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中考英语【阅读理解】专项训练 10 篇(一)All over the world, thousands of animals are used for wildlife tourism. People travel to watch monkey shows, hug baby tigers and swim with dolphins. It might look like fun, but there are reports that animals are hurt now and again. The World Animal Protection (WAP) says that up to 550,000 wild animals are exposed(暴露) to ill treatment around the world; in Cambodia, for example, its been reported that elephants have died after carrying tourists for long in hot weather. This is getting attention over 100 travel companies have promised that they will no longer open upsuch places. However, some people argue that animal tourism isnt always as bad as it seems. So what do you think?20. How many wild animals are facing bad treatment according to WAP?A. More than 100. B. Hundreds. C. Thousands. D. About 550,000.21. The underlined words such places refer to(指) the places for .A. foreign travelers B.sick elephants C. wildlife protection D. animal tourism22. What opinion do the two groups have in common?A. Animals can live wherever they like. B. Wildlife should be protected.C. Animal tourism supports poor people. D. Wildlife is well looked after.23. Group Yes suggests that people should not disturb animals .A. in Cambodia B. in travel companiesC. in real life D. in poor areas24. What is the text mainly about?A. Ways of protecting rare species. B. Different opinions on wildlife tourism.C. How to bring tourists enjoyment. D. Whether to collect information on wildlife.【主旨大意】本篇文章主要讲述野生动物旅游业给野生动物造成的影响以及针对是否要发展野生动物旅游业给出的两种观点。【参考答案】20. D;21. D;22. B;23. C;24. B(二)Many people might think that if they had more money, then they would he happier in life. For example, people might look at what others have, like expensive clothes or nice cars, and wish they could have the same. But the things that money can buy can not bring happiness to a person for long. But is that really true? Studies have found that money can, in fact, make people happier. Instead, its giving money to others that makes people happy. It could be buying a present for a friend or a family member. It could he buying a homeless person food to eat. It could he giving money to a person in need. Just think about the last time you used your own money to do something for someone else. How did you feel? Whether it is a small or large amount of money. People feel happier when they give. This is because making someone else happy makes the giver happy, too.This idea of connecting your happiness to the happiness of others is described as aubuntu in an African language. There is even a story about a man visiting Africa who asked some kids to race to a nearby tree. The first child to touch the tree would get a sweet treat. Surprising, all the children held hands and ran together. They all touched the tree at the same time. The man asked why they had done this. The children simply said they could only enjoy eating the treat if everyone had one.33. The writer says that buying things .A. can make people worried B. can make people nervousC. may lead to sadness for long D. may lead to happiness for a short time34. Where can we best put "But its not having money that brings happiness." n Paragraph 2?A. B. C. D. 35. Why does the writer quote(引用) a story in Paragraph 3?A. To explain Africans like sweets.B. To show examples are not enough-C. To make the writers opinion clearer. D. To express happiness is from children.36. What does the writer try to tell us?A. Buying new things can make people happy.B. The key to happiness is making others happy.C. If you want to be happy, you can visit Africa.D. People who have a lot of money might not be happy.【主旨大意】很多人都觉得如果他们有更多的钱,他们就会更快乐。是的,钱的确 能使我们更快乐,但不是有钱能让我们快乐,而是给予别人钱能让我们快乐。人们 在奉献的时候会更快乐,这是因为让别人快乐,同时也会使自己快乐。【参考答案】33. D;34. B;35. C;36. B(三)What does it take to graduate from university? Some papers or high scores in exams? Well, these are not enough if you are a student at Tsinghua University.According to a new rule of the university, students must prove (证明) themselves in the swimming pool. They need to pass a swimming test of at least 50 meters, and those who fail the test will be required to take a swimming course throughout their school years. By the time they graduate, they will have known how to swim; otherwise they can t graduate with their bachelors degrees(学士学位).The news made waves in Chinese social media (媒体). Some people praised the university for requiring a necessary skill that can save lives, and they also believed that the rule would help improve students health. However, others questioned if it was fair to expect those who come from inland cities (内陆城市) to be able to swim.In fact, this is not a new rule. Tsinghua University first made swimming a requirement in 1919 but later gave it up because the numbe


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