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2017 考研英语写作最后押-题讲义__朱伟

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2017 考研英语写作最后押-题讲义__朱伟

2017 考研英语写作最后押题讲义考研英语写作最后押题讲义 (英语一和英语二)(英语一和英语二) 主讲人:朱伟主讲人:朱伟 高分作文高分作文三三件事:审题,句法,结构件事:审题,句法,结构 一、审题一、审题 例一: 例二: 二、二、 句法:简单句句法:简单句复杂句复杂句 简单句:简单句:In China, many undergraduates feel helpless to choose their goal. 改写成复杂句:改写成复杂句:It is unveiled by a recent survey initiated by China Daily that in China, 40% more or less of undergraduates investigated feel helpless in the face of whether to graduate for a job or to pursue a higher degree. 三、结构三、结构 必背范文 大作文(图表漫画类) 图表作文(英语二、英语一) 180220 字 What Why Conclusion (一)图表作文:(一)图表作文: 1、What - 描写数据(先写总的趋势,再写细节) 开头:In this chart, we can figure out that / Elaborately and luminously, these two pie charts display the proportion distribution/the quantities fluctuation of , which 2、Why - 分析规律,对比原因 3、Conclusion: 大胆下结论,预测趋势 结尾:(1) As discussed above, it is not surprising to see. In my opinion, this trend that the number of (n.) dramatically/steadily/slightly/gradually rise up/turn down/level off in 领域/地点 will continue for a while in the foreseeable future. (2)Considering these general illustrations/resolutions, we may reasonably arrive at a conclusion that (句子). The tendency that (n.) will continually play critical roles in 领域/地点 may be irreversible. 例子:例子: 1. Directions: In this section, you are asked to write an essay based on the following chart. In your writing,you should 1) Interpret the chart and 2) Give your comments. You should write at least 160 words. Write your essay on on ANSWER SHEET 2. (15 points) (What) In this chart, we can figure out that the mobile phone subscriptions in developed countries have a steady and slight increase from 2000 to 2004 and then remain constant till 2008. Meanwhile, the mobile phone subscriptions in developing countries have witnessed a slow increase from 2000 to 2003 and then a great surge from 2004 to 2008: the biggest event begins at 2003, when turnovers in developing countries surpass those in developed ones for the first time. From then on, this trend displays its irreversible coherence. (Analyses) This chart reflects different developing modes of mobile phone industry in developed and developing countries. The developed countries have a limited number of populations, most of whom are well-educated and purchasing-powerful. Therefore, the spreading of the mobile phone service is efficient and soon the market is saturated. Also, at the beginning, the developed countries have more people who can afford this service.Accompanying time going by is the economic boom in developing entities, which have a large population who keeps a large demand for mobile service. As the mobile phone service becomes cheaper and cheaper, the increasing customers subscribe to benefit from this service. (Conclusion) As discussed above, it is not surprising to see this change. In my opinion, this trend that the number of mobile-phone subscriptions dramatically rise up in emerging countries will continue for a while in the foreseeable future. 2. Directions: 1) The two pie charts below show (a) the three main types of shop which sell your companys products, and (b) the proportion of your sales that each type of shop handle in 2004 and 2005. 2) Using the information from the charts, write a short report, which describes the situation in 2004 and compares it with the situation in 2005. 3) Write about 160-180 words on your answer sheet. Elaborately and luminously, these two pie charts display the proportion distribution of the three main types of shops, which sold our commodities over the period from 2004 to 2005. I am intended to make some further analyses as followings. In 2004, 48.1% of our products were promoted by hypermarket, 46.5% by small family-run shops and 5.4% via other outlets.Then after only another 365 days, the share of hypermarkets rose up sharply by some 11% to 59.6%. Simultaneously, the turnovers contributed by small family-run shops decreased symmetrically by just over 11% to 35%.Actully, it is hardly necessary for us to think twice before figuring out this truth of matter that the quantity of hypermarkets upsurge is equivalent to the one of small family shops downturns/slides, which predicts a whole new business trend in the foreseeable future, that is, large shopping chains, duo to their much cheaper goods price as well as ample supplies and kaleidoscopic options, will surely take more marketing shares in competition. (原因分析句)Also, there are still some other outlets holding/which hold more or less steady, with a slight drop in share of only 0.3%. Considering these general illustrations/resolutions, we may reasonably arrive at a conclusion that the large supermarkets are taking more of our goods than other retailers, with their sales having represented well over 50% of total turnovers yet. The tendency that hypermarkets will continually play critical roles in our customers daily purchasing may be irreversible. 3. 重点预测:重点预测: 网上购物(电子书)与实体店购物的销售额比较网上购物(电子书)


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