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一、选择题:(每题1分,共20分)()1. He _goes to bed late. He _goes to bed early. A. always, often B. often, hardly ever C. never, always D. hardly ever, always()2. She exercises once _twice a week, but she watches TV at least two _six times a week. A. or, or B. or, to C. to, to D. to, or()3. _does he go shopping? Twice a week. A. How B. How often C. How long D. How many times()4. _does he use the Internet a week? Once. A. How B. How often C. How long D. How many times()5. _did you sleep last night? Nine hours. A. How B. How long C. How many hours D. How often()6. _did you sleep last night? Nine. A. How B. How long C. How many hours D. How often()7. _is it from here? Ten minutes by bike. A. How B. How long C. How far D. How often()8. _11-year-old girl has _one-year-old younger brother. A. A, an B. An, a C. The, a D. The, an()9. 90 percent of the students go online three times a week, _10 percent do that twice a week. A. an other B. another C. other D. the other()10. The answers _the questions about watching TV is very interesting. A. to B. of C. for D. at()11. What did you do on vacation? _.A. Im going hiking. B. I went to the beach.C. I often go to the mountain. D. I like going bike riding.()12. My sister is only two years old, and I have to _ her on Sunday.A. look for B. look after C. look like   D. look at()13. _ Dashan is from Canada, he can speak Chinese very well. I know he studies Chinese hard. A. Although B. And C. So D. But()14. Were going to Mountain Tai this weekend. _.A. Have a good rest B. Have a good time C. Its dangerous D.OK()15. My mother has a backache in hospital. _.A. Whats the matter? B. Im sorry to hear thatC. Im not feeling well D. Shell be all right soon.( )16. Are you late for class? _. A. Yes, never B. Yes, sometimes C. No, ever D. No, usually()17. Mr.Li goes to his hometown _a year. A. one or two B. once or two C. one or two D. once or twice ()18. He works late every night, _until midnight. A. sometimes B. some times C. sometime D. some time()19. He is _than his brother. A. thin B. thiner C. thinnest D. thinner()20. My cousin is _.He likes making friends with others. A. shy B. outgoing C. quiet D. lazy二、根据句意和首字母填空 (10分)1. Alice ate n but some water at the party last night.2. She didnt take an u so I got wet in the rain.3. You must w when the traffic light is red.4. Her father t many photos in Shanghai last October.5. Her mother didnt have e money, so she couldnt buy the coat.6. I want to go on vacation but I cant d when to go.7. We must keep d to improve our writing skills(写作技巧).8. I d the sweater because it is out of the style(过时).9. Can you find some d between the twin brothers?10. There are many outdoor(户外的) a in spring.三、句型转换(每小题2分, 共10分):1. I think. He isnt doing his homework now. (合并成一句)_ _ _ he _ doing his homework now.2. Mr. Smith is a lawyer. (对画线部分提问)What _ Mr. Smith_?3. He may know the answer.(改为同义句)_ he _the answer.4. Bob enjoys playing soccer after class.(改为同义句)Bob _ _ playing soccer after class.5. Tom has told me a lot about his family.(改为否定句)Tom_ _ me a lot about his family.四、完形填空(每空1.5分,共15分)Hello! My names Alice. Im a high school student. Im very 26 every week. From Monday to Friday I go to school. I do homework in the evening. Im so tired that I want 27 a good rest at weekend. 28 my mother often asks me to go 29 with her on Saturday morning. It usually 30 me about an hour .I 31 enjoy these activities. When my mother goes shopping and I sit on a box and wait for her. Last Saturday, there was more noise than usual and everyone was in a hurry. My mother bought 32 of things, such as meat, fish, fruit and vegetables. After one 33 , a woman came up to me,“Excuse me,”she said. “Are you Alice? Your mother just 34 shopping , but her bags are very heavy. She wants you to carry them home 35 her.”()26. A. busy B. happy C. thirsty D. hungry()27. A. have B. had C. having D. to have()28. A.


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