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译林英语3年级下册Unit 1A卷:课堂点拨题Story time1 .(1)上课了,值日班长说:A. Stand up. B. Sit down.(2)上课了,同学们起立,老师对大家说:A. Stand up. B. Sit down. C. Yes, please.(3)【易错】早上老师走进教室,同学们都立刻起立,他会说A. Good afternoon, class.B. Stand up please. C. Sit down, please.2 .(1)妈妈请你关上窗户,她会说: A. Please close the window. B. Please open the window. (2)当踢完足球满头大汗进教室时,我请我同桌 :A. Close the window. B. Open the window. (3)你上课,回答完问题,老师会说: A.Thank you B.Sit down, please(4) Open books, please. A.me B. your C. you(5) -Please close the door. A. It s great. B. OK. C. Come in, please.3.(1)当你迟到了,你应该对老师说:A. Yes ,Mr Green.B. I' m sorry, Miss Li.(2)你去老师办公室,老师对你说:A. Come in, please.B. I ' m soiMyiss Li.Cartoon time(1) 1) Look the blackboard. A. up B. in C. at(2) -Look at the blackboard.-.A. I m sorry. B. Yes, Mr Green. C. It ' s nice.2.(1)你想知道这是什么,你会问:A. It ' s a rubber. What' s this ?(2)当你想知道离你较远处的东西是什么时,你可以说:A. What' s this B. What' s that(3) -What' s th is -a rubber. A. It B. it ' s C. It ' s3.(1)爸爸叫你不要打开门,他会对你说:A. Open the door. B. Don' t open the door.(2)你想建议你的朋友不要听王兵的话时,你可以说:A. Don' t listen to Wang BindjB.Not listen to Wang Bing.(3) close the window. A.Not B. Don' C.No(4)- my jacket. -It ' s nice. A.Look B. Lookon C. LookatB卷:课后巩固题一.选择()1.看电影时前排同学站起来挡住你了你可以说:A: please sit down. B: please stand up.()2. -Hello, class.-. A. Hello, Mike. B.Hello, Miss Li. C. Hello, Helen.()3.当你早晨在校门口遇见李老师(男性)时,你可以说:A. Good morning, Mr Li. B. Good morning, Miss Li.()4.老师叫你不要把窗户打开,你会回答道:A. OK. B. Yes,please.()5.当你上课注意力不集中时,老师会对你说:A: Open your eyes。艮睛).B: Look at me, please.()6.放学前,我们应该:A.Close the window.B.Open the window.( )7.-Please close the window. -.A. Thank you.B. Yes, Mr Green. C. I ' m sorry.()8.-May I come in ?-.A. Sit down. B. Come in.C. OK.( )9.Come, please. A. in B. up C. at()10 上课了,老师叫你看黑板,他可以说:A. Look the blackboard. B. Look at the blackboard.()11.-What' s this ? -It ' s.A. dooB. a door C. an door()12.-What' s this? -It ' s a.A. parrots B.books C. book()13.-What' s this? -. A. It ' s a blackbcBirdhis is a blackboard()14.- me, please.刊l right. A. Listen b. Listen to C. Listen for()15.Don' t listen Sam, Bobby. OK. A./B. forC. to二.找出画线部分发音不同的词()1、A、bookB、brownC、grandpa()2、A、brotherB、capC、comb()3、A、bigB、birthdayC、Mr.()4、A、blackB、robotC、doll.将下列单词或短语补充完整,并写出其中文意思1. cl_s,()2.pl_se ()3. w_ nd_w ()4.s_ry ()5.d_r()6. _p_n ()7.r_bbr ()8.p_rr_t ()四.翻译词组1.起立2.坐下3.开门4.关窗5.进来 6.在上课 7. Mr Green8.a big book9. I ' m sorry. 10. Donto ttHietearrot.五.连词成句,注意句子字母大小写和标点1 .the, Please, window, close (.)2 .blackboard, Look, the, at (.)3 .is, colour, book, what, my (?)4 .to, listen, Don ' t, parrot, the (.)六.将下列句子排序成一段完整的对话1 .A. Gao Shan,please open the book.B. Yes ,Mr Green.C. Good morning, class. D. Stand up.E. Thank you, Mr Green.F. Sit down,please.G. Good morning, Mr Green.2 .A. Gao Shan,please open the book.B. Yes ,Mr Green.C. Good morning, class.D. Stand up.E. Thank you, Mr Green.F. Sit down,please.G. Good morning, Mr Green.C卷:复习提高题一.选择()1.-The rubber is for you, Mike. -.A. Goodbye.B. Thank you.C. OK.()2.-What colour is it? -It ' s A.niceB.greatC.green()3.-What colour is it now? -It ' s red yellow. A. andB.oC .at()4.你妈问你是否需要一个馅饼,你表示同意,可以说:A. Would you like a pie? B.No, thank you. C.Yes, please.()5.【易错】is yellow. A.DoorsB.DoorC.The door()6.-Look at my two . -How big ! A.bookB.books从右栏中选出与左栏相对应的答语,将其序号填入题前括号内A. Sit down,please.B. It ' s a robot.C. Good morning.D. OK,Miss Li.E. It yellow.F.It ' s nice.H.Nice to meet you, too.I.Thank you.J.Hello,Mike.K.Yes,please.()1.Whatcolour is the window?( )2.Stand up, please.()3.What ' s this?( )4.Good morning.( )5.Don ' t open the book.()6.What about a cake?()7.Hello, Liu Tao.()8.Nice to meet you.()9.The book is for you,Helen.( )10.Look at my cap.三.判断下列对话前后搭配是否一致,一致的打不一致的打“x1 .Open the door, please Come in, Helen.()2 . Liu Tao, please open the windowYes, Miss Green.(3 . Sit down, please. Thank you.()4 . I I' m sorry. Thank you.()四.阅读理解,判断下列句子是否与对话内容相符,用"T或"F表示A: Sorry, I ' m®te( , Mr. Zhang.B: That ' s OK(勺).Come in , Tim. Close the door, please.A: Yes, Mr Zhang.C: Now, look at the blackboard, class. What this? ' sA: It ' s a skirt.B: What colour is the skirt?A: Red.()1.Mr Zhang is a teacher 尊师).()2 .Jim is late(迟到).()3.There '俏(a skirt on the blackboard.( )4.The skirt is green.听力部分听录音,选出你所听到的字母或单词,将其序号填入题前括号内()1. A. doorB. dollC.ball()2.A.isB.yesC. please()3.A.bookB.lookC.good()4.A.whoB.tooC.you()5.A.colourB. closeC.cake()6.A.robotB. rubberC.red()7.A.whatB.whiteC. window()8.A.MrB.MissC.me()9.A.theB.thatC.and()10.A.sorryB.orangeC.open()11. A. robotB. rulerC. rubber


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