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一、单项选择。(每小题1分, 共10分)1. Is Molly_ American?Yes. She's from _ USA. A. a; the B. an; a C. a; an D. an; the2. What's Tom doing?He's talking _ the phone. A. with B. on C. to D. under3. Where is Jimmy? I can't find him. He _ soccer on the playground with other students. A. play B. playsC. is playing D. will play4. We have two more classes. _ is physics, and_ is politics. A. One; another B. One; the otherC. One; others D. One; other5. Those _ are playing with their two _ teachers. A. children; men B. child; menC. children; man D. child; man6. Do you often play computer games, Peter?Not really. I_play them for fun sometimes. A. then B. too C. just D. very7. What do you think of the Chinese food? Oh, it's _. I like it very much. A. delicious B. smart C. terrible D. bad8. _ the children _ online? Yes, they are. Don't make noise!A. Are; studying B. Is; studyingC. Do; study D. Does; study9. Do you live with your grandparents?No. They stay in my hometown(家乡)and I _ them very much. A. miss B. forget C. teach D. wish10. Hi, Jenny. What are you doing?_ I'm just washing the clothes for my sisters. A. Well, nothing much. B. Glad to hear that. C. Sure, no problem. D. Very kind of you. 二、完形填空。(每小题1分, 共10分)It's ten o'clock now. What is Tom doing? Oh, he is _11_ a model plane with his friend Jack in his bedroom. Tom is good at it. When they _12_ it, Jack asks, “Can you give it to me?” Tom says, “No. ”But Jack wants the model plane very much. After some minutes, they begin to _13_. Mr White comes to the _14_ and asks, “Why are you fighting?”“Jack _15_ my model plane, but I don't want to give it to him. It's _16_,” says Tom. “Uncle Tony, Tom's model plane looks so _17_. I really like it,” Jack says. “Ah, I see. But Jack, that model plane is Tom's and he also _18_ it,” Mr White says. “Ah, I have an idea! But please wait for a minute. ” “Tom, come to the QUIET ROOM with me,” says Mr White. “Tom, you can protect your things, but I don't think it is a good idea to fight with your friend. You should learn to share. ” “Daddy, you are _19_. I will say sorry to Jack,” Tom says. “And Jack doesn't do well in making model planes. I _20_ I can teach him. ”“That's my boy,” says Mr White. 11. A. looking B. making C. playing D. selling12. A. show B. watch C. know D. finish13. A. sleep B. cross C. fight D. spell14. A. pool B. room C. hall D. kitchen15. A. wants B. knows C. meets D. tells16. A. yours B. hers C. mine D. his17. A. small B. long C. old D. nice18. A. sings B. reads C. likes D. takes19. A. late B. right C. easy D. cute20. A. think B. forget C. study D. leave三、阅读理解。(每小题2分, 共30分)AFour families live in this building(楼房). It's Sunday morning and they are all at home now. Let's have a look at what they're doing!The White family: Lucy looks very happy. She's making her bed. Her mother is making soup in the kitchen. They will go to the zoo after breakfast. Lucy loves animals. The Brown family: Jeremy is a tidy boy and often helps with housework on weekends. He is cleaning the house now. His parents are washing clothes in the bathroom(浴室). The Black family: Peter is doing his homework in his bedroom. His father is reading a book to his brother Dave in the living room. His mother is there, too. The Green family: Julie loves cooking. Her mother is teaching her how to cook in the kitchen. Her brother Steve is reading newspapers with their father in the living room. 21. Why is Lucy very happy most probably?A. Because she can get up late. B. Because she can see animals. C. Because she can learn to cook. D. Because she can watch TV at home. 22. What are the Brown family doing?A. Doing housework. B. Eating breakfast. C. Reading books. D. Reading newspapers. 23. Who is doing homework?A. Jeremy. B. Peter. C. Dave. D. Steve. 24. Where is Julie now?25. Which is TRUE?A. Jeremy usually cleans his room on Friday. B. There are four people in the Brown family. C. Steve has a sister and her name is Lucy. D. Two people in the Green family are reading newspapers. BToday is the first day of the week. It is in the afternoon. Mr. Read is driving his car to his sister's school. Now he is near the school. But he doesn't know the way to it. At this time, he sees a young woman. Mr. Read comes out of his car and goes to her. “Excuse me! Where's the school, please?” he asks. The young woman says,“It's very near. I want to go with you. ”Now the young woman is sitting in the car. Soon they come to a small house and she says, “Stop, please!” Mr. Read stops the car and says, “But this is not a school. ”“No, ” says the young woman. “This is my house. I want to get home early before supper time. Thanks for driving me


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