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课 堂 教 学 设 计课题名称Unit 6 Lets Go Shopping. 授课教师授课内容Reading and Writing (1)授课班级课 时第2课时授课时间教 学 内 容 分 析“读写”板块呈现了两篇反映单元主题的课文。第一篇课文的语篇类型是议论文,讨论了网络购物的利与弊。首先,引导学生带着问题阅读课文,理解语篇的基本信息。之后,引导学生对语篇内容进行归纳,并书面列举网络购物的利与弊。第二篇课文是促销海报,展示了三款微波炉的促销信息,引导学生比较不同促销手段的吸引力,并为自己熟悉的一款产品设计一张促销海报。学 习 目 标1 学生能够运用略读和扫读策略,获取有关网络购物的议论文的主旨大意。2 学生能够分类梳理议论文的论据,并进行记录。3 学生能够掌握促销海报的文体特征和语言特点,了解常见的促销手段。4 学生能够为自己熟悉的一款产品设计一张促销海报。5 思政目标:能够了解购物方式的多样性,自主思考和概括网络购物的利与弊,规避网购风险;能够从不同的角度看问题,培养批判性思维。学 习 重 难 点学习重点1. 能运用略读、精读等阅读策略获取文章的主旨大意和细节信息。2. 能通过关注关联词,分析句式,掌握句子逻辑,了解when引导的时间状语从句用法,掌握重点表达方式,如however, first, second, last but not least等。学习难点1. 能观察和总结议论文的文体特征、构成要素和基本结构。2. 能运用思维导图,整合、归纳文章的基本信息,并联系自身实际,谈论个人对网络购物的看法,全面客观评价网络购物的优缺点。资 源 与 工 具PPT课件、多媒体设备、语音素材、拓展资源包等教 学 方 法小组讨论法、任务教学法教 学 过 程 结 构 设 计教学环节教 学 活 动 设 计设计意图Step 1Organization1 Greet the students and divide them into four groups. Good morning, boys and girls. Its nice to see you again. How are you doing today ?通过问候,尽快让学生进入课堂。Step 2Lead - in1 Ss learn the new words.2 T shows a video of a student in the class performing his shopping experience. 3 Ss do a survey about online shopping.(1) Do you like shopping online?A. Yes. B. No.(2) Have you ever shopped online? A. Yes. B. No.(3) How often do you shop online?A. Everyday B. Once a weekC. Once a month D. several times a year对接上一节课的视频作业,激活和检验已学知识,重视学生的作业及时展示。根据调查表,引出本课主题并使学生关注自己的网购情况。Step 3New LessonPre-reading1 T shows the text and asks Ss to answer the questions in Activity One(1) What is the text about? (2) What is the biggest disadvantage of online shopping?2 T checks answers and emphasize some clues, such as the first sentence, key words. to help Ss find the answers as quickly as possible.While-reading1 Ss read the text again and choose the right answer. T checks the answers.(1) What does this passage tell us?A. Online shopping is better than shopping in real stores. B. Advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.C. Online shopping doesn't have to worry about the personal information leakage.(2) Which of the following information belong to the personal information?your namecontact numberaddressthe quality of a productA. B. C.(3) What do you think of online shopping?A. Although online shopping is very popular, we should not shop online in order to protect our personal information.B. Online shopping brings us convenience, but we should still pay more attention to the personal information security and the quality of prod- ucts.C. Online shopping is so convenience that we can buy anything online an- ytime, anywhere.2 Ss read the text again and list the pros and cons in Activity Two. T checks the answers.3 T asks Ss to list more advantages and disadvantages of online shopping and summarize them. Ss share their opinions about online shopping and give reasons.What do you think of online shopping?4 T explains the key expressions and sentences:(1)certain, unsuitable, try out, contact number, misused, etc.(2) pay more attention to doing(3) Last but not least5 T helps Ss sort out the parts of an argument and summarize the basic structure.Post-reading1 T defines the adverbial of time beginning with “when” and introduces the basic structure. 2 Ss work in groups to find out the sentences in the text using this point.3 T shows three sentences and asks Ss to find the difference among when, as and while(1)He smiled as he passed. (2) They rushed in while we were discussing problems.(3) I worked for a foreign company when I was in Shanghai.通过每段首句和关键词的方式迅速定位答案,从而对文章有初步而整体的感性认识。通过精读读全文,了解文章内容,培养分析、概括的能力。在通读文章的过程中,能够结合自身实际,提出自己的看法,培养发散思维,总结归纳的能力。通过分析重难点词句,关注关联词的使用,夯实语言知识,扫除阅读障碍,逐步形成独立阅读的能力整合议论文的构成要素,培养学生总结和归纳的阅读能力。通过讲解when 引导的时间状语从句的用法和结构,帮助学生掌握基本的语法知识,为后续的句子分析做好铺垫。即时检验学生对于语法知识的深入理解,培养分析和判断能力。Step 4PracticeT ask students to discuss some measures to reduce the disadvantages of online shopping from the perspective of online retailers. 引导学生从网店工作者的角度,思考弥补网购劣势的措施。Step 5SummaryWith Ts help, Ss try to sort out the knowledge points. 梳理板书内容,高效整理本课思路,归纳知识点。Step 6HomeworkSs write an article: Do you like shopping online? And why?通过以读促写,培养学生综合语言实践的能力。知 识 点 详 解1. Online shopping is very popular now. 网络购物现在非常普及。【知识点】(1)Online shopping 网络购物(2)be popular with 受.欢迎2. People can buy almost anything online.人们几乎可以在网上买到任何东西。【知识点】(1)almost anything 几乎任何东西3. They can buy everything from books, food and clothing to film tickets and electronic products. 他们可以买到一切东西,从书籍、食物和衣服,到电影票和电子产品。【知识点】(1)from . to . 从.到.(2)film tickets 电影票(3)electronic products 电子产品4. The goods in online shops are usually cheape


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