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大学英语四级考试作文预测(2012.5)恩波教育英语研究所预测作文(一)Luxurious Buildings On Campus 1. 近年来,一些大学建起豪华楼舍来提升形象;2. 有人赞同,有人反对;3. 谈谈你的观点。【范文】With a view to improving their image and comprehensive strength , many universities are rushing to buildluxurious constructions. Some people are in favor of this trend, because the considerably more comfortable environment could let students apply themselves to academic studies. The others who hold the opposite opinion think it not only wastes money but also disturbsthe normal teaching activities. Generally speaking, newly-built blocks help to meet the increasingly demanding requirements of the modern students. But with the breakdown of heaps of age-old buildings, their original historic significances would disappear. Most importantly, the trend towards luxury shows the commercialization of college education, which gives negative influence on students. Therefore, I strongly hope universities could attach more attention to the construction of specialties and improvement of their cultural connotation, attracting students by their excellent teaching qualities and research achievements. 【点评】首段直接点题,说明现象;第二段分述人们对此现象各持己见;第三段陈述自己的观点,并提出建议。范文首段提出大学楼舍“豪华风”这一普遍现象;第二段指出赞同者认为舒适的环境能让学生更好地投入学业中,反对者认为这不仅浪费钱,而且扰乱了正常教学活动;第三段给出自己的观点-旧楼的拆除破坏了校园原有的历史意义;奢华的趋势使得大学教育商业化,给大学生带来负面影响。最后提出建议,希望大学能注重提高自身的文化内涵,加强学科建设。第一段中 With a view to 意为“为了”,后面接 v.-ing;第二段中apply themselves to academic studies 意为“全身心投入学业”;第三段中construction of specialties 意为“专业队伍的建设”,improvement of their cultural connotation 意为“提高自身文化内涵”。预测作文(二)On Buying Graduation Thesis 1. 毕业论文买卖成风;2. 有人认为本科生没必要写毕业论文,有人认为有必要;3. 你的看法。【范文】Since graduation thesis serves as a role of evaluation, college students are required to write academic essays focusing on their major before graduation. Afraidof not getting their degree, buying graduation thesis has become a prevailing practice. Consequently, heated discussion on the issue has been arisen. Some don't think it is necessary to write the graduation essay while the others support the current educational system.However, the main argument for scrapping essays is because most of them are of such a low quality. As this work is usually assigned in the last term, exactly when they are starting to hunt for jobs, it is no wonder that they are not fully focused on the task. Furthermore, the communication between student and tutor is far from adequate. Nevertheless, I still believe that thesises are something from which students can gain a lot if they put their heart into the task.【点评】文章首段通过毕业论文的用途引出社会现象-买卖论文成风;第二段指出不同的人对此持有不同意见;第三段结合自身观点,分析现象产生的原因:毕业论文一般是最后一学期完成,而学生忙于找工作导致论文质量低,另外学生和导师的沟通不够,最后给出自己的观点-毕业论文对于学生而言很重要,如果用心去做,学生可以从中学到很多。第一段中 serves as a role of evaluation 意为“起着评估的作用”;第二段中Consequently 意为“随之产生,因此”;第三段中 are of such a low quality 意为“质量低”,fully focused on 意为“集中精力关注于”。预测作文(三)The Spirit of Lei Feng 1. 雷锋精神学了半个世纪,雷锋却越来越少;2. 当下我们该如何弘扬雷锋精神?【范文】Lei Feng, a heroic model in China who was known for his altruism and devotion tothe country, has been taken as a role model over past 50 years. But in recent years, some people have abandoned their long-held ways of learning from Lei Feng and become too selfish to helping people in need.In today's diverse society, where individual interests are given more emphasis, the image of Lei Feng seems to have lost its appeal to some people, and is even met with cynicism. But everybody can do the basics: show more compassion, have astronger sense of obligation and try to do good, no matter how small it is. Furthermore, governments should pay more attention to morality construction, raise people's willingness to help others, let them realize that altruism is always necessary for a harmonious society and provide fuel to the flame so it can burn more brightly.【点评】文章第一段通过介绍雷锋,说明雷锋精神,引出社会现象:有些人变得自私,不愿帮助那些需要帮助的人;第二段指出过分强调个人利益使得雷锋形象失去原有魅力,为弘扬雷锋精神,个人应该有强烈的责任感,勿以善小而不为,政府应该加强道德建设,提高人们助人为乐的意识。文章第一段中 altruism 意为“无私,利他主义”,devotion 意为“奉献”;taken as a role model 意为“作为榜样”;第二段第一句中涉及 where 引导的定语从句,修饰先行词 society,cynicism 意为“冷嘲热讽,玩世不恭”,sense of obligation 意为“义务感,使命感”;Furthermore 表示递进。预测作文(四)Influence of Digital Products on College Students 1. 数码产品种类多,更新快,大学生人均拥有数码产品的数量越来越多;2. 这种现象对大学生来说是有益还是有害?3. 你的看法。【范文】Currently, college students are unavoidably exposed to all kinds of digital products, such as digital cameras, laptops, cell phones and so on, which grow in an increasing categories and quantities. Many students continuously update their “equipments“ to meet their over-growing needs. Meanwhile people show great concerns about the influence of thoseproducts. There is no doubt that digital products make things more convenient for college students. For instance, computers and Internet enable students to collect information with greatly improved work efficiency. What's more, digital items widen students' scope of eyesight and make their life more colorful. Although these items also cause negative effects, as they may waste their precious time and cultivate a generation more isolated from the real life. Neverthless,


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