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1【名师原创名师原创】2013-2014】2013-2014 学年高中英语学年高中英语 UnitUnit 4 4 EarthquakeEarthquake 随堂练随堂练习习 新人教版必修新人教版必修 1 1Part One: Warming Up Comprehending I.单词拼写(10 分): 1. They all _ (爆发) out laughing at the joke. 2.Both the drivers were _ (受伤) in the accident. 3. A lot of buildings lay in _ (废墟) after the earthquake. 4. His parents and his little brother lost their lives in the _ (灾难). 5. Now in some countries thousands of people are living in _ (极度的) poverty. 6. The enemy fell into a _ (圈套) and we defeated them. 7. The soldiers built many _(避难所) for those who lost their homes. 8. The old couple were at last _ (营救,援救) by the local people. 9. Mr. Smith has been _ (掩埋) in his research for more than 3 hours. 10. They were _ (震惊) at the news that he had cheated so much money. II. 用适当的介、副词填空(每空一分,共 10 分): 1. _ three days the water _ the village wells rose and fell,rose and fell. 2.A smelly gas came _ of the cracks. 3._ about 300 am _ July 28,1976,some people saw bright lights _ the sky. 4.It was felt in Beijing,which is more than two hundred kilometres _. 5.No wind,however,could blow them _. 6.Soon after the quakes,the army sent 150,000 soldiers _ Tangshan to help the rescue workers. 7._ the north of the city,most of the 10,000 miners were rescued _ the coal mines there. 8.Workers built shelters _ survivors whose homes had been destroyed. III.选词填空(5 分):right away, as if, at an end, dig out, a great number of1. Please think it over. Dont answer me _. 2. As time goes on, _ people realize the importance of health. 3. The war was finally _. 4. The students are expecting to _ some important facts. 5. They treat him _ he were a stranger. IV. 句型转换(10 分):1.All of them are not right. _ _ of them are right. 2.Its eight oclock already and now we must be off at once2Its eight oclock already and now we must be off _ _. 3.He seemed to have heard the story. _ _ _ he had heard the story. 4.I bought a dictionary yesterday and it cost me 80 yuan. I bought a dictionary yesterday, _ cost me 80 yuan. 5.I happened to meet an old friend of mine in the street last week. _ _ _ I met an old friend of mine in the street last week. V 完成重点句型(10 分): 1. 农家大院的鸡,甚至猪都紧张得不吃食。In the farmyards, the chickens and even the pigs _. 2. 仿佛到了世界末日!_ the world was at an end! 3. 人们无论朝哪里看,一切都几乎被毁了。_ they looked nearly _ was destroyed. 4. 不是所有的希望都破灭了。_ hope _. 5. 解放军组成小分队,将受困的人们挖出来,将死者掩埋。The army organized teams to _ those _ and to bury the dead. Part Two: Learning about Language I 选用适当的关系代词填空(10 分):1. I dont know the boy _ is sitting beside you. 2. Please give back my back _ I lent to you last week. 3. The only thing _ I can remember is the big fire. 4. Do you know the girl _mother is an English teacher? 5. This is the best TV play _ Ive ever watched. 6. The money _ you lent me was lost. 7. We should do everything _ we should do. 8. The beautiful girl _ we often talk about is Li Pings sister. 9. Who _ you have ever known can sing it better? 10. I still remember the people and the things _ I met in my hometown. II.用 who,whom,whose,which,that 合并下列句子(10 分):1.The picture was drawn by a 6­year­old girl. You are looking at it. _ 2.The woman is my mother. You are looking after her. _ 3.The meeting will be held in a hotel. We shall take part in it. _ _ 4.The book is worth reading. I bought it yesterday. _ 5.Id like to take care of the child. Her mother died recently. _ III. 根据提示和句意用定语从句完成句子(10 分): 1.我把你借给我的所有的钱都花完了。3I used up all the money _. 2. 这正是我要找的那本书。This is the very book _. 3. 你认识那个男孩吗?他爸爸是位大夫。Do you know the boy _? 4. 他已经做了他所能做的一切。He has done everything _. 5. 不要谈论我不感兴趣的事情。Dont talk with me about the things _. Part Three: Using Language I 单词拼写(10 分): 1. The little baby was _(使惊吓) by the fierce dog. 2. Please give him my _(祝贺) when you see him. 3. You cant _(判断) a book by its cover. 4. Please accept my _(诚挚的) thanks and best wishes. 5. Learning to _ (表达) oneself well id an important part of education. 6.Draw an _(轮阔)before you fill in the details. 7. A newspaper _(大标题)caught his attention. 8. A good _ (骑车的人) can cover distance of over a hundred mils a day. 9. Whenever an earthquake happens,it may cause


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