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2014英语高考英语一轮复习 高频词汇精选L课件

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2014英语高考英语一轮复习 高频词汇精选L课件

2014英语高考高频词汇精选-L1. lack v. (不用于被动语态)I/T 缺乏,缺少,没有 n U缺乏,缺少,没有【练习】完成句子 他似乎缺乏常识。He seemed _ common sense. 正缺钱/时间。Money/Time _. 她并不缺少朋友。She _ friends.这些花因缺水而死了。These flowers _ water. 【答案】 to be lacking in/to lack is lacking doesnt lack for died for/by/from lack of2. late (比较级later或latter,最高级latest或last)【练习】用late,lately,later,latest,latter填空I haven't heard of him _. What's happened? That happened in the _ 1870s. He returned three days _ than expected. Which do you prefer, the former or the _?Here is the _ news from the front.【答案】 lately late later latter latest3. leave (left /left/, left) v. I【练习】用介、副词填空 别动它。你会把它碰坏的。Leave that _. You'll break it. 我把大衣落在了公共汽车上。I've left my coat _ in the bus. 他们走得很快,不久我就被落在了后面。They walked fast and soon I was/got left _. 她把狗托付给我们照顾,就出去旅行了。She left the dog _ us and went on a journey. 我给他留了一张条子就出去了。I left a note _ him and went out. 她的叙述漏掉了一个重要的细节。She left _ an important detail in her account. 【答案】 alone behind behind with for/to out 【练习】 完成句子他还有些问题没有回答。He left a few questions _. 他们走了,让我一个人坐在那儿。They walked off and left me _ there all by myself. 让他自个儿去做。Leave him _ it himself.你出去时让门开着好吗?Will you leave the door _ when you go out?我起床慢,结果早饭没有吃完。I got up slowly, leaving the breakfast _. 【答案】 unanswered sitting to do openunfinished4. lie vI 躺,平卧 位于同be located 存在 ,在于 说谎(过去式、过去分词为lied) nC谎言【练习】完成句子 据说她经常撒谎。She is said often _.成功在于勤奋,这句话很正确。It's a right saying that success _ diligence. 【答案】 to tell lies lies in 【练习】 用lie的适当形式填空The hen _ an egg just now.He has _ in bed since this morning.Will you please _ the table for dinner? The camera isn't missing, it still _ where I _ it a month ago.【答案】 laid lain laylies; laid5. life n. C/U生命 生涯 生活 人生【练习】 完成句子/改错他苏醒过来时,发觉自己躺在医院的病床上。When he _ again, he found himself in a hospital bed. 这个剧使我多年前的一段经历复活了。This play _ an experienceI had many years ago. 他愿意为祖国牺牲他的生命。He was willing _ his country. 他为教育事业贡献了一生。He _ the educational cause. 改错 He retired last month and now lives quiet life._【答案】 came to life brings to life to lay down his life for devoted his life to 在quiet前加a6. likely adj. 很可能的 adv. 可能同probably【练习】完成句子 我们有可能赢得比赛。We _ the match. _ the match. 【答案】 are likely to win; It's likely that we will win【练习】 用possible, probable, likely填空他们可能会赢。It is _ that they will win. It is _ for them to win. They are _ to win. 这种事可能吗?Is such a thing _?【答案】 probable/likely/possible; possible/probable;likely possible/probable/likely7. limit vT限制,限定 n. C 限制,限度【练习】完成句子/英译汉我们必须把开支限制到1,000美元。We must _ 1,000 dollars. 每人限购4张票。Each customer _ four tickets. 我只懂得一点法语。I have only a _ understanding of French. There is no limit to children's imagination. _【答案】 limit the expense to is limited tolimited孩子们的想象力是无限的。8. live v. I住,居住 I活,活着反die I生 活,过活 T过的生活 同lead / adj. 活的 ,活着的反dead 现场(直播)的 adv. 现场(直播)地 【练习】用介、副词填空(每空不限一个词)She has lived _ several terrible accidents. We will live _ what our parents expect us. She's 25 and still lives _ her parents.He is a professional artist; he lives _ selling his pictures.Can he live _ the night?【答案】 through up to on by through【练习】 用alive, living, live, lively填空Who is the greatest man _? Who is the greatest _ man?In the earthquake, many people were buried _.We saw a _ TV broadcast of the volleyball match.The president's speech was broadcasted _.The teacher has a strange way to make his classes _ and interesting.【答案】 alive; living alive live live lively9. look v. 看,瞧【练习】 用介、副词填空(每空不限一个词)/单项选 择 I have looked _ all my papers but I still can't find my notes.“Goodbye, then,” she said, without even looking _ from her book.It is reported that the police will soon look _ the case of two missing children.Look _ cars as you cross the street.He took part in the game, and the rest of us just looked _ and cheered for him.He likes to look _ those unforgettable years in the university.Gone are the days when the women were looked _.He looked _ but saw nobody; and he listened but heard nothing.School children usually look _ g


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