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初三英语写作辅导新的课程标准中关于五级水平(即初中毕业要求达 到的水平)的要求是: A.能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材; B.能独立起草短文、短信等,并在教师的指导下进行 修改; C.能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系(即文章 中用于表示并列,转折,举例,因果,递进,让步, 总结等逻辑关系的固定单词或词组) ; D.能简单描述人物或事件; E.能根据所给的图示或表格写出简单的段落或操作说 明。 1.新课程标准中关于写的要求句的表达 注意汉英差异: 一、状语 e.g. 她一周有三个下午在一家百货公司做兼 职。 She works part time in a department store three afternoons a week. 在我十岁那年我和家人经历了一次奇妙的 旅行。I took a fantastic trip with my family when I was ten years old.二、谓语动词汉语:无动词或多动词 英语:单动词 e.g. 我妈妈很漂亮。My mother is pretty.我们又唱又跳。We sang and danced.我们邀请他们到上海来玩。We invited them to come to Shanghai for a visit.你上课常常缺席所以我想要提醒你。You are often absent from class so I want to remind you.三、主语e.g. 活到老,学到老。One is never too old to learn.很难说谁对谁错。Its hard to tell who is right and who is wrong.昨天找到了丢失的钢笔。The lost pen was found yesterday.上饭店吃饭很贵。 Its expensive to eat out.乘飞机旅行更舒适、便捷。Travelling by plane is faster and more convenient.四、定语 汉:常常是前置定语 英:前置和后置定语 e.g. 我们学校的所有学生all the students in our school左边数第五个男孩the fifth boy from the left英国人的日常生活everyday lives of the British在中国骑车的人数the number of cyclists in China几种气体的混合物a mixture of several gases介词短语作后置定语介词短语作后置定语三到六岁的孩子 Children from 3 to 6 years of age 隔壁的音像店 the music store next door 用英语写的信 the letter(s) in English 晚上最晚一班返回的公交车 the last bus back in the evening 城市生活的嘈杂、脏乱 the noise and dirt of city life玩/放松的时间 time to play/relax 当一个音乐家的计划 plans to be a musician 出国学习的机会 the chance to study abroad 供人坐着休息的安静场所 a quiet place for people to sit in/rest 找到任何一个可以询问的人 find anyone to ask动词不定式作后置定语动词不定式作后置定语城市用水 water used by cities 不乱扔垃圾的习惯 the habit of not throwing away rubbish 我曾经生活的村庄 the village where I stayed/lived 我昨晚吃的某样东西 something I ate last night 到月球去的宇航员 astronauts who traveled to the moon 孩子们喜欢吃的食物 food (which) children like分词、定语从句等作后置定语分词、定语从句等作后置定语Writing tips:时态一致必须注意所用时态符合上下文。如果用过去时 叙述一个故事,就要保证通篇都用过去时,不 要在作文中间变成现在时。同样,如果是在谈 论普遍问题、现状或日常习惯,就要用现在时 ,而不要用过去时。 e.g. Yesterday I did my homework. It takes me three hours.His father thought he is good at math.She started her new job last week. She liked it.We didnt go to the party. We arent invited.tooktook waswaslikeslikeswerentwerentWriting tips:2. 主语一致应该保持全文人称一致,这样读者才能跟随一个 逻辑思维顺序。否则读者会感到困惑。 e.g. Although you may fail the exam, hecan still be useful to the country.It not only provides you with lots ofknowledge but also develops his interests.youyouyouryourWriting tips:3. 主谓一致/人称一致确保语法正确。 e.g. Things I hate to do is doing homework.What I hate to do isEvery people start to learn English.Every person starts to learn English.The activities can relax ourselves.The activities can help us relax ourselves./Wecan relax ourselves by taking part in theactivities.Writing tips:4. 词序/语序它能够帮助准确表达作者本意并并避免意义含 糊不清。注意要让句子尽量保持英语的表达习 惯。 e.g. I already have had lunch.She with her mum traveled to Italy.I always be the winner of the pianocontest.In China, he knew there were big floods.I just wonder what does my future like andwhat should I do.have alreadyhave alreadyShe traveled to Italy with her mum.She traveled to Italy with her mum.am alwaysam alwaysHe knew there were big floods in China.He knew there were big floods in China. I just wonder whatI just wonder what my father likes and what my father likes and what I should do.I should do.Writing tips:5. 并列句用并列句能使文章更生动流畅,它包含两个独 立分句和一个连词,如:and, but, or, so等。 e.g. They know what is better and theyare always right.It was crowded. We were able to see him.It was crowded but we were able to see him.She is a top student. She is a talentedmusician.She is a top student and a talented musician.Though he doesnt have much money, but his heart is full of love.两个分句不要重复同一个单 词。每个分句都必须有一个 动词;每两个分句组成的句 子只能使用一个连词。Writing tips:6. 复合句。它包含一个主句和一个从句,由when, after, if等 连词或who, which等关系代词引导。 e.g. She was very old. She couldn't stand on the bus easily. She was so old that she couldnt stand on the bus easily.The result was not the most important thing for me. The result would be known a whole month later.The result, which would be known a whole month later, was not the most important thing for me.Writing tips:7. 避免词的重复。e.g. All in all, we had a wonderful trip. We travelled across Sydney, Canberra and Melbourne. We saw the beautiful coast of Queensland. We toured all of Perth. We had a great visit with Dan. Perhaps we will go again next winter.Useful sentences: Sayings and proverbs:On self-help:Pride goes before a fall 骄者必败 .A good beginning is half done.良好的开端是成 功的一半。Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.自信是走向成功的第一步。Custom makes all things easy.有个好习惯,事 事皆不难。Great hopes make great man.伟大的抱负造就伟 大的人物。Useful sentences:Honesty is the best policy.做人诚信为本。Hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. 抱最好的愿望,做最坏的打算。Nothing is difficult to the man who will try. 世上无难事,只要肯登攀。If a thing is worth doing, its worth doing well. 值得做的是就值得做好。Where there is life, there is hope. 生活充满了 希望。/留得青山在,不怕没柴烧Useful sentences:On health: A close mouth catches no flies.病从口入。 An apple a day keeps the doctor away.一天 一苹果,不用请医生。 Early to bed and early to rise m


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