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2022-2023学年河北石家庄桥西区石家庄七下期中英语模拟试卷1. _do you live from your school?About 2 kilometers. I always walk to school.AHow longBHow farCHow manyDHow often2. How great! It's _. I can make a snowman.ArainyBsunnyCcloudyDsnowy3. What does she look like?She _.Alikes drawing picturesBis very cuteCis a little quietDis of medium build4. There _ two supermarkets and a pay phone near here.AisBareChasDhave5. Be quiet. The little girl is _.AsleepingBsleepCsleepsDslept6. He is short, so he sits _ the classroom.Ain the front ofBin front ofCbehindDnext to7. Tony is a quiet boy, _ he is active (积极的) in class.AsoBandCbutDor8. It's _ for us to exercise every day. It can help us keep healthy.AboringBdifficultCsorryDimportant9. Don't _ loudly in the classroom.AtalkBtalksCtalkingDto talk10. _ these tigers _ from? South Africa.AWhere; areBWhere; comeCWhere are; /DWhere come; /11. Traffic rules are very important. They help to keep people safe (安全的) on the . When we are on the street, we must obey the traffic rules. We can the street only when we see the green "walk" sign (标志). Before we walk across the street, we stop and look both wayslook left, look right and look left again. When we ride a bike, we must not ride the road. We should run the red traffic lights. Don't look or talk when we ride with our friends. When we drive cars, we shouldn't drive too fast. We must always a seat belt (安全带). If we don't do that, we may be in danger in traffic accidents (事故). When we a bus, we should also be careful. Get on or get off a bus only when the bus stops. If there are too people on a bus, we should take the next one. In a word, we should know more about traffic rules and follow them.(1) AschoolBstreetChomeDfarm(2) AwalkBwalkingCwalksDwalked(3) AcrossBacrossCalongDcrossing(4) AcanBmustCmayDcould(5) Aat the end ofBat the back ofCin front ofDin the center of(6) AalwaysBsometimesCneverDoften(7) AatBforCaroundDup(8) AhaveBmakeCwearDdress(9) AtakeBmakeCgetDgo(10) AmanyBmuchCfewDlittle I can't go out to play basketball with my friend Amy, because it's raining. Now I have to be at home. It's too boring. I don't want to watch TV or play computer games.Linda It's a nice day today, but I can't go out. I don't feel well and my mom asks me to be at home. I'm reading Harry Potter. It's my third time to read it. It's a great book.Alice(1) Linda wants to _.Awatch TVBplay basketballCeat outDplay computer games(2) It's _ in Alice's place.ArainyBsunnyCwindyDcloudy(3) _ can't go out because of the bad health.AAmyBLindaCAliceDAlice's mom12. Dear Emily, I'm sorry I can't meet you at the train station today. My grandfather is not feeling well. I have to take him to hospital. I know your train will (将) arrive at a quarter to five this afternoon. You can take a taxi to my house then. Now let me show you the way. When you walk out of the station, take a taxi and go along Center Street. Turn left at the third crossing and you are on Bridge Street. Go down the street and you can see a river. There is a bridge over the river. Cross the bridge, turn right and you'll be on Star Street. There is a hotel on your right. My house is across from the hotel. Don't miss it. My parents are at home for you. We will come back home at Six. Then we can have dinner together.Yours,David(1) The second street Emily will go to is _.ABridge StreetBCenter StreetCStar StreetDLong Street(2) What does Emily need to do after crossing the bridge?ATurn left.BTurn right.CGo along.DStop and get off the taxi.(3) There is a _ across from David's house.AbankBhotelCbridgeDhospital13. Do you want to know about Japanese students' school life? Let's have a look!The way to go to school Students seldom (很少) take a car to school. They usually make up a team (队伍) and walk to school together. The elder (年长的) students usually help the young students on the way.The schoolbag Students' schoolbags are heavy. Books are only small parts (部分) of them. There are sports clothes, swimming glasses and many other things for classes in it.The subjects In Grade One and Two, students have Japanese, math, music, art and P.E. In Grade Three and Four, they have two new lessons: science and social studies (社会科学). In Grade Five and Six, there're some interesting lessons like cooking, sewing (缝纫) and so on. There aren't many classes in a day. Students can go home at 3:00 p.m.(1) How do students usually go to school in Japan?ABy car.BBy bus.COn foot.DBy bik


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