the valid predictions of the old theory, but must also explain why those predictions _within the range of that old theory. a. organizefailed b. generatefaltered c. promotefunctioned d. accommodatesucceeded9. After several_attempts to send the missle into space, the spacecraft was finally launched successfully. a. abortive b. difficult c. preliminary d. excellent10. He worked _at his task for weeks before he felt satisfied that the results would justify his long efforts. a. regularly b. patiently c. assiduously d. intermittently11. His _directions misled us; we did not know which of the two roads to take. a. complicated b. extenuating c. ambiguous d. arbitrary12. In order to photograph _ animals, elaborate flashlight equipment is necessary. a. predatory b. nocturnal c. live d. rare13. His _remarks are often embarrassing because of their frankness. a. sarcastic b. sadistic c. frank d. ingenuous14. Automation threatens mankind with an increased number of _hours. a. meager b. useless c. complex d. idle15. The pioneers greatest asset was not their material wealth but their_. a. fortitude b. simplicity c. companions d. possessions16. Some students are _and want to take only the courses for which they see immediate value. a. theoretical b. pragmatic c.foolish d. opinionated17. Americans do not feel that _ obedience and implicit submission to the will of another is necessary in order to maintain good government. a. titular b. blind c. partial d. verbal18. We do not mean to be disrespectful when we refused to follow the advice of our _leader. a. venerable b. respectful c. gracious d. dynamic19. The childs earliest words deal with concrete objects and actions, it is much later that he is able to grapple with _. a. decisions b. abstractions c. opponents d. mathematics 20. _enables us to know the past and to use it in preparing for the future. a. Truth b. Language c. Antiquity d. Thought. Cloze(20×1points)Response to noise in hospital was clearly related to custom and background. All patients of _1_ classes discussed ward noises, and expressed varying degrees of _2_with what they thought of as “ avoidable noise”. The 74 people who made no _3_on noise and the 19 who thought that the ward was not noisy were either in unskilled work, often factories, or the


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