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2010 秋季作业 3本试卷共 1 道大题,共 20.0 分 一.单选 (总分 20.0 分,得分 7.0 分) ×1. In the middle of the reading-room she caught sight of_ . 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . an old round brown large table B . a round large brown old table C . a large old round brown table D . a brown large old round table ×2. Women _ in the past 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . were looked down B . looked down upon C . were looked down upon D . are look down upon ×3. No sooner had I sat down _ the telephone rang. 正确答案:D 题目注释 A . when B . at C . as D . than ×4. _it was nice and warm._ it was snowing heavily. 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . Indoor, Outdoors B . In doors, Outside C . Indoors, Outside D . Inside, Outdoor ×5. The doctor _ 正确答案:A 题目注释 A . has been sent for B . has sent for C . sent for D . send for ×6. The hall was _ people before the meeting. 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . full with B . fill with C . full of D . fulled of 7. That is _speech we have ever listened to. 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . very inspiring B . more inspiring C . the most inspiring D . a most inspiring 8. The goods _ before the end of September 正确答案:A 题目注释 A . must be shipped B . has shipped C . shipped D . ship 9. ” Did you call Mr. Jackson?” “ No, because he said he would rather not _ disturbed this morning. ” 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . to be B . being C . be D . been ×10. _in this way can you learn from your mistakes. 正确答案:A 题目注释 A . Only B . Often C . Although D . Since 11. It is said that new copies of the book_. 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . printed B . has printed C . are being printed D . prints 12. A special book _ by the psychologist to study short term memory 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . wrote B . has written C . was written D . is written ×13. He is so frightened that he _ knew what to say. 正确答案:D 题目注释 A . never B . seldom C . hard D . hardly ×14. The pianos in the other shop will be _ , but_. 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . cheaper, not as better B . more cheap, not as better C . cheaper, not as good D . more cheap, not as good ×15. His car _ a week ago 正确答案:B 题目注释 A . has stolen B . was stolen C . stole D . has been stolen 16. The sports meet_ . 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . is put off B . is to put off C . is to be put off D . puts off 17. This question is of the _ of all. 正确答案:B 题目注释 A . most important B . least importance C . much important D . less importance ×18. Do you remember _ to professor Smith during your last v isit? 正确答案:B 题目注释 A . to be introduced B . being introduced C . having introduced D . to have introduced ×19. It was in _friendly a way that he talked with us. 正确答案:D 题目注释 A . such B . how C . too D . so ×20. This apple is bigger than _in the basket. 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . any one B . all of the apples C . any other one D . other ones 2010 秋季作业 3本试卷共 1 道大题,共 19.0 分 一.单选 (总分 19.0 分,得分 3.0 分) ×1. The buildings on the top of the mountain looked small only because they were much _away. 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . far B . more far C . farther D . farthest ×2. Dont get your schedule _ ; stay with us in this class . 正确答案:A 题目注释 A . changed B . change C . to change D . to be changed 3. An hour _ him to get to the airport 正确答案:B 题目注释 A . allowed B . was allowed C . has allowed D . allows ×4. _ expensive petrol becomes,_ people drive. 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . The more; the more B . The less; the less C . The more; the less D . The less; the more ×5. _food is wasted than is eaten in this dining-room. 正确答案:D 题目注释 A . Much B . Too many C . Much too D . More ×6. The industry in our country has developed at_ since 1979. 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . rapid speed B . quick speed C . high speed D . fast speed ×7. It's six o'clock and your father is still at the office.- - I know. Who else would _he does? 正确答案:D 题目注释 A . be as hard working B . be working harder than C . do harder work than D . work as hard as ×8. The hall was _ people before the meeting. 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . full with B . fill with C . full of D . fulled of ×9. That is _speech we have ever listened to. 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . very inspiring B . more inspiring C . the most inspiring D . a most inspiring ×10. These oranges taste_ . 正确答案:A 题目注释 A . good B . well C . to be good D . to be well ×11. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced_tractors in 1988 as the year before. 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . as twice many B . as many twice C . twice as many D . twice many as ×12. The noise of desks _ could be heard out in the street. 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . opened and closed B . to be opened and closed C . being opened and closed D . having been opened and closed ×13. Holiday flights are getting _expensive the students want to travel to Egypt this summer holidays. 正确答案:D 题目注释 A . more B . more and more C . less D . less and less ×14. There is no reason to _ such a thing. 正确答案:C 题目注释 A . be anxious in B . be eager for C . be anxious abo


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