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09级英语旅游英语部分课堂教学笔记英语系:王玉明Travel shortens distances and broadens minds. -Wang Yuming说明:09级英语各位同学,你们好!本材料中的英语公示语部分和一些景点介绍为网上材料,部分中英文菜单为同学搜集材料,其他材料均为我自己的私人教学笔记,考虑到有些同学课堂未记录完整,现提供给大家参考。考虑到材料的不完整性、凌乱性、经不起推敲性和随意性,本人认为材料最好供各位同学个人使用,因为我们毕竟师生一场,无论有什么不妥,你们总能担待,若与他人交流,则有可能贻笑大方的。谢谢大家理解与合作! 王玉明拜托另:期终考试题型与分值1 旅游英语相关术语英汉互译(15*1%: 均为课堂上我提到过的常用表达)2 导游词(2*20%: 将两段正式严谨且用词讲究的景点介绍翻译成导游的现场解说词)3 旅游指南(1*25%: 将某一景点的旅游指南与推介翻译成英语)4 课程相关的问题(2*10%: 回答两个与旅游英语和导游职业相关的问题)5 考试时间定在2011年1月4日晚7:00-9:00各位班长,烦请务必将考试信息及时传达给每一位同学,将材料及时转发给每一位同学。 多谢啦!Part 1学生课间提问:家常菜comfort fish, home cuisine, home cooking, home-made dishes, potluck ,刷卡punch, slot, swipe, stamp,clip cards脑经急转弯wit killer, mind twister,农家乐 farm fun,发烧友 enthusiast, fancierPart 2 HotelWays of categorizing Hotels: commercial hotels for transients (city hotels and motels); resort hotels in vacation areas; Hotels for convention trade; resident hotels which rent accommodations on seasonal bases.1) accommodation(s) and reservation2) accommodation allowance3) airline confirmation4) airport pick-up service5) airport shuttle bus (airport transfer, minibus, limousine, tourist coach, van)6) occupancy7) housekeeping8) bath/shower9) steps front, doorway, janitors room, ballroom, banquet hall, bar, beauty salon, body-building hall, health club, business center, multi-functional room, (revolving)restaurant, shopping center, money exchange, 10) bed and breakfast11) bed clothes/bedding (bedwear, bed spread, bottom sheet)12) bedside control panel13) bedside table, night table, nightstand14) dressing table, toilet table, toilet bowl, toilet tissue, 15) bellman16) bathroom scale17) cold and hot water tap18) floor or standard lamp19) bathtub20) bathmat, towel21) socket22) plug23) broom closet24) bubble lift25) budget hotel26) buffet27) checklist28) chef29) cloak room30) communal bathroom31) bell Capitan32) crib/cot: bed for infant or baby; stroller33) deluxe double/suite, twin double34) door man 35) double room with private or semi-private bath36) floor butler 37) department of housekeeping38) food and beverage department39) hair dryer40) hotel directory41) pier glass, wardrobe mirror42) room service (charge sth to ones account), room maid, chamber maid43) tea trolley/wagon44) ticketing service45) youth hostel46) laundry: pyjamas, Sun Yat Sen suit, Western-style clothes, coat, overcoat, robe, pants, trousers, underwears, sweaters, cardigan, dry-clean, starch, bleach, press, laundryman, laundry bagPart 3 Sample Introductions to Tourist Destinations and Scenic AreasHefei-The Hometown of Lord Bao and Northern Gateway to the Huangshan MountainHefei is the capital of Anhui Province and hometown of the famous honest and upright official in Chinese history-Bao Zheng, featuring a landscape of half mountain and half lake. The city has a total area of 7,500 km2, with a population of 4,460,000, of which 1,650,000 people are permanent residents. The city proper area is 596.01 km2. Founded as a county seat in the Qin Dynasty, Hefei has a history of more than 2,200 years. The city boasts many places of historical interest and scenic spots such as Xiaoyaojin-an ancient battlefield in the Three Kingdoms Period, the Archers Training Rostrum built by Cao Cao, the Mingjiao Temple with an ancient bell, the Cultural Park of Bao Gong assuming the architectural style of the Song Dynasty, the thousand-year-old town of rivers and lakes-Sanhe, the former residence of Li Hongzhang, the former residence of Liu Mingchuan, the Yaogang Village site of the former General Front Committee for the Crossing-the-Yangtze Campaign, and so on. Standing in picturesque surroundings, Hefei is known as “a modern garden city and “the most suitable city for people to live in.” It is the among the first three cities winning the honorable title of “city of gardens and parks.” The citys Belt Park looks like a green necklace, which “ embraces both the old town and the new urban developments.” The Shushan Lake, lying at the foot of the Dashu Hill, looks like a green bright pearl. Hefei Wildlife Field, characterized by “ naturalness, wildness and lingering charm of forest,” has become a space shared by men and animals. On Mt. Zipeng, one can not only hear the soughing of the wind flowing through the pines, but also see flocks of auspicious birds. With blue waves rippling in its immense waters, the Chaohu is a magnificent lake of myriad scenes. Hefei is a city of science and education and one of the four major bases of scientific research and education of the nation. It is the seat of more than 200 institutions of scientific research including the Hefei Matter Research Institute of Chinese Academy of Sciences as well as University of Science & Technology of China, the PLA Electronic Enginee


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