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英文原著--kansas women in literature

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英文原著--kansas women in literature

英文原著英文原著-Kansas-Kansas WomenWomen inin LiteratureLiteratureKANSAS WOMEN I N LI TERATURE 1 KANSAS WOMEN IN LITERATURE BY NETTIE GARMER BARKER KANSAS WOMEN I N LI TERATURE 2 TO MY NEAREST AND DEAREST- MY SI LENT PARTNERS- MY HUSBAND AND MY MOTHER. We are proud of Kansas, the beauti ful queen, And proud are we of her fi el ds of corn; But a nobl er pri de than these I ween, I s our pri de i n her chi l dren, Kansas born! '' -El l en P. Al l erton- -Or adopted. I n thi s gal axy of bri ght women, the State has a nobl e pri de for every name, be i ts owner Kansas born or adopted, i s a mi ghti er force for good than i ts wal l s of corn. '' KANSAS WOMEN I N LI TERATURE 3 EFFIE GRAHAM. The l ast pl ace one woul d expect to fi nd romance i s i n ari thmeti c and yet-Mi ss Effi e Graham, the head of the Department of Mathemati cs i n the Topeka Hi gh School , has f ound i t there and better sti l l , i n her l ecture Li vi ng Ari thmeti c'' she has shown others the way to f i nd i t there. Mi ss Graham i s one of the most tal ented women of the state. Ex-Gov. Hoch has cal l ed her one of the most gi fted women i n the state noted for i ts bri l l i ant women. Her heart and l i fe are as pure as her mi nd i s bri ght.'' She was born and reared i n Ohi o, the daughter of a fami l y of Ohi o pi oneers, a descendant of a Revol uti onary sol di er and al so, of a warri or of 1 81 2. As a student of the Ohi o Northern Uni versi ty and l ater as a post- graduate worker at the Uni versi ty of Cal i forni a, Chi cago Uni versi ty, and Harvard Summer School , she has as she says, graduated someti mes and has a degree but never fi ni shed' her educati on.'' Desi ri ng to get the school out i nto the worl d as wel l as the worl d back to the school , she has spoken and wri tten on Movi ng I nto The Ki ng Row,'' Other Peopl es' Chi l dren,'' Spi ri t of the Younger Generati on,'' Vi ne Versus Oak, '' and The Larger Servi ce. '' Pi ctures Ei ght Hundred Chi l dren Sel ected, '' Speaki ng of Automobi l es,'' The Unusual Thi ng,'' The Hi gh Cost of Learni ng,'' and Wanted-A Funeral of Al gebrai c Phraseol ogy; '' al so, some verse, The Twenti eth Regi ment Kni ght'' and Back to God's Country'' are magazi ne work that never came back. School Sci ence i n 1 91 1 was appoi nted Rhodes schol ar for Kansas; and i s now a student at Oxford. Hi s father and mother are i n Engl and at present vi si ti ng hi m. Mrs. Whi tcomb i s a contri butor to the magazi nes and i n addi ti on, has wri tten Odd Li ttl e Lass, '' Freshman and Seni or, '' Maj orbanks, '' Hi s Best Fri end, '' Pen's Venture, '' Queer As She Coul d Be, '' and Curl y Head. '' She i s a graduate of the Uni versi ty of Vermont and the Boston Uni versi ty Law School and was the fi rst woman to l ecture before a man's l aw school . KANSAS WOMEN I N LI TERATURE 1 1 MYRA WILLIAMS J ARRELL. Myra Wi l l i ams Jarrel l , the daughter of the l ate Archi e L. Wi l l i ams, for thi rty years, the attorney for the Uni on Paci fi c Rai l way i n Kansas, and the grand-daughter of Judge Archi bal d Wi l l i ams, the f i rst Uni ted States Ci rcui t Judge of Kansas, appoi nted by Li ncol n, comes of a l i terary f ami l y. Al l of the men and some of the women on the father's si de of the f ami l y and al so, on the mother's to a great extent, had l i terary tal ent. As a chi l d, she cheri shed an ambi ti on to wri te and when occasi onal l y one of her l etters to St. Ni chol as saw publ i cati on, she fel t she had crossed the Al ps of her desi re. Her fi rst real story, however, was wri tten as she rocked the cradl e of her fi rst born. The day, when she fi rst saw her stuff'' i n pri nt, stands out i n her memory second onl y to the hal l owed days of her personal hi story, her weddi ng day and the days upon whi ch her chi l dren were born. Si nce then, Mrs. Jarrel l has contri buted to al most al l the hi gh cl ass magazi nes and has furni shed speci al feature arti cl es to newspapers. Some years ago, a smal l book, Meg, of Val enci a,'' was wri tten and now, a novel , The Hand of The Potter'' i s ready for publ i cati on. I n 1 894, Myra Wi l l i ams and J. F. Jarrel l were marri ed. Thi s uni on was bl est wi th four chi l dren, three sons and one daughter. Mr. Jarrel l i s Publ i ci ty Agent of the Santa Fe. A number of years ago, he bought the Hol ton Si gnal and i n tryi ng to hel p her husband put some i ndi vi dual i ty i nto the paper, Mrs. Jarrel l began a department headed Rambl i ngs.'' Later thi s was syndi cated and fi nal l y i ssued i n book form. Last wi nter, a pl ay, The Pl ai n Cl othes Man,'' was produced by the North Brothers Stock Co., at the Maj esti c Theatre, Topeka. Thi s wel l wri tten pl ay, wi th i ts novel and ori gi nal characteri zati on and i ts effecti ve comedy l i nes, i s now i n the hands of two New York pl ay brokers


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