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国际商务礼仪复习题I. True of False Questions1. Arriving 10-15 minutes late for a business appointment is not uncommon in France. 2. Women can not work alongside men, except in the medical profession in Saudi Arabia. 3. You can engage in conversations about religion and politics in Saudi Arabia. 4. Showing up late for business meetings in Australia helps to make a great impression. 5. Advance reservation for visiting professional personage with business or government office is required in Australia. 6. You can sign a contract or write others name in red ink in South Korea. 7. South Koreans are usually friendly, and negotiations can be very easy. 8. Korean women traditionally keep their family names after their marriage. 9. It is ok to pass things with your left hand in India. 10. Never touch someone elses head in India because the head is considered the seat of the soul in India. 11. Modesty is important in the way you dress, speak and carry yourself in South Korea. 12. Brazilians like to be early for an appointment.13. In business negotiations, Russians view compromise as a sign of weakness. 14. Dont praise or reward anyone in public in Russia, as it may be viewed with suspicion or cause envy and jealousy. 15. You think you should avoid asking questions at an interview because it is rude to interrupt the interviewer by doing so. 16. It is ok for you to complain about your former boss during an interview given by a competing company.17. The dress code in the business world is very conservative. This means nothing flashy and provocative, too causal, too tight. 18. Men have no choice but a suit and a tie. Although there are many variations on the style of the suit, they are still very monotonous. 19. When you discuss business with your customers, you may not pay attention to your behavior and that business etiquette plays an important role during business communications. 20. When we talk with a stranger, we usually use Sir when he is a man and Miss or Madam for a woman. 21. As a representative of your company, you want to ensure that you make the best impression on potential clients- and that means having at least a basic familiarity with the customs and practices of the region. 22. While making introduction, men should rise while women may remain seated. 23. You should always stand up to greet and shake hands with visitors entering your office. 24. There is always at least one formal reception dinner, either for welcome or for farewell. 25. You should always turn off (or silence) your cell phone before heading into any job interview. 26. No matter what type of level of job you are applying for, you should always go out of your way to greet the receptionists and secretaries with sincerity. 27. The correct way to butter bread is to cut it with knife first and then butter and bite it. 28. At any dinner party, dishes can be served and removed from where it is convenient. 29. To the left and above your plate will be the glasses you will be using during the meal, arranged from left to right in the order that they will be used if several wines are to be served to accompany different courses of the meal. 30. It is improper for a woman to apply lipstick at the table after a meal. 31. After the completion of a formal dinner, place the knife across the fork across the plate with the knife blade facing outward. 32. Showing respect for seniority and recognizing the hierarchical structure are vital for establishing and maintaining strong business relationships in Russia. 33. Its polite to make a business appointment before 10: a.m. or after 5 p.m. in Germany. 34. Punctuality is extremely important to a German businessman.35. It is customary for Australian businessmen to exchange gifts at first business meetings. 36. Deadlines should not be rushed! Making decisions is often a slow and thoughtful process in Indian culture. 37. When you know a company you are interviewing with is having a casual day on the day you are interviewed, it is best to dress down for the interview.38. Casual Friday means I can jump out of bed and dress myself casually to work. Anyway, Friday is when we can set free from company dress code. 39. In job-hunting, first impressions are critical. Complex accessories are necessary to impress the interviewers. 40. Professional dress code standards are alive and well in major financial and executive management and anyone who aspires to top management knows that your personal appearance counts. 41. Firm handshakes are reserved for men at the beginning of a meeting while loose ones for ladies at the end of a meeting. 42. If you are introducing someone who has a title “Doctor”, for example, include the title as well as the first and last names in the introduction. 43. You should pay attention to International Protocol because some cultures dislike physical contact, even handshakes. 44. All the individuals in international b


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