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平川二中八年级英语(下)Unit 7自主学习导学案班级 姓名 时间教研组长(签字)贾成祥 学校领导(审核)张天文 设计人: 赵万里 Lesson 37:Lets Learn Geography!一、学习目标知识目标: 1.Mastery words and expressions: Population; abroad; Japan ;Japanese; Antarctica; island; Pacific2. Goal languages: a lot;cant wait to do s.th3. Grammar:1.Present Perfect Tense 2.Passive Voice能力目标: Learn how to talk about Contrast and Comparison情感目标:Through learning this lesson ,learn to use the key points related to this lesson 二、教学重难点Important points: 1.population 的用法2、动名词作主语3.不定式作目的状语 4.abroad用法 5.现在完成时的一般疑问句 6.exceptexcept forbesides的区别 7.cant wait to do cant wait for .Difficult points:1. population 的用法2.不定式作目的状语. 3.exceptexcept forbesides的区别三、Learning Steps:(一)课前预习 -导学I 预习课文完成下列各题1. I like _ (travel) all over the world.2. Qin Fang is learning_(Japan) by herself3. Some _(visit) came here yesterday.4. What about _ (watch) the football game?5.My mother hopes_(visit) Hong Kong some day.II预习课文,查阅资料,掌握知识点。(二)自主学习Listen and answer the questions :1、 What does Danny learn about in geography class?2、 Which country does Danny want to visit someday?3、Which continent does Dannys mother have a friend in? (三)合作探究 Read and check the answers .(四)自我展示Divide the class into groups and choose one from each group to answer the questions . (五)拓展创新Come to lets Do It! No.4, What country or place are you most interested in ? Thing of some of it and share information with the class.Ask them to fill in the blanks. (六)当堂达标检测:Ask them to do lets Do It! No.1,2 ,3.课堂学习反思 Lesson 38 : The World Is a Big Place一、 学习目标 知识目标1 、Master words and expressions :Planet; billion total;increase; surface; Indian; Atlantic; Arctic 2、Goal languages: in total; two thirds; be covered with3、Grammar points: 1.Present Perfect Tense 2.Passive Voice能力目标: Let Ss know about the knowledge of the world and the planet we live.情感目标:Learn to talk about the world and the planet we live二、 教学重难点Important points: 1、分数表达法 2.hundredthousandmillionbillion的用法3、含情态动词的被动语态 4. Treat 的用法Difficult points: 1.Present Perfect Tense 2.Passive Voice三、Learning Steps :(一)课前预习导学I 预习课文完成下列各题1 、思考题How many continents and oceans are there in the world?What are they?In which continent , people cant live on?What are the dry places called?2、填空1)世界人口是多少? _the worlds population?2)世界上最长的河流是什么?Whats the _ _ river?=Whats the longest river in the world?3)海洋大约覆盖地球表面的三分之二。Oceans_ about _ of the earths surface.4)你来自美国的哪里?_ _ of the USA do you come from?5)神舟九号飞行组是由三名航天员组成的The flying team of Shenzhou Nine _ _ _ of three astronauts. II预习课文,查阅资料,掌握知识点。 (二)自主学习1 、Whats the worlds population in the year 2010? 2、What may the worlds population be by 2025?3、 In which continent,you can find koalas and kangaroos there?(三)合作探究:Read the text and check the answers, then do Ex.3 of Lets do it!(四)自我展示:Divide the class into groups and choose one from each group to answer the questions . (五)拓展创新:Divide the class into groups to discuss and do some research about the knowledge of the world. (六)当堂达标检测 “Lets do it”12课堂学习反思 Lesson39Ring Up or Call? 一、学习目标知识目标:1.Mastery words and expressions: British; washroom; bathroom; spell; pronunciation; grammar; translate 2、Goal languages: ring sb up; go up; between.and.; at the end of 3、Grammar points: A.Present Perfect Tense B.Passive Voice C、translatetranslatortranslation能力目标:The difference between the British English and American English.情感目标:Through learning this lesson , to know about the difference between theBritish English and American English are important. 二、教学重难点Important points: ring sb up; go up; between.and.; at the end of translatetranslatortranslationDifficult points:Present Perfect Tense and Passive Voice 三、Learning Steps :(一)课前预习导学I 预习课文完成下列各题 1) 格林先生不在这里,请给他打电话。 Mr Green isnt here. Please_ _ _2) 我们的学校与他们的学校有些不同。There are _ _ _ between our school and theirs3) 我记得昨晚关上窗户了。I _ _ the window last night.4) 在这条街的尽头有一家书店There is a bookstore _ _ _ _ the street.5) 这些树已经浇过水了These trees_ _ _.II预习课文,查阅资料,掌握知识点。 (二)自主学习:Read the text and find difficulties (三) 合作探究:Read the text and discuss the language points .(四)自我展示:Discuss in pairs,then ask the students to make a list of the differences between the British English and American English. (五)中考链接1.She has been invited to Beijing by Mr. Wang(改为同义句)Mr. Wang_ _ her to Beijing 2.I dont know how to pronounce the word.(改为同义句)I dont know_ _ _.(六)当堂达标检测Let them do the exercises in the book


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