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2024年人教版英语中考复习 七年级上册 Units 5~9(含答案)

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2024年人教版英语中考复习 七年级上册 Units 5~9(含答案)

2024年人教版英语中考复习七年级上册 Units 59(含答案)2024年人教版英语中考复习七年级(上) Units 59 play的用法 Well, lets play basketball.好吧,让我们打篮球吧。(Unit 5 P27) (1)Lucy, stop playing _the pet dog.Its time to have lunch. A.at B.to C.with D.on (2)熬夜玩电脑游戏对身体健康有害。(play) Its bad for your body to stay up late to play computer games. (3)父母在孩子成长的过程中发挥重要作用。(play) Parents play an important role/part in their childrens growth. 辨析sound, look, smell, taste与feel That sounds interesting.那听起来很有趣。 (Unit 5 P28) (1)(2023·黄孝咸27题)Daniel, try this strawberry cake. It _delicious.Id like to have some more. A.smells B.feels C.tastes D.looks (2)(2023·恩施24题改编)The scarf _soft.I like it very much. A.tastes B.feels C.sounds D.smells (3)你穿粉色看上去很漂亮。(look) You look (very) beautiful/pretty in pink. 熟词生义sound还可指“酣睡;睡得沉”,如Theres nothing quite like falling sound asleep after a full day of work.(2022·河南) 辨析watch, look, see与read I only watch them on TV!我只在电视上观看它们!(Unit 5 P29) (1)We can learn about whats going on around the world by _newspapers every day. A.looking B.seeing C.reading D.watching (2)I plan to _the football match on TV tonight. A.look B.watch C.read D.see (3)一直盯着陌生人看是不礼貌的。(look) Its impolite to look at strangers all the time. 词条 含义 相关搭配 watch 注视;观看;观察 watch TV/the game 看电视/比赛 watch out 小心;当心 look 看;看上去(强调动作) look after 照顾look at 看 look for 寻找 see 看见(强调结果);理解;明白 see sb.do/doing sth. 看见某人做/正在做某事 see a film 看电影 read 阅读(读书、看报等) read a book/newspaper 读书/看报 询问价格的句型 How much are these socks?这些袜子多少钱?(Unit 7 P37) (1)Tina, I like your Tshirt. _ is it? Its 80 yuan.It is made in China. A.How far B.How long C.How often D.How much (2)(2023·盘锦9题)Good morning, madam! _beef do you want? Two kilos, please. A.How much B.How many C.How often D.How far (3)How much are their new shoes?(改为同义句) Whats the price of their new shoes? 词条 含义 常用句型 how much (询问价格) 多少钱 How muchbe主语? Whats the price of主语? How muchdo/does主语cost? How muchbe主语worth? (询问数量) 多少 How much不可数名词其他? how many (询问数量) 多少 How many可数名词复数其他? 提示表示价格的“高”“低"用high/low修饰price,不能用expensive/cheap。 辨析take, bring, get与carry Ill take two pairs. 我要买两双。(Unit 7 P38) (1)Wait a minute! He is going out to _some takeaway food for us. Thats so nice of him. A.bring B.take C.carry D.get (2)(2023·黄石42题改编)他们相信兔子的脚能给它的持有者带来好运。(bring) They believe a rabbits foot can bring good luck to its holder. 词条 含义 图示 用法 take (to) 带走 把某人/某物从说话处带到别处 bring (to) 带来 把某人/某物从别处带到说话处(与take方向相反) get 去取 去某处把某人/某物带来,强调动作的往返 carry 提;扛 不强调方向,有“负重”之意 辨析buy, sell与sale Come and buy your clothes at our great sale! 我们在大甩卖,快来买衣服吧!(Unit 7 P41) (1)用buy, sell与sale的正确形式填空 If people dont buy products made of ivory, businessmen will not sell them any more.Unless we stop the sale of ivory completely, we cant really protect elephants. (2)(中考·营口69题)许多明信片正在这家商店出售。 Many postcards are on sale/being sold in this shop. (3)我们将给孩子们购买一些新书。 Some new books will be bought for the children. 词条 词性 含义 相关搭配 buy v. 购买;买 buy sth.from从买某物 buy sth.for sb.buy sb.sth. 为某人买某物 sell v. 出售; 销售;卖 sell sth.to sb.sell sb.sth. 把某物卖给某人 sell out 卖完;售光 sell off 甩卖;(被迫廉价)卖掉 sale n. 特价销 售;出售 for sale 待售 on sale (廉价)出售;上市 busy的用法 This is a really busy term!这真是一个非常忙碌的学期!(Unit 8 P47) (1)(中考·温州2题改编)The roads are becoming busier as more people go to work in the morning.(busy) (2)(2023·淮安59题)好书帮我在繁忙的一天后放松,也为我开启一个全新的世界。 Good books help me relax after a busy day.They also open up a whole new world to me. 1.可数名词与不可数名词。详见P90 2.询问价格、日期及时间的特殊疑问句及答语。详见P123 3.基数词和序数词。详见P120121 4.名词所有格。详见P915.一般现在时。详见P126 .选择 1.(2023·襄阳27题)Mr.Fan runs at least half an hour every day. What a good _! No wonder he looks healthy. A.habit B.question C.article D.prediction 2.(2023·武汉26题)Do you understand what I mean? _.Im a bit lost. A.Very much B.I hope not C.Not really D.Its nothing 3.(2023·武汉36题)The hair product is being _at present. You mean if its up to the standard, it will be put on the market soon. A.used B.tested C.shown D.sold 4.(2023·恩施30题改编)I am going to take the driving test.I feel a little nervous. _ Im sure youll pass it. A.Take it easy. B.What a pity! C.Not at all. D.That sounds good. 5.(2022·武汉27题)Would you like to visit the National Science Museum with me tomorrow, Amy? _. A.See you then B.Sounds nice C.Excuse me D.I hope not 6.(2022·襄阳26题)Primary school stud


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