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一、单项选择。(每小题1分, 共10分)1. _ you _ sports yesterday?Yes, I did. A. Were; do B. Was; doC. Did; do D. Did; /2. Where do your grandparents live?They live _ the countryside. A. of B. on C. in D. to3. All the apples here are on sale, so they are very _. Would you like to buy some?A. delicious B. cheapC. expensive D. bad4. Money is not _. We can't buy time with it. A. anything B. everythingC. something D. nothing5. They _ a picnic last weekend, and they enjoyed themselves. A. have B. has C. had D. having6. _ was your weekend?It was pretty good. A. How B. What C. Who D. Where7. Hey, Lisa! My pet dog is lost. Don't _. I'll help you to find it. A. visit B. speak C. worry D. climb8. The movie is _ and I am _ in it. A. interesting; interestedB. interested; interestingC. interesting; interestingD. interested; interested 9. What did Mr. Smith say? I didn't _ him. He asked us to clean the classroom after school. A. listen B. sound C. see D. hear10. Miss Li is my English teacher this term. _. She's nice and popular in our school. A. You're right B. Lucky youC. Good idea D. No problem二、完形填空。(每小题1. 5分, 共15分)Last Sunday the weather was fine. We went on a school trip to a _11_. We left at 6: 30 in the morning _12_ took a long bus ride. Along the way, we saw many villages and farms. _13_ the farm, there were a lot of flowers. We arrived at 8 am. Mrs. White worked as our _14_. She let us eat _15_ in the hotel. After that, we went to the mountain. Then we did some _16_ things. Jane was interested in _17_ so she drew some pictures. Tom washed his feet in the cool river. I _18_ some photos with my new camera. I wanted to show them to my parents. At noon, we had lunch under some trees. We had so much fun and we _19_ the hotel at 6: 30 pm. After dinner, some of us watched stars outside and _20_ played games or cards in the room. All in all, we had a wonderful trip. 11. A. park B. zoo C. mountain D. library12. A. or B. and C. but D. so13. A. For B. Under C. Of D. On14. A. friend B. worker C. farmer D. guide15. A. breakfast B. lunch C. dinner D. supper16. A. boring B. interesting C. interested D. bored17. A. swimming B. dancing C. painting D. singing18. A. took B. sent C. played D. sold19. A. got up B. arrived at C. picked up D. pointed at20. A. another B. other C. others D. the other三、阅读理解。(每小题2分, 共30分)AHow was your school trip?I was not happy because I fell off my bike and hurt my leg on the school trip. I couldn't play with my classmates. I just watched them play all day. I wanted to have another school trip!I had a good school trip. I saw the sea. The water was very clean. I walked on the beautiful beach and had some nice food. I played soccer with my classmates. We had a great time!I visited a farm on my school trip. The farm is far from our school and we took a bus there. I rode a horse. My classmate Lisa milked a cow and Jim fed the chickens. We thought it was very interesting to do those things. Before we went back to school, we talked with the farmers. They told us many things about the farm. I like the school trip very much and I want to go to the farm again. 21. Jenny wasn't happy on the trip because _. A. she lost her bikeB. she hurt her headC. she couldn't play with her classmatesD. she didn't like to watch others play22. David didn't _ on his school trip. A. take a walk B. play soccerC. see the sea D. sing songs23. David thought the school trip was _. A. great B. terrible C. busy D. hard24. From the text, we can know Cindy _. A. can't ride a horseB. took a bus to the farmC. doesn't want to go to the farm againD. milked a cow on the farm25. Which of the following is TRUE?A. Cindy is a school teacher. B. Lisa fed the chickens on the farm. C. Jenny went on a school trip by bike. D. The water in the sea was very dirty. BAn old man had a bird and liked it very much. One day the bird flew away and the old man was sad. At last, the old man found the bird in the forest. He asked the bird to go home with him, but the bird said no. “I live very well here, ” it said. The old man was happy to hear that and decided to go home. The bird gave him a basket as a present. When he got home, the old man found the basket was full of gold. His wife wanted the same present, though she wasn't kind to the bird before. The old woman came to the forest, found the bird and asked for a present. “Well, ” said the bird, “ I have two baskets here. One is light and the other is heavy. Just choose one and open the basket when you are home. ”Of course the old woman took the heavy one. She carried it home and opened it. It was full of stones (石头). 26. The old man found the bird _. A.


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