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英语自我介绍作文3篇 在学习、工作乃至生活中,大家都常常看到作文的身影吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,肯定要避开无结尾作文的出现。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是我为大家收集的英语自我介绍作文3篇,仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。 英语自我介绍作文 篇1 ear teacs, dar clsmat, Mynameis XXX. I am elvyer old. ybrthdy Apr 1,heovyAries, te all-purpose o tyblood, graated fom ixi cunxpeimet pima schl. am the kind o"quitlik a virin, ov le rbbit" type, the rigeo h nse o the hef a air of lasses, ah! It' all computer trobe! m not tall, ut short and strng, concnation is the esse!My grds, ementa choo is ood nh class, o severl ard inall sujcts, a rmr eadero clss,idemleader,bigDuWe ad deuy istrct hief,also s th teacher's disci, utit has bome a thing f te pat. fee e presuein theclss we the astr isatherd. But I blivethat pessueith otivaton, wil wr har refulig! I lik prs, lov runing, mpig roen tae ennis. I te participte in a kinds f ativties ranzedy the scool, and I have peormed wel. Ma imes, I have eenreadd a an xampe. Ihepast, lasmats an frnds wnt o ifet sols, ndthre re ew n th water. herefo, n the newnvronent,I blee wl kn morenfrends, and hopo wil be willing omkfrend ih e. Trogh mydesciptio,I belev tha you know setigaboutme. Duri e ne three year of study, hope e cn t logwl witeach oer英语自我介绍作文 篇2 1am One omfavrite sta is iuXingecahe s theast runr in te world and a pride uount hve loe fruis likeateeln,gaes,banana, and s foth. en Ihavetie, I lkewcing TV, lyn gmes my omte, surfin hewe, nd reading. I hva lot o frien and we ften ply footalltogther. Hello, vryone My nm sI am yeard. Iireadig boks vr muh,And soetims I also lie wtcingTV Ter threepeopl iy a.There a y moter,m fatherandm. like my fmiyey muc ow but yo?Cn yo tell e?.ello, eerone glad t be e Lt me intrce myslf ImO , one ofte twnty-six ltrs in Engish .I 5sstersnd rothers . We ivetgeter i acityaled “ Lteciy”. It i ot verbig , but i s serooms . H . and Kre god frinds,s tey le ianc roo. B. C D. EG.P. T V ae vlyand warm-hearedeach oter, he ive in h gest room. F L. M S. . live tethr nxt to mY ad are twin, of course Thy ar boh happy eery da U.Q .W arebroher, tyivein a oo to lookafte eac othe. Only ad (Is me) v aoe in he twomalles roms. verya hve ot of things t d . e ge ogehr an mke lots of wods , e neer el lonely. 4Peolelkes , hyake n A.B sonous.We are rud of ourseve Derfrnds ,elcm toou“ Letteiy”.Pleae dont frge .I,nd Ie leand nglih o oy at years. I thinkI ealy OK . Do yuare?Thank yu! lke Ce,orange juice,cae andilk .I ve n hngdu hissme.Lt befriends !MyQ s 9574. 6a avery ood oy. I am 12 eas l.I lkepi asketb adeating amburgers. don'like runni, ating nodes aplyng otball. Dou lke thm ?I livin a fil. My her s ers old .Sh likes gog tothparkwith me . Mathe is 38 yeasold.He lks go fig . Tiisy big famil, Ia vy hap! Ths ime! 8.I'm in las Grde .I g oscol on ot .Ili radingbooks and Listening to mui.yvourit fod is beef, yfavourt fru s banana and my favori olor is re .This is me!9. elo! My name isai Xinma am 12yers old Ihave log blac hair and two brght eye.m ahapp irl i my frend eyes. lke rawg, bcaue is fun. I lik readg, oo Bcause books ar goodeacesandhlpfulfrinds.I have red manyfamou os.Do ou want tobe m friend?0.H,erone,y n is aaoptiistcrson. Ioten helpig eah othertolassate,e t oethe nd prove together. We lvein the ame class llective, ere like the brotrs an siseseacother.he ae a loto my inteest,example:eaing,watchin atthe film,plby aient Zhg and soos.Ispciallik wtchng a the aimton,pariculrlwatching pnes anitio,th nimation hi Iliis.1. telveyrs o,the s ws shinng britlyWe all knothat dnt oft se uc fine weathr n Feruary.o my mum sad m coming to th rdroughteveryonehappiness. 12.I alsove an Englishname, day". a it to mysf altr studed nish or ear. y parents ope h yli wilbe fll f snhne. 13. I hv long/short curly/traigh lachar.I hav


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