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1. Global marketing: Global marketing is defined as the firms commitment to coordinate its marketing activities across national boundaries in order to find and satisfy global customer needs better than the competition.2. Marketing mix: In carrying out the marketing functions, the firm needs to have a marketing program or strategy. This is known as the marketing mix.3. Big Mac Index: The index is based on the theory of purchasing- power parity, the notion that a dollar should buy the same amount in all countries. The theory naturally relies on certain assumptions, such as negligible transportation costs, the goods and services must be “tradable”. Thus, in the long run, the exchange rate between two currencies should move towards the rate that equalizes the prices of an identical basket of goods and services in each country. It can help us determine whether a currency is overvalued or undervalued.4. Global integration Recognizing the similarities between international markets and integrating them into the overall global strategy.5. Market responsiveness Responding to each markets needs and wants.6.Physic distance Psychic distance has been defined as differences in language, culture, political system, level of education or level of industrial development. It is influenced by the psychological characteristics of the buyer and the seller, the firms organizational culture, and the national and industry culture to which the firm belongs. With the interaction process of people or firms, the physic distance can be reduced. However, relationships do not always last forever. The partner may move from each other until they are separated.7. Reactive Motives the firm reacts to pressures or threats in its home market or in foreign markets and adjusts passively to them by changing its activities over time.8. Coca-colonization. Coca-colonization is a term that refers to globalization or cultural colonization. It is a portmanteau of the name of the multinational soft drink maker Coca-Cola and the word colonization. The term is used to imply either the importation of Western (particularly American) goods or an invasion by Western and especially American cultural values that threatens the local culture.9.Proactive motive represent stimuli to attempt strategy change, based on the firms interest in exploiting unique competences (e.g. a special technological knowledge) or market possibilities.10. Economies of scale Becoming a participant in global marketing activities may enable the firm to increase its output and therefore reduce its cost for the accomplishment of a given repetitive operation.1.EPRG E: ethnocentric P: polycentric R: regiocentric G: geocentric2. SME SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRIZES 3. LSE LARGE SCALE ENTERPRIZES 4. NAFTA NORTH AMERICA FREE TRADE AGREEMENT5. WTO WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION6 GDP GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT7. GNP GROSS NATIONAL PRODUCT8. R ZARA P: polycentric eg: auto-mobile manufactures R: regiocentric eg: baby products G: geocentric(think global, act local) eg: KFCQuestion 3:1.Supply is dominated by few companies and they are more concentrated than the industry they sell to.2. their products are unique or differentiated, or they have built up switching costs.3. they are not obliged to contend with other products for sale to the industry.4. they pose a credible threat of integrating forwards into the industrys business.5. Buyers do not threaten to integrate backwards into supply. 6. The market is not an important customer to the supplier group.1.Buyers are concentrated and/or purchase in large volumes.2. buyers pose a credible threat of integrating backwards to manufacture the industrys product.3. products they purchase are standard or undifferentiated.4. There are many suppliers(sellers) of the product 5. Buyers earn low profits, which create a great incentive to lower purchasing costs.Export, intermediate and hierarchical modes. 1. Export modes are the most common modes for initial entry into international markets. With export entry modes a firms products are manufactured in the domestic market or third countries and then transferred either directly or indirectly to the host market. Exporting can be organized in a variety of ways, depending on characteristics of the host market and the number and types of available intermediaries.2. Intermediate modes are distinguished from export modes because they are primarily vehicles for the transfer of knowledge and kills, although they may also create export opportunities. They are distinguished from the hierarchical entry modes in that there is no full ownership involved, but ownership and control can be shared between the parent firm and a local partner. This is the case with the joint venture.3. Hierarchical modes are the head office completely owns and controls the company. The degree of control that head office can exert on the subsidiary w


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