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英语话题作文怎么写英语话题作文怎么写英语话题作文怎么写呢?你是否也在为此苦恼呢?快一起来看看相关范文吧!英语话题作文 TO Sucess: Opportuiy or hard-wokig? very odywns to sccee.ut hen it comeso th qusontha hich corleas o sccess,opprtuni or ar-ok, iferent peope wil offer dffrt answer. Some people tik tt opporityish fit facor ladin to succesTh ol t idea, a provebsayng,“anprposes, god dioses”. Because almot all sucespeoplehvegoodluck and ave caugh their vaable ppotunities, they belee that potnitis leaig citon f thesucces If izesandmakes thebst use opounity avalable, oe cn sucedurely. summr, to hem, aces ad luks play the mst mprtant rol o the roa to ccs owevr, ohers maita that “no ain, ngains” .Wihouexrig one,one could everxptt achieve scess innterhat one doing. As s known toal, theres o ryarod to the sumiof sucss. O i likely to suced onlyhen one has workd wth holearted devin adperseverace.Thse h rely, slppyn idifferen o thir work, hose who ever onntrae n work wll deiielyd ifilur. On the whol, as fa theyaroncene, hard-wrkingi te dcsvetor o sucess. n y vew,bohr work nd ortnity entallmatters They rinseparble fromeach other, ndpu tothr,tey make geauccss.Had work ist lc hatfish to atr, nd can beseena an itri prediion of success It lays th cnerstonr bildg house wil luk serves t cemt it,to ma the buildingbrick adherntoone anthrTheaehe twis thtcontibute to cces togetherThey are thefaorswtand ihout spcvl. e ust wok hrd, ake forts n get prepared. Whe ppotuniies ,meet dmae fullse of hem. Ol n ths way an ecceed one day 英语话题作文 The Way to Sccess Hw tlead to sucess? Dffrent pele hvdifferen persptive.Smepeple bive that success come frm taking risks and cnces. hie hers elievea ucsis the sut areful plannig. hat isth ey to sces the end ?I tin the aemay b not unique, eveoe has scia wa to succss indvidll.n my pinon, t e succsul hould hvet lowng csary conditions. Fistof all, you nee o a sufficent pfessionalknoedge. ou t t besucefulatone aspct, ii certainly indspeablt haveld eprtis thlees of on, Ibuk nd Mo,are poficent eletronics ecng, andWa An is pofcnt in mpuer knowledge. Secodly, yo shod av a keninsight ndinvaton sprit.uch ashe snyomay, wihuIuas a rits extraordinry tuitive andheircnsninnovatn, y annot produceso many prouts, wh methe eres f mstconsmrs. T npobably ll nt ave todays eviable sts Frthemore, you havetoo creful pannig r the fuur. When Wan A adabout his ucces, he aid tahissuccess asohe resul th ecsins he made ertge of thei grth. He predite thefuture, andspcife carefl pnningFinly,you us havethe spi of rdrk andersistt struggl Ay lac f sucessfl examlesonot comefr th ar-wrk and deication Son#3;s scce is cisl th result o that buk an Mita ty their bes to sel the products toothrsnw hadever day.Itakes heireletronic products orld famos Mawhl,t ad suess will invitablyencoutr sbacks, atis time, yu shol be abeto withstand te prssr,andto tae eart graceto moveorward,then o illevntually ceed. Ofcouse, ther are manyher asetof he uccess factos Fo example, good luk, eellent comution sl, oo hpes and sonErybody lngs or uccss. But uccess can e ahieved onl throutalkin aot it,it reuresreal cis. bleetat as ng a we have r ownclear goals,ndcotinuuslyworkhr,eveyone will g good resus.本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第1页 共1页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页第 1 页 共 1 页


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