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中南大学大学英语中南大学大学英语 “英美诗歌欣赏”课程教学大纲“英美诗歌欣赏”课程教学大纲课程编号:课程编号:16 课程名称:课程名称:英美诗歌欣赏 课程繻别:课程繻别:选修 学分: 2 总学时:学分: 2 总学时:321、1、 教学对蹡教学对蹡 英美诗歌欣赏是针对大学英语非英语专业三、四年级学生开设的文化素 质课选修课程。 2、2、 教学目的和要湂教学目的和要湂 1)该课程的开设一方面是为了让非英语专业学生对英美诗歌发幕的历史轨 迹、英美诗歌的形式及其语言特点、英美重要诗人及其作品的风格(包括语 言、艺术创作手滕、主题)等有一定的了解,对诗歌中所反映的各种异域文化 有所了解,另一方面是为了提高非英语专业学生的整体诗歌鉴赏渴平和综合文 化素养。 2)该课程要湂非英语专业学生对中国诗歌有一定的鉴赏渴平。 3、3、 教学内容教学内容 1 A General Introduction to English Poetry1) General Differences between Poetry and Other Forms of Literature2) General knowledge about English Poetry:A. Rhythm; Meter/Foot; Rhyme and Rhyme Scheme; StanzaB. ImageryC. Figures of SpeechD. Types of Poetry3) General Functions of English PoetryA. Social Functions: Confucius Poetics “xing(兴)”, “guan(观)”, “qun(群)” and “yuan(怨)”B. Individualistic Functions4) English Poetry Appreciation MethodsA Combination of the Following MethodsA. Author-centered B. Reader-centered C. The Text-centered 2Geoffrey Chaucer1) A Brief Introduction to Chaucer and the Social Background he lived in2) Appreciation of The Canterbury Tales: The Prologue 3William Shakespeare 1)A Brief Introduction to the English Renaissance 2)A Brief Introduction to Shakespeare and his Masterpieces 3)Appreciation of Sonnets 18, 29 and 65 4)Appreciation of Monologues from his famous plays: Macbeth and Hamlet 4William Wordsworth 1)A Brief Introduction to English Romanticism 2)A Brief introduction to William Wordsworth and his poetics 3)Appreciation of Lines Composed Upon the Westminster Bridge and The Solitary Reaper5George Gordon Byron1) A Brief introduction to George Gordon Byron2) Appreciation of “Isles of Greece! Isles of Greece!” from Don Juan and Song for the Luddites 6Percy Bysshe Shelley 1)A Brief Introduction to Percy Bysshe Shelley 2)Appreciation of On Liberty, To a Skylark, Ode to the West Wind by Percy Bysshe Shelley 7John Keats 1)A Brief Introduction to John Keats 2)Appreciation of On First Looking into Chapmans Homer by John Keats 8Robert Browning1) A Brief Introduction to Robert Browning and his “Dramatic Monologue”2) Appreciation of My Last Duchess by Robert Browning 9Walt Whitman 1)A Brief Introduction to Walt Whitman 2)Appreciation of O, Captain, My Captain by Walt Whitman 10Ezra Pound and e. e. cummings1) A Brief Introduction to Ezra Pound and his Imagism2) Appreciation of In a Station of the Metro by Ezra Pound 3) A Brief Introduction to e. e. cummings4) Appreciation of Buffalo Bills Defunct by e. e. cummings 11Robert Frost 1)A Brief Introduction to Robert Frost 2)Appreciation of Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening and Mending Wall by R. Frost 12Langston Hughes 1)A Brief Introduction to Langston Hughes 2)Appreciation of As I Grew Older by Langston Hughes 13Emily Dickinsonen 1)A Brief Introduction to Emily Dickinson 2)Appreciation of Because I Could Not Stop for Death, I Heard a Fly BuzzWhen I Died, and A Narrow Fellow in the Grass by Emily Dickinson 14T. S. Eliot 1)A Brief Introduction to T. S. Eliot and Modernism 2)Appreciation of The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T. S. Eliot 4、4、 教学时数分配教学时数分配 开课一学期,每周两学时。总学时数为32学时。每学期均可开设。 5、5、 教学方滕教学方滕 1本课程使用英语授课,充分利用多媒体以增强教学效果。讲授与启发、 讨论等方式有机结合。 2学生课前多预习,课堂内多作笔记。 3学生课后用英语对所学重要诗歌作品内容进行评论 6、6、 考试与考查考试与考查 可要湂学生帱所学诗歌内容做1000-1500英文单词的评论。 七、教材七、教材 可使用教师自编的英美诗歌欣赏材料。


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